Newspaper Singing With the Lords | |
Beelzeburger | Intimacy: Lucifer Lv. 5 Satan Lv. 3 Asmodeus Lv. 3 |
Card(s): Singing With the Lords | |
ButlerBarb | Story Key x3 |
monSOLO | Story Key x5 |
DDSimeon | Story key x10 |
#SevenLords #Song |
Story Summary[]
Beelzeburger Singing makes me hungry...[]
During Henry and the Seven Lords, the brothers are preparing for the TSL musical, Asmodeus and Satan are practicing singing under Lucifer’s care. MC drops by, comments on their performance but since they themself have some trouble with their singing, they stay to practice too. Lucifer offers to tutor them and Asmo wants to participate too.
ButlerBarb Having a true pro for a tea...[]
Asmodeus is first to share some tips as he took professional singing lessons before his debut as a singer. MC can ask him if he’s going to teach them death metal growl, but he tells them to leave it for another day, and starts describing the breathing techniques. Asmo teaches them lip rolls as a way to relax their throat as well which may or may not evolve into a kiss, depending on choices.
monSOLO Impressive, Satan.[]
After they’re done, Satan takes over to help MC with the expressiveness of their singing, so they study lyrics of the songs to get a gist of the emotions that need to be conveyed. They analyse Henry’s song to the Lord of Masks - as Henry wants to understand the Lord of Masks, urging the Lord of Masks to show his real self and free himself.
DDSimeon I'll be expecting big things.[]
MC goes to Lucifer’s room for the last lesson - acting techniques. The scene they review is a conversation between Henry and the Lord of Corruption - Henry is overcome with grief and exhaustion and Lucifer tells MC to go express that with the song. During the practice, depending on choices, they get a chance to ask Lucifer for a kiss. After the practice is finished, MC presents the effects by singing a song: with the Lord of Corruption, with the Lord of Lechery, or with the Lord of Masks. The choice decides who reacts to the song and is most impressed. After that Lucifer praises MC’s progress and Asmodeus even considers that they have a chance of going professional. All three are very proud of how much MC has grown as a singer thanks to their help.