Newspaper Hippity-Hoppity | |
Beelzeburger | Intimacy: Mammon Lv. 3 Diavolo Lv. 5 |
Card(s): Hippity-Hoppity | |
L3V1 | Story Key x3 |
Lucifer | Story Key x5 |
AsmoBaby | Story Key x8 |
#Bunny #Diavolohavingfun |
Story Summary[]
Beelzeburger Lord Diavolo is here?[]
Diavolo and Barbatos arrive at the club where the brothers are working in bunny outfits. Mammon admits that he's quite surprised to see them visit, but Diavolo just couldn't resist and insisted on dropping by and seeing them. He claims that everyone would be curious and praises the idea of customer service in cosplay and expects it to catch on in the Devildom too. Mammon is though concerned if the ruler of the Devildom should hang out in a club, but Diavolo reassures him that he cast a spell to prevent getting attention - and indeed, no one is paying any attention to his presence. Diavolo informs Barbatos that the brothers will take over to see to his needs and tells Barbatos to relax. Barbatos declares that he'll strive to do so, which Mammon considers quite a contradictory statement.
Diavolo asks Mammon for the menu. He checks out drinks, but the extras quickly pique his interest - customers can request a photo or a game with the waiter aside of drinks or food. He's especially interested in the "bunny talk", but Mammon tries to talk him out of it as it's cheesy and he wouldn't recommend that, which MC can back up or not, but Mammon's attempt only makes Diavolo more curious. It turns out that for this option the guest and the waiter put puppet rabbits on their hand and talk like rabbits. Diavolo decides that he wants Mammon to do that.
Lucifer Not fun for Mammon.[]
Mammon complains that he hates this option the most, but still goes through it. He explains the rules to Diavolo - for the next 10 minutes both of them have to start each sentence with "hippity-hoppity". The game starts and Mammon embarrassed thanks Diavolo for coming, starting the sentence as the rules require. He's too quiet so he has to repeat and Diavolo notices that he's nervous and demands him to be serious about it, and so Mammon tries again. Diavolo is pleased with the result and Barbatos is amused.
AsmoBaby But I'm cuter![]
Mammon and Diavolo continue talking, Diavolo leading the small talk and complimenting Mammon and asking questions about how's the work for him and about his likes and dislikes. Barbatos however notes that the conversation is very bland and indeed it's just disconnected questions with answers. Diavolo however comes up with a new question - what Mammon thinks of MC and if he likes them. Mammon gets flustered and refuses to answer. Levi comes up and as he sees that Mammon is playing with the puppet, he just stares and says he didn't mean to interrupt. Mammon tries to explain but that's when he notices that Diavolo doesn't have the puppet on his hand. Diavolo pretends not to understand what he's talking about and Barbatos backs him up and claims that Diavolo definitely didn't have a puppet at all, which only makes Levi give Mammon an even more pitying stare.