Members: Beelzebub, Belphegor, MC
Story Chats[]
Lesson 23-12
The Hand that Feeds You
Lesson 31-10
Mammon's Amazing Birthday Vacation 1
Happy Birthday! Dear Mammon '22 1-11
Daily Chats[]
(Note: days given are approximate and may vary)
Day Number
Skills 3
Day 156
CATastrophe 4
Day 183
The Search for Beel 2
Day 250
The Twins' Mysterious Link
Day 264
How to Build Muscle 3
Day 273
Helldown Day 2
Day 301
Unwanted Food 3
Day 330
Star Shower 1
Day 332
World-Ending Device 1
Day 409
A Special Day
Day 452
Until the Last Grain Falls
Day 463
The Sun and Moon
Day 565
In Sync With Each Other
Day 576
Do Dreams Taste Good?
Day 610
Beel's Desires
Day 625
Flower Viewing Invitation 1
Day 643
Food Grudge 1
Day 658
Spending the Night
Day 674
Damage Control
Day 679
Means of Stress Reduction 2
Day 687
Beel's Dream
Day 692
Beel Not Eating 2
Day 710
The Witches and the Bridge
Day 718
The Mysterious Sticker 1
Day 726
The Bestseller 3
Day 764
A Carbuncle's Charm 1
Day 785
A New Event?
Day 796
An Endless Quest for Food
Day 869
Survival Rock, Paper, Scissors 2
Day 877
The Final Piece
Day 911
Day 946
Gluttony 2
Day 962
Portable Pillow
Day 970
Can't Stop Humming 1
Day 979
Who's up for a Jigsaw Puzzle?
Day 984
Black Fluff Everywhere
Day 1,032
Rock-A-Bye Belphie
Day 1,040
Beel's Terri-Frying Breakfast
Day 1,043
Your Bed Is Your Best Friend
Day 1,050
Chocolate Bath 3
Day 1,059
A Productive Walk 2
Day 1,076
Growing Paellas 3
Day 1,105
Reading Habits 6
Day 1,120
Kids' Meals 6
Day 1,153
What Happened in My Sleep? 2
Day 1,179
Demonus Gacha
Day 1,210
Fun for Three
Day 1,231
Card Chats[]