Obey Me! Wiki

The Lord of Shadow Devilgram
The Lord of Shadow
DDSimeon Intimacy: Leviathan Lv. 7
Card(s): The Lord of Shadow
Mammoney Story Key x3
stn Story Key x5
monSOLO Story key x10
#SevenLords #BFF

Story Summary[]

DDSimeon Fix your costume before the...[]

Levi doesn’t have appetite during breakfast and lets Beel eat his portion before excusing himself and going back to his room to fix the costumes for the TSL musical (during the Henry and the Seven Lords event) as Simeon asked him to. Mammon notices that something’s wrong and MC goes after Levi to check on him. He doesn’t want to talk about it but still wants MC’s help with the costumes.

Mammoney Should I teach you to dance?[]

In his room, Levi works on one of the costumes but messes up. He finally shares with MC that he doubts his skills. He understands this character and feels capable of conveying his emotions, but dancing and singing concern him. Levi has trouble doing both at the same time. He still practices a lot because he wants the musical to be perfect and is motivated after talking with MC, but needs someone to help him with practice.

stn Levi could do it.[]

The part that Levi struggles the most with is the group number the Majestic Seven Lords, as it’s the climax of the first act, so he’d be ashamed if he messed his part. The Lord of Shadow has a wide vocal range too, so Levi cannot get the full range covered despite doing his best in voice training. MC suggests mastering one first - either dancing or singing. No matter MC’s suggestion, Levi practices the song and manages to hit the high note on the second try. He continues the practice and feels that he can move to dance practice.

monSOLO This will be fun.[]

In the living room, Levi shows up in his costume to get used to moving around in it and starts practicing, but his dancing turns out horrible. Mammon drops by and Levi suspects that he came to make fun of him, but Mammon actually is there to help - it’s his job as the dance leader. He warns Levi that he’s going to be strict and the practice turns out very intense indeed. After Mammon calls it a day, Levi tries to perform both the dance and the song. He succeeds, which gives him hope. There’s still room for improvement, but Levi’s motivated to practice to polish his performance.
