Obey Me! Wiki

Inside the Coffin Devilgram
Inside the Coffin
stn Intimacy: Lucifer Lv. 5
Beelzebub Lv. 3
Belphegor Lv. 3
Card(s): Inside the Coffin
L3V1 Story Key x3
AsmoBaby Story Key x5
Mammoney Story Key x10
#Coffin #SleepingAid

Story Summary[]

stn Isn't it too big to go in...[]

Belphegor shows to Beelzebub and MC what he ordered recently upon reading opinions on Devilgram that it helps to get a good night’s sleep - it’s a coffin. Belphie tries it out and is very pleased with it - it’s a great bed and a dark sleeping environment. Beel doesn’t really see what is so special about it, so he wants to feel the material and touches it.

L3V1 Mimicry?[]

As Beel touches the coffin that Belphie is lying in, he gets sucked into it. If MC asks him how the coffin feels, he admits it’s great. The twins try to get out, but as Belphie tries, he encounters a barrier - they’re trapped. Both keep calm, though if MC points it out they both admit they’re freaking out inside. Beel warns MC not to touch the coffin as it is likely they would be sucked in too, and decides it’s for the best to call for help.

AsmoBaby Ah, the bliss![]

MC calls Lucifer for help and albeit he is not pleased, he admits he’s the best choice as they persuade him. Lucifer asks the twins what they’re doing in the coffin. After they explain, he’s annoyed that they didn’t notice that the coffin is cursed as it’s clear by looking at it. He attempts to examine the coffin but as Beel tries to warn him not to touch it, Lucifer does and gets trapped too.

Mammoney It can't be broken?![]

Lucifer tries to break the spell but the limited space that doesn’t let him move makes it impossible to control his abilities, so he tells MC to use a chair to destroy the coffin. As they break it, the curse lets go and the three manage to get out. Belphie doesn’t mind the coffin getting destroyed as he bought two - just in case. Since he can break the curse before anyone touches it, it should be fine. Beel is relieved that the trouble is over, but that’s when MC slips on the remains of the first coffin and falls into the other one, activating the spell. Belphie reaches towards the coffin to “save” MC, Beel wants to get to them too, but Lucifer butts in and demands them to take a step back and they start arguing who will be MC’s saviour.
