Asmodeus I Want to Hug You | |
monSOLO | Intimacy: Asmodeus Lv. 5 |
Card(s): I Want to Hug You | |
Lucifer | Story Key x3 |
ButlerBarb | Story Key x5 |
L3V1 | Story Key x8 |
#HuggingIncident #LimitedEdition |
Story Summary[]
monSOLO That's some strange magic.[]
Asmodeus comes to MC’s room to show them something he found while out shopping - a bracelet with a pink gemstone in the centre. He wants MC to be the first one to see it, but suddenly Asmo loses control over his body and hugs MC. While he indeed was pulled towards MC by a force of unknown origin, Asmo justifies it with MC just being overwhelmingly cute.
Lucifer Don't come any closer.[]
The next day, when greeting Simeon and Solomon in school, Asmo loses control again and hugs Simeon. He doesn’t understand why he did that, but Solomon notices that Asmo seems to be under a spell and checks the bracelet. Solomon confirms the bracelet’s cursed and makes the wearer hug everything they consider cute or attractive. Asmo doesn’t want to be forced to hug anyone and anything so he’s determined to get rid of the bracelet, but it won’t come off. Solomon informs him that such spells cannot be removed so easily, but also that the spell would likely wear off the next day.
ButlerBarb The students seem res...[]
The rumour of the curse runs around the school quickly and students warn each other not to come close to him but Asmo believes everyone would still love to be hugged by him. Mammon comes to check up on Asmo and expects to be hugged but Asmo doesn’t feel like hugging him at all because the spell only makes him leap on people he considers attractive or cute. Mammon is hurt by that and offended that Asmo considers him ugly, but Asmo explains that it’s because Mammon has more of a cool vibe than cute. Belphegor shows up and immediately gets hugged as Asmo considers him adorable.
L3V1 I hate normies.[]
Back from school, Asmo wants to hug MC again, but the spell doesn’t work on those he’s already hugged. If MC accepts the hug, he expresses that they’re the only one who makes him feel so relaxed and at ease. Asmo would prefer a permanent spell that’d make him hug MC only. MC’s choice determines the last scene. If they agree, Asmo says that this way MC would be his forever - MC can either reject the idea, which makes Asmo confess he’d really like to spend his life with them; or ask him for a kiss, after which Asmo expresses that he wants to stay with MC forever. If MC disagrees about the spell, they take out their D.D.D. and notify Satan that they need help. He comes to their aid right away, barging into the room. Asmo immediately wants to hug Satan and fails to resist the urge.