This is a list of the Chats MC periodically receives daily. Players will receive the chats whether they log in or not; no special unlocking is required. Day 1 is the day the account is created.
Total days: 1885
Please note: the days listed in the following tables are approximations and may vary slightly.
Days 1-50[]
1 - 50 | |||
Chatroom Name | Title | CG | Preview |
Day 1 | |||
Lucifer | Hello (Lucifer) | — | "I hope you enjoy your one-year stay." |
Satan | Hello (Satan) | — | <Sticker sent> |
Asmodeus | Hello (Asmodeus) | — | <Sticker sent> |
Beelzebub | Hello (Beelzebub) | — | "If you've got anything to eat, could you give some to me?" |
Day 2 | |||
Satan | A Morning Walk | — | "MC, are you awake?" |
The Demon Brothers(6) | A Dog's Life 1 | — | "You guys are probably gonna thrash me for this." |
The Demon Brothers(6) | A Dog's Life 2 | — | "The witch said that the dog was born in the Devildom, not the human world." |
The Demon Brothers(6) | A Dog's Life 3 | — | "Never thought you'd be with me on this, Satan." |
The Demon Brothers(6) | A Dog's Life 4 | — | "Even after we've made the dog our own, I have my doubts that Mammon..." |
The Demon Brothers(6) | A Dog's Life 5 | — | "So, we got a plan or what?" |
Day 3 | |||
RAD Newspaper Club | The Popularity Contest | — | "Last week we wrapped up voting in RAD's first-ever popularity contest." |
Mammon | Better Get Your Story Straight | — | "Yo, MC." |
House of Lamentation(7) | Welcome to the Gun Show 1 | (1) (2) (3) (4) | <Picture sent> |
The Fantastic Three(3) | Welcome to the Gun Show 2 | (1) | "Listen, I'd like to ask you for a favor if I could." |
RAD Newspaper Club | The Popularity Contest (Final Results) | — | "We would like to announce the final results in popularity contest..." |
Day 4 | |||
The Demon Brothers(6) | A Dog's Life 6 | — | "Listen up, y'all! I got some news!" |
345(3) | The Popularity Contest (345) | — | "Check it out! They just released the results of the popularity contest! ..." |
Purgatory Hall(3) | The Popularity Contest (Angels) | — | "Congratulations on taking 8th place in the popularity contest." |
The Fantastic Three(3) | The Popularity Contest (Royals) | — | "Congratulations on taking 1st place in the popularity contest." |
Mammon | Lemme See Your Homework! | — | "Hey, MC, lemme see your Devildom Law homework, would ya?" |
Day 5 | |||
Mammon | Can't Catch Any ZZZs | — | "MC, know what time it is?" |
Satan | Invitation to the Museum | — | "There's going to be an art event at the museum today. Would you like to..." |
Asmodeus | A Request From Asmo | — | "You have to help me!" |
Lucifer | Where Are You? | — | "MC, are you in your room?" |
Day 6 | |||
RAD Newspaper Club | The Errant Posts | — | <Sticker sent> |
RAD Newspaper Club | The Errant Posts (Follow-Up) | — | "Announcing a Change in Leadership at the Newspaper Club..." |
Mammon | Where is Lucifer? | — | "MC, got any idea where Lucifer is?" |
Lucifer | Mammon's Whereabouts | — | "Mammon still hasn't returned home." |
Day 7 | |||
Leviathan | You're Going to School? | — | "Gud morning." |
Beelzebub | A Morning Request from Beel | — | <Sticker sent> |
Asmodeus | An Ordinary Party | — | <Sticker sent> |
Leviathan | Bufo Egg Drink | — | "What's uuuup?" |
Satan | The Night is Still Young | — | "Tonight is the night of the Super Blood Moon, MC." |
Beelzebub | A Question from Beel | — | "MC, do you have any brothers?" |
Day 8 | |||
Asmodeus | Surprise Arousal | — | "MC, by chance did Mammon and Levi happen to come by your room this..." |
The Demon Brothers(6) | Even the Strong Get Sick Sometimes 1 | — | "I think I'm coming down with a cold, so I'm going to stay in bed for a while." |
The Fantastic Three(3) | Even the Stong Get Sick Sometimes 2 | — | "This is bad, Barbatos. Very bad. Apparently Lucifer has come down..." |
Satan | Recommending Dramas 1 | — | "MC, what television shows do you watch?" |
Leviathan | Levi Can't Sleep | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 9 | |||
House of Lamentation(7) | Even the Strong Get Sick Sometimes (Payback) | — | "I don't feel so good..." |
Leviathan | Future Dream 1 | — | "Hey, check this out." |
Leviathan | Future Dream 2 | — | "*sigh* I'd really like to be a professional gamer if it's possible." |
Beelzebub | Bring You What?! | — | <Sticker sent> |
Asmodeus | Summer's a Comin' | — | "Summers in the human world are great." |
Day 10 | |||
Lucifer | RAD Virtual School | — | "There have been a number of students recently that have been requesting..." |
Satan | Recommending Dramas 2 | — | "MC, do you remember the title of the drama that I recommended to you?" |
Mammon | The Single Life 1 | — | "ARGH! This is really gettin' on my nerves!" |
Mammon | The Single Life 2 | — | "So, about this whole livin' alone do you do that, anyway?" |
Day 11 | |||
Lucifer | Secret Between Brothers | — | "Have my brothers been saying anything about me, lately?" |
Mammon | The Single Life 3 | — | "MC, you're not gonna believe this! There's this thing called 'rent' that ya..." |
Satan | Animal Café | — | "If you're free tomorrow, would you like to join me on a little excursion?" |
Asmodeus | I Could Use Some Company | — | "MC, have you already gone to bed?" |
Day 12 | |||
Asmodeus | There's Something About Levi 1 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Asmodeus | There's Something About Levi 2 | — | "It's hard to believe that Levi would be looking so intently at a map other..." |
EMERGENCY!(6) | There's Something About Levi 3 | — | "WE'VE GOT AN EMERGENCY!" |
EMERGENCY!(6) | There's Something About Levi 4 | — | "Ya mean we've been had?!" |
EMERGENCY!(6) | There's Something About Levi 5 | — | "That scream just now..." |
House of Lamentation(7) | There's Something About Levi 6 | — | "Not cool, guys! Why did you have Mammon pin me to the ground and..." |
House of Lamentation(7) | There's Something About Levi 7 | — | "And now that preparations are complete, let's move on to the..." |
House of Lamentation(7) | There's Something About Levi 8 | — | "Levi, you'd be doing us all a favor if you stopped holding back and just spilled..." |
House of Lamentation(7) | There's Something About Levi 9 | — | "See, the thing is, I somehow ended up with a rough idea of where Zaramela..." |
House of Lamentation(7) | There's Something About Levi 10 | — | "Levi was worried because he had been so absorbed in his little fictional date..." |
Mammon | The Single Life 4 | — | "Let's recap: Livin' alone costs money—a boatload of it. Every month." |
Day 13 | |||
Asmodeus | Winter's a Comin' | — | "I'm so jealous of you and your winters in the human world." |
Leviathan | Mononoke Land 2 | — | "MC, I have some great news for you today." |
Lucifer | How Have You Been Doing? | — | "How have you been doing?" |
Beelzebub | Should I Sleep or Should I Eat? | — | <Sticker sent> |
Mammon | The Single Life 5 | — | "OK, I get it. You're not down with the idea of roomin' with me." |
Day 14 | |||
Lucifer | Call of Cooking Duty | — | "Are you heading straight home after class?" |
Mammon | My Savior Has Arrived 1 | — | "MC, anything ya need?" |
Leviathan | Mononoke Land 3 | — | "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!" |
Beelzebub | Tips for Not Getting Hungry | — | "I'm hungry." |
Mammon | My Savior Has Arrived 2 | — | "How could this happen? I put my trust in Hell Pay and it went and stabbed..." |
Day 15 | |||
Leviathan | Watching it Live | — | "Hey, you wanna come to my room after dinner tonight?" |
Asmodeus | Mulling Over Interiors | — | "I've been mulling over it for a while now, but I'm thinking about changing..." |
Beelzebub | It'll Come True 1 | — | "How far is the future for a demon?" |
Day 16 | |||
Lucifer | A Gift for Beel | — | "MC, I am currently in the human world on business." |
Beelzebub | It'll Come True 2 | — | "Remember how Lucifer asked me about my dream for the future?" |
Satan | Relentless Witch | — | "There's a witch. She's been eager to contact me for some time now." |
Leviathan | Mononoke Land 4 | — | "MC, have you been making any progress in Mononoke Land?" |
Asmodeus | Wanting Myself | — | <Sticker sent> |
Mammon | So, Ya Wanna Be a Model? | — | "MC, free up your plans for tomorrow after school." |
Day 17 | |||
The Demon Brothers(6) | Let's Form a Band 1 | — | "Hey, so I was thinking about forming a band..." |
The Demon Brothers(6) | Let's Form a Band 2 | — | "We're always getting at each other's throats." |
The Demon Brothers(6) | Let's Form a Band 3 | — | "The votes are in! 2:1:1:1:1 in favor of us forming a pop rock band!" |
The Demon Brothers(6) | Let's Form a Band 4 | — | "So, who's our lovely lead singer going to be?" |
The Demon Brothers(6) | Let's Form a Band 5 | — | "So, we've decided! I'm lead vocalist..." |
Day 18 | |||
Lucifer | Breakfast is Ready | — | "Are you awake?" |
The Demon Brothers(6) | Let's Form a Band 6 | — | "Nuh-uh, not gonna happen!" |
The Demon Brothers(6) | Let's Form a Band 7 | — | "About that practice, Asmo. When are we doing it?" |
Leviathan | An Invitation to C.S. | — | "MC, a HUGE event's about to take place. It comes around only twice a year." |
The Demon Brothers(6) | Let's Form a Band 8 | — | "Tomorrow's practice session..." |
Day 19 | |||
Satan | The Lost Kitten 1 | — | "This is an emergency." |
Beelzebub | A Summons from Beel 1 | — | "Hey MC, could you come here?" |
Asmodeus | Concerning the House of Lamentation | — | "I've had something on my mind, lately." |
Mammon | Wake-Up Caller Wanted | — | "Hey, MC." |
Day 20 | |||
Beelzebub | Low on Rations | — | "If I keep eating like this, it'll only be a matter of time before the whole..." |
Satan | The Lost Kitten 2 | — | "The kitten I talked to you about before..." |
Asmodeus | You Rub My Back, I'll Rub Yours | — | "MC, can you come to my room?" |
Beelzebub | The Apocalypse | — | "So, what if..." |
Asmodeus | Let's Go to the Hot Springs | — | "MC, I'd only dare tell you this, but my skin hasn't been doing all that great..." |
Day 21 | |||
Beelzebub | A Summons from Beel 2 | — | "MC, come." |
Satan | The Lost Kitten 3 | — | "Remember the lost kitten we were talking about earlier?" |
Asmodeus | Why Don't We Take a Dip | — | "MC, you have to hear this! I bought the most delightful shower gel today..." |
Leviathan | Idol Fandom | — | "So, I saw this at a live show somewhere in the human world, but..." |
Day 22 | |||
Satan | The Lost Kitten 4 | — | "Your interest may have dwindled since we last talked, but I've got an update..." |
Asmodeus | What Kind of D.D.D. Case is Best? | — | "MC! Do you use a case for your D.D.D.?" |
Beelzebub | Where's the Can Opener? | — | "MC, do you know where the can opener is?" |
Leviathan | Switching Sides | — | "You know, I thought I wasn't anything like Asmo." |
Day 23 | |||
Satan | The Lost Kitten 5 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Leviathan | Secret Live Show | — | "This is SIIIIICK!" |
Lucifer | Family | — | "Let me ask you a straight question." |
Day 24 | |||
House of Lamentation(7) | Cheer Squad 1 | — | "Beel." |
House of Lamentation(7) | Cheer Squad 2 | — | "Seeing you all cheering me on will give me the energy I need to fight on." |
House of Lamentation(7) | Cheer Squad 3 | — | "I got it! Stick with me here..." |
House of Lamentation(7) | Cheer Squad 4 | — | "After thinking a bit more on Levi's plan..." |
House of Lamentation(7) | Cheer Squad 5 | — | "So then, let's decide on a design for our flags." |
Day 25 | |||
RAD Newspaper Club | Announcing Spirit Week | — | "Attention all students." |
House of Lamentation(7) | Spirit Week | — | "We're having a Wedding Day..." |
Satan | Othello 1 | — | "You wouldn't happened to have seen a bawling Levi around, have you?" |
Lucifer | Chess Partner | — | "MC, if you have time, would you like to play a round of chess with me?" |
Day 26 | |||
House of Lamentation(7) | Who's Your Type? 1 | — | "I'm feeling a bit bored... Someone come and entertain me ♪" |
House of Lamentation(7) | Who's Your Type? 2 | — | "My type? Can it be food?" |
Satan | Othello 2 | — | "MC, could you help me with something?" |
Lucifer | Do I Terrify You? | — | "I heard from Levi today that I have a tendency to coddle you too much." |
Day 27 | |||
Satan | Othello 3 | — | "MC, I have news." |
House of Lamentation(7) | Who's Your Type? 3 | — | "Good, everyone's here." |
House of Lamentation(7) | Who's Your Type? 4 | — | "My type is someone who is ready to explore the depths of pleasure..." |
Day 28 | |||
House of Lamentation(7) | Who's Your Type? 5 | — | "My type is..." |
House of Lamentation(7) | Who's Your Type? 6 | — | "I'm up next, huh?" |
Day 29 | |||
House of Lamentation(7) | Who's Your Type? 7 | — | "If I had one type in particular..." |
House of Lamentation(7) | Who's Your Type? 8 | — | "Beel, are you sure you understand the rules? We're not talking about food..." |
Day 30 | |||
House of Lamentation(7) | Who's Your Type? 9 | — | "Hm..." |
House of Lamentation(7) | Who's Your Type? 10 | — | "This time I want to do the guessing! MC, you're all about looks, aren't you?" |
Lucifer | Solicitation | — | "Do you have any requests for how we can make your stay here in the..." |
Day 31 | |||
Leviathan | Chaos | (1) | "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHASVUBYWEGUIN" |
Day 32 | |||
The Demon Brothers(6) | SNS Ban | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 33 | |||
Lucifer | About the SNS Ban | — | "MC, I'd like to ask for your cooperation." |
Day 34 | |||
Mammon | Mammon's Agony | — | "That jerk Lucifer!" |
Day 35 | |||
Leviathan | Levi Cannot Compute | — | "Did you hear what happened, MC?" |
Day 36 | |||
Satan | Satan's Scheme | — | "Hey, MC." |
Day 37 | |||
Asmodeus | Asmo's Mistake? | — | "MC, this is awful!" |
Day 38 | |||
Beelzebub | An Unexpected Inconvenience | — | "Hey, MC. I bought some pudding from Madam Scream's." |
Day 39 | |||
Belphegor | Not My Problem | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 40 | |||
Purgatory Hall(3) | An Unusual Friendship | — | "Hey, did you hear the news?" |
Day 41 | |||
345(3) | Strategy Meeting 1 | — | "Attention!" |
Day 42 | |||
The Demon Brothers(6) | Dear Lucifer | — | "Dear Lucifer," |
Day 43 | |||
345(3) | Strategy Meeting 2 | — | "Attention!!!" |
Day 44 | |||
Leviathan | An Otaku's Soul | — | "How are you holding up, MC? Me? I'm at my limit. Practically on death's door." |
Day 45 | |||
Asmodeus | Asmo's Sense of Beauty | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 46 | |||
Mammon | A Chance to Repent? | — | "Hey, MC." |
Day 47 | |||
Lucifer | Mysterious Letters | — | "Recently, I've received a series of mysterious letters." |
Day 48 | |||
Solomon | Solomon Steals the Spotlight | — | "Hey MC." |
Day 49 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | The Amused Duo | — | "Lucifer, I heard about the ban." |
Day 50 | |||
Beelzebub | A List of Food | — | "MC, did you see what was outside Lucifer's room?" |
Days 51-100[]
51 - 100 | |||
Chatroom Name | Title | CG | Preview |
Day 51 | |||
Satan | How to Make Someone Read a Cursed Letter | — | "Hi there, MC." |
Day 52 | |||
Lucifer | The Envelope | — | "MC." |
The Demon Brothers(6) | The Condition | — | "Rejoice, my brothers." |
Day 53 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Brothers | — | "Hey, we're brothers, right? |
Day 55 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Listen Up | — | "Ahem." |
Day 57 | |||
Purgatory Hall(3) | The Mushroom | — | "Solomon." |
Day 58 | |||
Asmodeus | The Invitation | — | "MC." |
Day 61 | |||
345(3) | Front-Page News | (1) | "Have you seen it yet? |
Day 63 | |||
Leviathan | How...? Why...? | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 65 | |||
Beelzebub | Can I Count on You? | — | "MC." |
Day 66 | |||
Mammon | The Demon at My Door | — | "Hey!" |
Day 69 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Who's the Culprit? | (1) | "I know one of you did it!" |
Day 70 | |||
Satan | About Tomorrow | — | "Are you free tomorrow?" |
Day 71 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Where's Levi? | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 72 | |||
Cat(3) | Truth Is... | — | "MC, did you and Satan kiss?" |
Day 73 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Where's Mammon? | (1) | <Sticker sent> |
Day 74 | |||
56 | Help | — | "Beel, are you hungry?" |
Day 75 | |||
67 | The Pillow | — | "Are you in our room?" |
Day 76 | |||
Belphegor | Nice | — | "MC, where are you?" |
Day 77 | |||
Where's My Money | Memo | — | "Anidaemon" |
Day 78 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | Change of Plans | — | "My Lord, Lucifer." |
Day 79 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Who Wants to Come With Me? | — | "Who wants to get their nails done with le moi?" |
Day 80 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Objection! | — | "I have something to say to Levi." |
Day 81 | |||
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | TV | — | "Turn the TV on to Devil Channel, will ya!" |
Day 82 | |||
Asmodeus | A New Drink | — | "They came out with a new drink: Bufo Egg Brown Sugar Milk Tea!" |
Day 83 | |||
Leviathan | Whispers of Love | — | "I love you." |
Day 84 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | I Can't Remember | — | "I wanna ask you all something..." |
Day 85 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | New Nails | (1) | "Ta-daaa ♡" |
Day 86 | |||
Lucifer | Delivery | — | "MC, I need you to do something for me." |
Day 87 | |||
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | Warning | — | "Beel, Asmo." |
Day 88 | |||
The Angels(3) | How Are Things Going? | — | "MC." |
Day 89 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | The Lid | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 90 | |||
36 | What Happened? | — | "Lucifer's in SUCH a bad mood right now!" |
Day 91 | |||
Solomon | You Forgot Something | — | "Are you still at RAD?" |
Day 92 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Takoyaki | (1) | "I'm on my way back to the Devildom." |
Day 93 | |||
34 | Earphones | — | "Levi, are you in your room?" |
Day 94 | |||
Mammon | Sunglasses | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 95 | |||
Beelzebub | Did Anyone Say "Food"? | — | "Do you have anything to eat?" |
Day 96 | |||
1235(4) | Bathing Essentials | — | "Hey." |
Day 97 | |||
345(3) | Down | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 98 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Who Did It | — | "Who was the last one to use the Devil Sauce?" |
Day 99 | |||
Barbatos | Bath Salt | — | "MC." |
Day 100 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | 100 Day Anniversary | — | "Congratulatiooooooooons!" |
Days 101-150[]
101 - 150 | |||
Chatroom Name | Title | CG | Preview |
Day 101 | |||
Cat(3) | WHY?! | — | "Why do human beings have to be so greedy?" |
Day 102 | |||
Purgatory Hall(3) | Bon Appédevil! | — | "Solomon, there's something I need to discuss with you." |
Day 103 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Gig | (1) | <Picture sent> |
Day 104 | |||
Devildom Prince | The Past | — | "Hey." |
Day 105 | |||
Lucifer | In the Mood | — | "MC." |
Day 106 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Hung Over | — | "I've got a terrible headache so I don't want any of you causing any trouble..." |
Day 107 | |||
Leviathan | Obey Me! RPG | — | "MCCHECKYOURPHONE" |
Day 108 | |||
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Champagne Tower | — | "I want to make a champagne tower!" |
Day 109 | |||
Brothers No More | What's in My Bag? | — | "The hashtag #whatsinmybag is trending on Devilgram." |
Day 110 | |||
Asmodeus | Inspiration | — | "MC ♡" |
Day 111 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Karaoke | — | "Let's go to karaoke!" |
Day 112 | |||
Leviathan | You Cannot Cheat Death | — | "CHECKYOURPHONEEEE" |
Day 113 | |||
Purgatory Hall(3) | Dinner | — | "There's something I want to discuss with the two of you." |
Day 114 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Dream Interpretation 1 | — | "I had a strange dream." |
Day 115 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Dream Interpretation 2 | — | "I had an unpleasant dream last night." |
Day 116 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Dream Interpretation 3 | — | "Yoooo! I had the most rad dream!" |
Day 117 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Dream Interpretation 4 | — | "I had a dream." |
Day 118 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Dream Interpretation 5 | — | "When I go to sleep, I don't have that many dreams." |
Day 119 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Dream Interpretation 6 | — | "Hey guys! I finally got bit by the having-weird-dreams bug!" |
Day 120 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | Dream Interpretation 7 | — | "About what I said on the phone..." |
Day 121 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | The Butler's Dream | — | "I had a dream." |
Day 122 | |||
Purgatory Hall(3) | The Sorcerer's Dream | — | "I had the greatest dream last night." |
Day 123 | |||
25 | Conditions for Sexiness 1 | (1) | "I've got the most splendid picture to share!" |
Day 124 | |||
Satan | A Grimm for Your Thoughts? 1 | — | "I have something that I would like to ask you." |
Day 125 | |||
Beelzebub | A Grimm for Your Thoughts? 2 | — | "I want to talk to you about something." |
Day 126 | |||
Belphegor | A Grimm for Your Thoughts? 3 | — | "Beel went to your room to watch TV yesterday, didn't he?" |
Day 127 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Bath Time With Asmo 1 | — | "Luuuuucifeeeeeer!" |
Day 128 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Bath Time With Asmo 2 | — | "The bath reeks! Is that the smell of roses?!" |
Day 129 | |||
25 | Conditions for Sexiness 2 | (1) | <Picture sent> |
Day 130 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | The Culprit | — | "Who was the last one to visit the library yesterday?" |
Day 131 | |||
Brothers No More | Juice | — | "Devil crush super spicy mango juice." |
Day 132 | |||
EMERGENCY!(6) | In Tears | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 133 | |||
Belphegor | What Really Happened | — | "That idiot of a demon Mammon said something, didn't he?" |
Day 134 | |||
25 | Fortune-Telling | — | "Did you see today's Devil's★Fortune?" |
Day 135 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | I Believe You Dropped Something | — | "I believe somebody dropped something in the council room." |
Day 136 | |||
45 | Textbook | — | "Satan, let me borrow your textbook!" |
Day 137 | |||
Leviathan | On the Radio | — | "Please tell me you were listening to Radio Frenzy?!" |
Day 138 | |||
Cat(3) | Scribbles | — | "MC, did Asmo ask you to lend him your textbook?" |
Day 139 | |||
The Demon Brothers(New)(7) | Who Dropped It? | — | "Someone dropped their wallet in the entrance hall." |
Day 140 | |||
67 | Time for Grocery Shopping | — | "Beel, where are you right now?" |
Day 141 | |||
Mammon | Invitation (NOT) | — | "Are ya awake?" |
Day 142 | |||
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Prize | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 143 | |||
Simeon | Swell | — | "MC, is Lucifer swell?" |
Day 144 | |||
Mammon | Scent 1 | — | "Hey, MC. Have ya seen my perfume?" |
Asmodeus | Scent 2 | — | "I just passed you in the corridor, MC." |
Day 145 | |||
Satan | Contact | — | "Belphie isn't showing up at our meeting place." |
The Fantastic Three(3) | Evidence | (1) | "Lucifer, you really shouldn't be pushing yourself so hard." |
Day 146 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | No Way! | — | "Ultrawitch★Rainbow-chan is getting a stage play adaptation." |
Purgatory Hall(3) | Sharing 1 | — | "Are you two free at the moment?" |
Day 147 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Sharing 2 | — | "Come to the living room." |
Leviathan | Troubleshooting | — | "Hey!" |
Day 148 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Yes Way! | — | "The Ultrawitch️★Rainbow-chan stage play adaptation...." |
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Making You Lazy | — | "Hey, did you know?" |
Day 149 | |||
345(3) | Spoilers 1 | — | "Today's episode of Devil Detective was so interesting!" |
Mammon | Midnight Snack | — | "I'm in the kitchen." |
Day 150 | |||
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Spoilers 2 | — | "Hey!" |
Beelzebub | Devixion 1 | — | "I have a favor to ask." |
Days 151-200[]
151 - 200 | |||
Chatroom Name | Title | CG | Preview |
Day 151 | |||
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Pillow Fight 1 | — | <Sticker sent> |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Psychological Test 1 | — | "Your most hated enemy is hanging off a thin branch on the side of a cliff right..." |
Day 152 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Devixion 2 | — | "Has anyone bought that new pen?" |
Purgatory Hall(3) | Pillow Fight 2 | (1) | "Satan's in a bad mood today." |
Day 153 | |||
Cat(3) | Pillow Fight 3 | — | "Are you feeling better, Satan?" |
45 | Pillow Fight 4 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 154 | |||
Belphegor | Recording | — | "MC, are you in the House of Lamentation?" |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Psychological Test 2 | — | "MC, suppose your partner is about to drink something." |
Day 155 | |||
Devildom Prince | Skills 1 | — | "Sorry." |
Brothers No More | Skills 2 | — | "I hear you're impressed at how much I've improved." |
Day 156 | |||
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Skills 3 | — | "Simeon's Celestial Realm food was really good." |
Asmodeus | Present | — | "Has it arrived?" |
Day 157 | |||
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Rerun | — | "It's getting a rerun!" |
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | Fortune-Telling 2 | — | "Oh no! This is terrible!" |
Day 158 | |||
Mammon | Report | — | "Hey." |
Sweet Tooth | Recipe 1 | — | "I'm sorry." |
Day 159 | |||
Lucifer | Bittersweet | — | "That hell coffee you just made me..." |
The Royals(3) | Recipe 2 | — | MC, before you leave, could you come to the council room? |
Day 160 | |||
Leviathan | In-Game? | — | "Where did I go wrong?" |
Satan | Afterglow | — | "The Devildom Rare and Ancient Book Society was great fun." |
Day 161 | |||
Big Brothers(3) | After School | — | "Hey Levi, wanna go home with your big bro?" |
Belphegor | Nightmare | — | "Hey." |
Day 162 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | Prize 2 | — | "Cranesanity is such fun." |
Beelzebub | True or False? | — | "I saw something funny written in a magazine Asmo was reading." |
Day 163 | |||
36 | Fighters 1 | — | "Ahem." |
Solomon | RAD Times 1 | — | "Did the RAD Newspaper Club come visit you?" |
Day 164 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Fighters 2 | (1) | <Picture sent> |
Luke (Chihuahua) | On My Lap | — | "Luke" |
Day 165 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Help Me | — | "Somebody!" |
Where's My Money | RAD Times 2 | — | "MC's in the RAD Times!" |
Day 166 | |||
1235(4) | Imminent Debut? | — | "I'm considering becoming a full-time DevilTuber!" |
Solomon the Sorcerer | Hope for a Sequel | — | "It's just so good." |
Day 167 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Fixing Mammon's Personality | — | "Attention, please." |
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Barbatos's Weakness | — | "Hey, does anyone know Barbatos's weakness?" |
Day 168 | |||
Sweet Tooth | Luke's Request | — | "Hey, Barbatos." |
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Ultimate Vampire | — | "I've found an interesting-looking card game." |
Day 169 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Flower Viewing Plans | — | "Attention, everyoooone!" |
Where's My Money | Levi's Interest | — | "Amount owed: 200 Grimm." |
Day 170 | |||
345(3) | Views on Beauty | — | "Hey, listen! ♡" |
Mammon | Jackpot? | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 171 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | The Truth Behind the Jackpot | — | "So, like, yesterday..." |
Satan | On Whom Does Lady Luck Smile? | — | "MC, I need to come clean." |
Day 172 | |||
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | A Suspicious Job | — | "I just got some info on a sweet gig that makes mad cash!" |
Brothers No More | Simeon's Complaint | — | "Lucifer!" |
Day 173 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Dreams for a New Home 1 | — | "It's still a long way off, but I thought I'd share it with everyone." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Dreams for a New Home 2 | — | "Hey, listen to this! I bought a new couch ♡" |
Day 174 | |||
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | Satan's Mischief | — | "Satan, stop it!" |
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Horoscopes | — | "Hey." |
Day 175 | |||
1235(4) | The Legendary Treasure? | — | "I'm outta cash. I'm gonna die." |
Leviathan | Levi Lost | — | "I have sad news. I'm lost." |
Day 176 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Who's Number One? | — | "It's about time we settled this!" |
Mammon | Mammon's Best Qualities | — | "Hey MC, what are my best qualities?" |
Day 177 | |||
Leviathan | Leviathan's Best Qualities | — | "Hey listen, MC." |
Asmodeus | Asmo's Best Qualities | — | "Heeeey, MC." |
Day 178 | |||
Satan | Satan's Best Qualities | — | "Hello, MC." |
Beelzebub | Beel's Best Qualities | — | "MC, what do you think my best quality is?" |
Day 179 | |||
Belphegor | Belphie's Best Qualities | — | "MC, did you manage to find any good qualities in my brothers?" |
Lucifer | Lucifer's Best Qualities | — | "MC, I apologize." |
Day 180 | |||
Big Brothers(3) | Levi's "What If" Segment | — | "Welcome, my dear brothers! It's time for the 'What If?' segment of today's show!" |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Blackout | — | "The power tripped!" |
Day 181 | |||
The Angels(3) | The Angels' "What If" Scenario | — | "Hey, Simeon." |
Barbatos | An Invitation from Barbatos | — | "Good day, MC." |
Day 182 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | CATastrophe 1 | — | "What the HECK is wrong with our security?!" |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | CATastrophe 2 | — | "I saw Mammon chasing that cat around earlier." |
Day 183 | |||
Barbatos | CATastrophe 3 | — | "I heard the news." |
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | CATastrophe 4 | (1) | "Look." |
Barbatos | It's Been Half a Year | — | "As of today, it's been precisely six months since you came to the..." |
Day 184 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Where's the Necklace? 1 | (1) | <Picture sent> |
Mammon | Where's the Necklace? 2 | — | "Hey, I need a favor." |
Day 185 | |||
Solomon | Where's the Necklace? 3 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Asmodeus | Where's the Necklace? 4 | — | "MC, thank you!" |
Day 186 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Caring for Cerberus 1 | — | "Could one of you please give Cerberus a nice brushing?" |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Caring for Cerberus 2 | (1) | <Picture sent> |
Day 187 | |||
345(3) | The Mysterious Notebook 1 | — | "I found a notebook lying by the front door." |
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | The Mysterious Notebook 2 | — | "I found a crazy notebook sittin' in the living room!" |
Day 188 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | The Mysterious Notebook 3 | — | "There's a crispy black lump by the front entrance. Anyone know what it is?" |
Solomon | The Mysterious Notebook 4 | — | "MC, have you seen my notebook?" |
Day 189 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Beel's D.D.D | — | "Has anyone seen Beel's D.D.D.? He couldn't find it last night." |
Lucifer | Lucifer's Favor | — | "Could you come to the council room after class?" |
Day 190 | |||
Mammon | Mammon's Transformation | — | "Save meeee!" |
Leviathan | Levi's Reason to Go Out | — | "I'm going to the movies. If you're free, would you like to come with me?" |
Day 191 | |||
Satan | The Special Exhibition | — | "MC, are you free over the weekend?" |
Asmodeus | An Invite to Go Shopping | — | "Are you free after school today? Let's go shopping!" |
Day 192 | |||
Beelzebub | Help With Training | — | "I'm about to do my daily workout. If you're free, would you mind helping..." |
Belphegor | An Invite to go Stargazing | — | "MC, are you free now?" |
Day 193 | |||
Diavolo | Lord Diavolo's Fast Food Adventure | — | "Have you ever heard of AkuDonald's?" |
Barbatos | A Simple Reason | — | "Are you free this weekend?" |
Day 194 | |||
Luke | Let's Go to the Amusement Park! | — | "MC, we're going to the amusement park!" |
Simeon | Tea Time | — | "MC, are you gree today?" |
Day 195 | |||
Asmodeus | Bubble Bath Time | — | "The new bath salt I ordered on Akuzon has finally arrived!" |
Solomon | Nightlife Fun | — | "Would you like to visit a club with me?" |
Day 196 | |||
1235(4) | Food Theft Prevention 1 | — | "I hereby call to order this meeting to discuss Beel's food snacking problem." |
12 | Food Theft Prevention 2 | — | "I'm here to report back, Lucifer!" |
Day 197 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Food Theft Prevention 3 | — | "The fridge was empty when I opened it this morning...AGAIN." |
Satan | A Gift From Satan | — | "If you have some free time, could you come to my room?" |
Day 198 | |||
Belphegor | The Spoiled Younger Brother | — | "The hair dryer is broken." |
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Karaoke Time! | — | "Hey guys, wanna go to karaoke after class?" |
Day 199 | |||
Solomon | When Will You Realize? | — | "MC, could I have a moment of your time?" |
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | Cafeteria Recommendations | — | "Do you have any recommendations for RAD cafeteria food?" |
Day 200 | |||
Lucifer | Walking Cerberus 1 | — | "I have a favor to ask of you." |
Mammon | Venturing Into the Unknown | — | "Hey, MC! You awake?" |
Days 201-250[]
201 - 250 | |||
Chatroom Name | Title | CG | Preview |
Day 201 | |||
Beelzebub | Walking Cerberus 2 | — | "I heard Lucifer asked you to walk Cerberus." |
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Cat Person or Dog Person? | — | "Ding-ding-ding! Welcome to Levi's Q&A segment!" |
Day 202 | |||
Brothers No More | Miscommunication | — | "Simeon, I was wondering if you could assist me with an administrative..." |
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | DevilTuber Debut? 1 | — | "Hey guys, have ya ever thought about being DevilTubers?" |
Day 203 | |||
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | DevilTuber Debut? 2 | — | "I heard that you're going to debut as a DevilTuber." |
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | DevilTuber Debut? 3 | — | "MC, I heard that you're going to be a DevilTuber." |
Day 204 | |||
Diavolo | Medical Check-Up | — | "It's almost time for our annual medical check-ups." |
34 | Satan's Thoughtfulness | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 205 | |||
Sweet Tooth | A Present for a Certain Someone | — | "Could I ask your advice on something?" |
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Nostalgic Pictures | — | "MC, do you have any old pics of yourself as a child? I'd love to see..." |
Day 206 | |||
Leviathan | Dismantler of Cardboard Boxes | — | "Hey, are you free today?" |
Lucifer | The Secret to Good Sleep | — | "Are you still awake?" |
Day 207 | |||
Satan | Satan's Save | — | "I saw Luke on the stairs at RAD today. I tried to greet him, but he had his..." |
Mammon | Lonely Nights | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 208 | |||
Asmodeus | Asmo's Rival | — | "Hey, listen!" |
Beelzebub | A Hungry Night | — | "I'm so hungry I can't sleep. Please help." |
Day 209 | |||
Diavolo | An Unexpected Request | — | "Are you free after class today?" |
Belphegor | Tonight's Body Pillow | — | "I can't sleep." |
Day 210 | |||
The Angels(3) | Sampling the Latest Goods | — | "Madam Scream's new tart of the month is going on sale today!" |
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Mammon's Ulterior Motive | — | "Does anyone know any fast-track muscle building programs?" |
Day 211 | |||
Purgatory Hall(3) | Shopping Duty | — | "I'm on shopping duty today, right?" |
67 | Study Session | — | "Belphie, are you free now?" |
Day 212 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Sweet Temptation 1 | — | "Dear all: I'm embarking on a serious diet." |
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Sweet Temptation 2 | — | "Hey, you guys wanna go to Madam Scream's to try their new pudding..." |
Day 213 | |||
House of Lamentation(New)(8) | Sweet Temptation 3 | (1) | <Picture sent> |
Leviathan | Levi's Challenge 1 | — | "Hey, MC. Can you bake?" |
Day 214 | |||
EMERGENCY!(6) | Levi's Challenge 2 | — | "Hey, guys. Levi's not in his room." |
Leviathan | Levi's Challenge 3 | (1) | <Picture sent> |
Day 215 | |||
Mammon | The 666 Mysteries of RAD 1 | — | "Have you ever heard of the 666 mysteries of RAD?" |
Purgatory Hall(3) | The 666 Mysteries of RAD 2 | — | "Is anyone still at school?" |
Day 216 | |||
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | The 666 Mysteries of RAD 3 | — | "Dang, you guys! I saw it with my own eyes!" |
Beelzebub | The 666 Mysteries of RAD 4 | — | "You know how Mammon said he saw something strange in the RAD..." |
Day 217 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | The Reason for Staring 1 | — | "Satan, you were staring at me just now!" |
Satan | The Reason for Staring 2 | — | "I don't want you to have any weird misunderstandings, so I'd like to..." |
Day 218 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Curry Seasoning | — | "Could someone check what's in the fridge?" |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Hypnosis Time 1 | — | "That program just now was quite fascinating, wouldn't you say?" |
Day 219 | |||
345(3) | The Perfect Gentleman | — | "Simeon's amazing." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Hypnosis Time 2 | — | "Whose turn is it to prepare dinner tonight?" |
Day 220 | |||
1235(4) | Auctioned Items 1 | — | "I was looking over the Hell's Auction catalog and I noticed a certain rare..." |
Cat(3) | Auctioned Items 2 | — | "When I saw Mammon at RAD today, he seemed to be wearing a collar of..." |
Day 221 | |||
Mammon | Mammon's Words of Love | — | "Here's looking at you, kid." |
Leviathan | Levi's Words of Love | — | "You are my sunshine, MC." |
Day 222 | |||
Asmodeus | Asmo's Words of Love | — | "MC, you're the most gorgeous person I've ever laid eyes on." |
Beelzebub | Beel's Words of Love | — | "MC, I'd lay down my life to protect you." |
Day 223 | |||
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | Designed by Asmo | — | "Hey, listen!" |
Belphegor | Belphie's Words of Love | — | "I'd pluck the stars from the sky for you." |
Day 224 | |||
36 | Levi's Request for Help | — | "Emergency! I repeat, it's an EMERGENCY!" |
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | Satan's Standards | — | "Does anyone know any good cafés? I'm in the mood to try somewhere..." |
Day 225 | |||
Purgatory Hall(3) | Luke's Singing Voice | — | "By the way, Asmodeus mentioned that he'd love to hear you sing, Luke." |
Diavolo | Diavolo's Natural Enemy | — | "Ah, MC. Something sad happened today." |
Day 226 | |||
Luke (Chihuahua) | The Secret to Stress Relief: Simeon | — | "Hey, Luke. Do you know any good methods of relieving stress?" |
56 | The Secret to Stress Relief: Beel | — | "Ugh, my skin is awful lately! It's driving me up the wall!" |
Day 227 | |||
Belphegor | For a Comfortable Afternoon Nap | — | "Hey, MC." |
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | The Secret to Stress Relief: Satan | — | "Does anyone know a good method of blowing off steam?" |
Day 228 | |||
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Lucifer's Scandal?! | — | "Hey, Lucifer! Looks like you've finally gone and caused a scandal!" |
Brothers No More | The Secret to Stress Relief: Lucifer | — | "Could you lend me Luke? Just for a little while." |
Day 229 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | RAD Newspaper Club Visit 1 | — | "The RAD Newspaper Club is going to be visiting us soon." |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Drunk in the caféteria | — | "Emergency! EMERGENCY!" |
Day 230 | |||
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | The Book Satan Was Reading 1 | — | "I just saw Satan in the caféteria. He was reading a book and humming to..." |
Leviathan | The Book Satan Was Reading 2 | — | "I wonder if Beel's okay. Do you think Satan killed him?" |
Day 231 | |||
Satan | The Book Satan Was Reading 3 | — | "Lately, I haven't said a word, and yet my brothers keep coming to ask for..." |
25 | RAD Newspaper Club Visit 2 | — | "Mammon, you jerk!" |
Day 232 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Simeon Blocking Calls? 1 | — | "I've been unable to get a hold of Simeon lately. His number is always..." |
Simeon | Simeon Blocking Calls? 2 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 233 | |||
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | A Good Part-Time Job | — | "Club activities have been canceled for a while." |
Belphegor | Save Me From Party People | — | "MC, help! I've been captured by party people." |
Day 234 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | A Generous Punishment | — | "Dear brother Lucifer." |
Belphegor | Proud of My Brother | — | "The other day, when it was my turn to go shopping, I ran into Beel on..." |
Day 235 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | The Search for Mammon 1 | — | "Does anyone know where Mammon is?" |
Mammon | The Search for Mammon 2 | — | "Hey, is Satan still mad at me?" |
Day 236 | |||
Asmodeus | Asmo's Transformation | — | "Oh, MC! Nobody has noticed my transformation!" |
Big Brothers(3) | The Cans 1 | — | "Hey, I found some expired cans at the back of the kitchen shelves." |
Day 237 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | The Cans 2 | — | "I found some empty cans in the kitchen." |
345(3) | Please Record My Show | — | "Ah! My drama is going to start in five minutes!" |
Day 238 | |||
Cat(3) | Beel's Eccentric Behavior 1 | — | "Beel's been acting strange lately." |
Beelzebub | Beel's Eccentric Behavior 2 | — | "I need your advice." |
Day 239 | |||
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Part-Timer Mammon 1 | — | "Yesterday, I went to the café where Mammon is waiting tables to tease..." |
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Securing the New Game Console | — | "Gentlemen, I shall now explain our strategy to secure the..." |
Day 240 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | A Generous Gift 1 | (1) | <Picture sent> |
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Part-Timer Mammon 2 | — | "Apparently, Mammon was fired from his part-time job." |
Day 241 | |||
Beelzebub | First Aid for Beel | — | "MC, could you bring me a first aid set?" |
45 | A Generous Gift 2 | — | "I bought a coffee machine so that we can prepare those beans properly." |
Day 242 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Mixing Drinks | — | "Hey, guys." |
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | Asmo's Lipstick Review | — | "Hey, listen!" |
Day 243 | |||
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Barbatos's Tardiness 1 | — | "My deepest apologies." |
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Barbatos's Tardiness 2 | — | "I'm sorry, Barbatos." |
Day 244 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | The Brothers' Mother? | — | "Hey." |
Lucifer | Lucifer's Melancholy | — | "Ah, MC." |
Day 245 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Cooking Tips 1 | — | "Could anyone give me some tips for following recipes?" |
Cat(3) | Cooking Tips 2 | — | "Solomon, I'd like to ask you something." |
Day 246 | |||
Purgatory Hall(3) | Let's Play Mononoke Land! 1 | — | "Would you guys like to play Mononoke Land?" |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | The TSL Soundtrack | — | "Hey, MC." |
Day 247 | |||
Simeon | Let's Play Mononoke Land! 2 | — | "Hey, MC." |
Luke | Let's Play Mononoke Land! 3 | — | "How are you feeling? / Have you finished your homework?" |
Day 248 | |||
The Angels(3) | Simeon's Next Novel | — | "Hey, Simeon." |
EMERGENCY!(6) | Barbecue Time! | — | "I want to have a barbecue." |
Day 249 | |||
Asmodeus | Asmo's Smooth Skin | — | "Hey, MC!" |
Leviathan | Concert Fan | — | "I did it, MC!" |
Day 250 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | The Search for Beel 1 | — | "Have any of you seen Beel?" |
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | The Search for Beel 2 | — | "I bought you guys some snacks." |
Days 251-300[]
251 - 300 | |||
Chatroom Name | Title | CG | Preview |
Day 251 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Asmo's Special Skill | — | "The other day, Levi invited me to play a typing game." |
Satan | Satan's Secret Wish | — | "I have an important favor to ask." |
Day 252 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Movie Night 1 | — | "Mammon, there's a rerun of Harrison Porter on TV tonight." |
The Fantastic Three(3) | The Owner's Feelings? | — | "Cerberus seems to have grown rather attached to Simeon." |
Day 253 | |||
Belphegor | Fighting off Sleepiness | — | "Help me, MC." |
Mammon | Movie Night 2 | — | "Movie! Movie! Movie!" |
Day 254 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Who Drew the Couple? | — | "Somebody drew a picture of two people sharing an umbrella on the blackboard." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Doji✩Maji 2: The Reckoning 1 | — | "Hey, guys! I got Dogi✩Magi 2!" |
Day 255 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Doji✩Maji 2: The Reckoning 2 | — | "Please, no more." |
Solomon | Solomon's Kindness | — | "MC, is your leg all right?" |
Day 256 | |||
The Angels(3) | Luke and the Balloon | — | "They're handing out balloons in town." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | AV Room Key | — | "I just found the key to the AV room at RAD." |
Day 257 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | The Big Surprise 1 | — | "Have you all noticed?" |
EMERGENCY!(6) | The Big Surprise 2 | — | "Hey, MC! Come to the dining room at 19:00 tonight!" |
Day 258 | |||
Big Brothers(3) | Seeing and Being Seen | (1) | <Picture sent> |
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | My Good Points | — | "Hey, since we've got nothing to do, why don't we all share what we think is..." |
Day 259 | |||
Sweet Tooth | Recommended Brand | — | "Hello, Luke." |
The Royals(3) | A Secret Summons | — | "MC, do you have any plans after school today?" |
Day 260 | |||
The Angels(3) | Another Slumber Party 1 | — | "MC, are you free tonight?" |
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Collars for Cerberus | — | "Hey, hey." |
Day 261 | |||
Purgatory Hall(3) | Another Slumber Party 2 | — | "I enjoyed the slumber party." |
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | Selfie Lessons | — | "I've been thinking..." |
Day 262 | |||
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Killing Time in Class | — | <Sticker sent> |
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Funny Fungi | (1) | "Hey, are these edible?" |
Day 263 | |||
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | A Kind Brother | — | "Hey, Belphie." |
The Fantastic Three(3) | The Brothers' Latest Obsession | — | "I haven't seen much of your brothers lately, Lucifer." |
Day 264 | |||
Cat(3) | Satan at His Limit | — | "I saw you, Satan." |
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | The Twins' Mysterious Link | — | "Got a minute, MC?" |
Day 265 | |||
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Fashion Show 1 | — | "Hey, listen!" |
Lucifer | A Secret Invite | — | "MC, make sure you don't have any plans tonight." |
Day 266 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Fashion Show 2 | — | "Hey, Mammon. You looked pretty good dressed as a girl." |
Leviathan | Invite to the Unboxing Ceremony | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 267 | |||
Mammon | New Goldie | — | "Yaaaay!" |
Asmodeus | Say You Love Me | — | "Hey, MC." |
Day 268 | |||
Satan | Satan's Rage | — | <Sticker sent> |
Beelzebub | Night Parfaits | — | "Hey, MC." |
Day 269 | |||
Belphegor | Belphie's Bed Hair | (1) | "I'm sorry, MC." |
The Royals(3) | Lord Diavolo's Wish | — | "The House of Lamentation is wonderful, isn't it?" |
Day 270 | |||
Barbatos | Barbatos's Research | — | "MC, I have a favor to ask." |
Luke | Scary Dreams | — | "Hey, MC." |
Day 271 | |||
Simeon | Special Practice | — | <Sticker sent> |
Solomon | Seeing the Sun Again | — | "Hello, MC." |
Day 272 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | How to Build Muscle 1 | — | "I haven't gotten any gains while working out lately." |
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | How to Build Muscle 2 | (1) | "Attention Everyone!" |
Day 273 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | How to Eat Pickles | — | "Lucifer, I require your assistance." |
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | How to Build Muscle 3 | — | "MC, Belphie, are you two going to be my weights today?" |
Day 274 | |||
Mammon | Mammon's Magic Medicine | — | "This is the worst." |
Beelzebub | An Immeasurable Power | — | "I messed up." |
Day 275 | |||
Asmodeus | Hairstyle | — | "Listen, MC." |
Leviathan | An Otaku's Pride | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 276 | |||
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | My Favorite Workout | — | "Hey, has anyone been working out lately?" |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | An Unexpected Approach 1 | — | "One of the paintings in the hallway is cracked." |
Day 277 | |||
Brothers No More | An Unexpected Approach 2 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Potato Chip Party 1 | — | "Listen to this, MC." |
Day 278 | |||
Cat(3) | Potato Chip Party 2 | — | "Hey." |
Purgatory Hall(3) | The Next Step | — | "Simeon..." |
Day 279 | |||
EMERGENCY!(6) | Where Did I Leave My Earring? 1 | — | "Has anyone seen my earring?" |
45 | Where Did I Leave My Earring? 2 | — | "Hey." |
Day 280 | |||
Solomon | A Memorable Picture | (1) | "Look." |
Barbatos | Barbatos's Garden | — | "Hello." |
Day 281 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Let's Take a Pop Quiz 1 | — | "Tomorrow is the pop quiz on applied magical potions." |
Mammon | Let's Take a Pop Quiz 2 | — | "Did you all hear about the applied magical potions pop quiz?" |
Day 282 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Let's Take a Pop Quiz 3 | — | "Well..." |
Lucifer | Before Bed | — | "I'm back." |
Day 283 | |||
Mammon | When It's Pouring Rain | — | "It's a downpour!" |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Let's Take a Pop Quiz 4 | — | "So..." |
Day 284 | |||
Leviathan | I Want You to Care | — | "Did you try calling me before? Sorry I didn't pick up." |
Satan | A Charming Gift | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 285 | |||
Asmodeus | OK or Sure? | — | "Hey, MC!" |
Beelzebub | The Reason Time Flies | — | "That was a great soccer game." |
Day 286 | |||
Belphegor | Belphie Reflects | — | "I'm sorry, MC." |
Diavolo | Limited Time Only | — | "Yo!" |
Day 287 | |||
Barbatos | A Patissier's Suffering? | — | "We're finally free." |
Luke | Luke's Pinch | — | "Help me, MC!" |
Day 288 | |||
Simeon | Sweets From the Celestial Realm | — | <Sticker sent> |
Solomon | Solomon's Rumor | — | "MC, do you have a minute?" |
Day 289 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Is Otaku Contagious? | — | "Help wanted." |
56 | Leave It to Asmo | — | "Asmo, do you have a second?" |
Day 290 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Camping | — | "Hey, let's all go camping sometime!" |
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Devilcraft | — | "Let's all play Devilcraft!" |
Day 291 | |||
Solomon the Sorcerer | Luke's Acting Strange 1 | — | "Hey..." |
Luke | Luke's Acting Strange 2 | — | "You said that there was something you wanted to ask me?" |
Day 292 | |||
Satan | Today's Weather | — | "MC, did you see the weather forecast today?" |
Lucifer | Where Is Belphie? | — | "MC, have you seen Belphie?" |
Day 293 | |||
Belphegor | Belphie's Pain | — | "MC, listen to this. He's the absolute worst." |
34 | My Favorite Subscription | — | "Hey Levi." |
Day 294 | |||
Beelzebub | An Unexpected Demand | — | "I was talking to Asmo earlier." |
Where's My Money | Watch for Viral Stories | — | "Hey Levi." |
Day 295 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Satan's Latte Art 1 | — | "I've been really into latte art lately." |
1235(4) | Satan's Latte Art 2 | — | "OMG" |
Day 296 | |||
345(3) | Satan's Latte Art 3 | — | "Hey." |
Luke | Satan's Latte Art 4 | — | "HEEEYYY!" |
Day 297 | |||
Big Brothers(3) | Separate Your Trash | — | "The two of you have been neglecting to separate your trash." |
Purgatory Hall(3) | How to Eat Cup Noodles 1 | — | "Hey, Solomon!" |
Day 298 | |||
Solomon | How to Eat Cup Noodles 2 | — | "Luke scolded me yesterday." |
Satan | Pages of a Book | — | "I borrowed a book from the RAD library today." |
Day 299 | |||
Purgatory Hall(3) | Do it For the Devildom 1 | — | "Asmodeus told me..." |
Diavolo | A Time for Healing | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 300 | |||
Luke | Do it For the Devilgram 2 | (1) | "Look, look!" |
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Helldown Day 1 | — | "Tomorrow is Helldown Day in the Devildom." |
Days 301-350[]
301 - 350 | |||
Chatroom Name | Title | CG | Preview |
Day 301 | |||
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Helldown Day 2 | — | "Weird." |
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Helldown Day 3 | — | "A once-in-a-lifetime chance has come." |
Day 302 | |||
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | The Cursed Doll 1 | — | "I just saw something weird..." |
Asmodeus | The Cursed Doll 2 | — | "So? What do you wanna ask?" |
Day 303 | |||
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | A Prank on Lucifer | — | "I'm bored, so I think I'll pull a prank on Lucifer." |
Big Brothers(3) | What Type of Glasses? | — | "So, in this late-night anime I'm watching, there's this character who..." |
Day 304 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | The Mysterious Gardener 1 | — | "I have a question for you guys." |
Satan | The Mysterious Gardener 2 | — | "About the new garden fixtures everyone was discussing..." |
Day 305 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Taste in Clothing | — | "Mammon, throw away those clothes!" |
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | Limited-Time Sale | — | "I'm at Devilmart now." |
Day 306 | |||
EMERGENCY!(6) | A Trip Down Memory Lane | (1) | <Picture sent> |
56 | HELP! | — | "Asmo." |
Day 307 | |||
Asmodeus | How Can I Be This Unlucky? | — | "Hi, MC. Did you see Devil's Fortune this morning?" |
Simeon | The DevilTube Craze | — | "Do you watch DevilTube, MC?" |
Day 308 | |||
Big Brothers(3) | Surprise Attack | — | "Lucifer, do something about that stupid muscle-bound freak!" |
Leviathan | A Small Incident 1 | — | "MC! Please listen!" |
Day 309 | |||
Luke | Limited-Time Tempation | — | "MC, do you like candy?" |
Satan | A Small Incident 2 | — | "Levi's been acting strange since yesterday." |
Day 310 | |||
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | All-Night Movie Marathon 1 | — | "Can I brag a bit?" |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Unexpected Uses | — | "The building inspection is over. There were no problems." |
Day 311 | |||
Lucifer | All-Night Movie Marathon 2 | — | "I understand you were all watching movies in Levi's room last night?" |
Belphegor | So Touching | — | "It was so awkward." |
Day 312 | |||
Purgatory Hall(3) | An Angel's Extra Income | — | "Something amazing just happened!" |
Beelzebub | Caught Out | — | "I finally finished cleaning the garden." |
Day 313 | |||
Diavolo | Behind the Demon Lord's Castle | — | "How is life in the House of Lamentation treating you?" |
345(3) | Pie-Throwing Party | — | "Why don't we try that thing they did on TV yesterday?" |
Day 314 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | The Moment Before Collapse 1 | (1) | "Levi is pushing his limits." |
Belphegor | The Moment Before Collapse 2 | — | "I don't get it." |
Day 315 | |||
Leviathan | Teaching an Old Fish New Tricks | — | "Hey, MC." |
1235(4) | A Difference of Opinion | — | "For a purple outfit, slim-fit pants are the way to go." |
Day 316 | |||
Mammon | Mammon's Treat | — | "Hey, MC! Let's go out for some barbecue! My treat!" |
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | The Pink Bath Bomb | — | "Have you seen the pink bath bomb that I left in the living room?" |
Day 317 | |||
The Royals(3) | Joining Dogi✩Maji | — | "Where are you, MC?" |
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | A Third Eye? | — | "Lucifer sleeps with an eye mask, so I thought I'd pull a prank on him during..." |
Day 318 | |||
25 | Dying of Embarrassment | — | "Hey, MC! Listen!" |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | The Battle for the Remote Concludes | — | "Who broke the remote control in the common room?" |
Day 319 | |||
Lucifer | A Lunch Invitation | — | "MC, would you like to have lunch together?" |
Mammon | Waiting Impatiently | — | "Hey, MC." |
Day 320 | |||
Leviathan | 10x Gacha | — | "MC, please cheer me on!" |
Satan | The Protagonist | — | "I told you about that novel that's really popular at the moment, right?" |
Day 321 | |||
Asmodeus | A Party Invitation | — | "I feel like throwing a party." |
Beelzebub | You Look Delicious | — | "I'm sorry..." |
Day 322 | |||
Belphegor | The Devildom Clover | — | "Humans believe that clovers with lots of leaves are lucky, right?" |
Diavolo | A Whimsical Cat | — | "Stray cats are so whimsical." |
Day 323 | |||
Barbatos | A Good Match for Afternoon Tea | — | "Might I ask your opinion on something?" |
Simeon | Taking Photos is Hard | — | "It's really difficult to take photos with a D.D.D." |
Day 324 | |||
Luke | Praise | — | "I got a message from Michael!" |
Solomon | On the Tip of My Tounge | — | "I was passing by Café Lament, when I heard a nostalgic song." |
Day 325 | |||
EMERGENCY!(6) | Deleted Data 1 | — | <Sticker sent> |
EMERGENCY!(6) | Deleted Data 2 | — | "So, what happened with the deleted save data?" |
Day 326 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Mirror, Mirror on the Wall 1 | — | "The mirror above the sink is broken." |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Mirror, Mirror on the Wall 2 | — | "About that mirror, that was probably me." |
Day 327 | |||
Satan | Who'll Step In? | — | "MC, I'm sorry for the short notice." |
The Fantastic Three(3) | A Star Is Born | — | "I received a note in the mail saying that I passed the Devildom Idol Audition." |
Day 328 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Freshly Baked | (1) | "This is going on in the kitchen right now." |
36 | The Beginning of a Love Story | — | "I bumped into MC on the way out of this morning." |
Day 329 | |||
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Unwanted Food 1 | — | "Solomon has brought some homemade food to the RAD council room." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Unwanted Food 2 | — | "I'm back." |
Day 330 | |||
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Unwanted Food 3 | — | "I almost died." |
Brothers No More | Important Documents | — | "Lucifer, I've got something to report." |
Day 331 | |||
1235(4) | Bad News | — | "Listen to this." |
45 | The Allure of Paper | — | "Satan, why don't you switch to e-books?" |
Day 332 | |||
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Star Shower 1 | (1) | "I was sorting through some image folders and found this photo." |
Belphegor | Star Shower 2 | — | "About that star shower..." |
Day 333 | |||
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Star Shower 3 | — | "MC, is it true you're gonna go see the star shower with Belphie?" |
34 | Cranesanity's Trap | — | "Oh no." |
Day 334 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Asmo's Grocery Shopping 1 | — | "Can somebody else do the grocery shopping for dinner?" |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Asmo's Grocery Shopping 2 | — | "It's done!" |
Day 335 | |||
Barbatos | Shopping Bag Craze | — | "I received a handmade shopping bag from Asmodeus." |
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | Your Favorite Cut of Meat | — | "Hey, which cut of meat would you say is the best?" |
Day 336 | |||
Leviathan | An Otaku's Plight | — | "Hey MC, could you let me borrow one of the walls in your room?" |
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Help! 1 | — | "Please, somebody cover my shift at Hell's Kitchen tomorrow!" |
Day 337 | |||
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Help! 2 | — | "Guess what I just saw?" |
Lucifer | Help! 3 | — | "Today was exhausting." |
Day 338 | |||
25 | A Ghost? | — | "Yo, Asmo." |
Satan | Gift Bouquet | — | "I went to a reception party today." |
Day 339 | |||
Asmodeus | Once Upon a Lunchtime | — | "Hey, MC." |
Mammon | Updating My Look | — | "Hey." |
Day 340 | |||
Beelzebub | Secret Ingredient | — | "Hey, MC." |
Diavolo | A Small Break | — | "MC, are you available right now?" |
Day 341 | |||
45 | A New Bufo Egg Milk Tea | — | "Sataaan." |
Luke | Shopping List | — | "10 oz of shadow hog." |
Day 342 | |||
Where's My Money | Midnight Snack Research 1 | — | "Hey, Mammon." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Midnight Snack Research 2 | (1) | "Ta-dah." |
Day 343 | |||
Cat(3) | An Invitation from a Witch | — | "I forgot to mention it, but I met Maddi the other day." |
Big Brothers(3) | Gamer Levi's Incurable Illness | — | "Does anybody know where the first aid kit in the living room is?" |
Day 344 | |||
1235(4) | Beauty Drink by Solomon | — | "Hey, everyone!" |
345(3) | Book Jacket Debate | — | "Hey, what do you do with the book jackets that come with books sometimes?" |
Day 345 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Switching House Chores 1 | — | "Hey, let's each name one chore we hate doing." |
Lucifer | A Sneaky Prank? | — | "You're more daring than you seem." |
Day 346 | |||
Leviathan | Get the Limited Edition | — | "The limited-edition A Set photographs commemorating the.." |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Switching House Chores 2 | — | "Whose turn is it to sweep the garden this week?" |
Day 347 | |||
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Beel's Bad Habit 1 | — | "Beel, I heard ya screwed up again." |
36 | Beel's Bad Habit 2 | — | "I have a favor to ask." |
Day 348 | |||
Satan | Laundry Day | — | <Sticker sent> |
Mammon | Last Resort | — | "I'm never gonna get all this homework done in time!" |
Day 349 | |||
Asmodeus | Asmo's Latest Toy | — | "Hey MC, listen to this!" |
Beelzebub | A True Horror Story? 1 | — | "Can I tell you a scary story about something that actually happened to me?" |
Day 350 | |||
Belphegor | A True Horror Story? 2 | — | "Hey MC, did Beel say anything to you recently?" |
Simeon | Simeon's Dilemma | — | <Sticker sent> |
Days 351-400[]
351 - 400 | |||
Chatroom Name | Title | CG | Preview |
Day 351 | |||
Diavolo | Let's Go Cycling! | — | "Hello MC." |
Solomon | Crossword Puzzle | — | "MC." |
Day 352 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | Selfie Tips 1 | — | "By the way." |
The Fantastic Three(3) | Selfie Tips 2 | (1) | "How's this one, Lucifer?" |
Day 353 | |||
Purgatory Hall | Lucifer's Posture | — | "I got thinking during the morning assembly today." |
Asmodeus | Selfie Tips 3 | — | "Lord Diavolo of all people came to me to learn about taking selfies." |
Day 354 | |||
The Royals(3) | Where the Treasure Goes 1 | — | "It seems a number of treasures from the Demon Lord's Castle have been popping..." |
The Fantastic Three(3) | Where the Treasure Goes 2 | — | "My apologies to both of you." |
Day 355 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | My Lord Today | — | "Today, My Lord chose Assam for his morning tea." |
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Body Measurements 1 | — | "Yo." |
Day 356 | |||
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Going Viral | — | "MC! Levi!" |
Mammon | Your Favorite Color 1 | — | "Hey MC, what's your favorite color?" |
Day 357 | |||
Leviathan | TSL Roleplay | — | "Henry, my dear friend." |
Mammon | Your Favorite Color 2 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 358 | |||
Satan | Feeling Unwell | — | <Sticker sent> |
Lucifer | Body Measurements 2 | — | "MC, do you have some time?" |
Day 359 | |||
Beelzebub | Banned Player? | — | "The VR version of Ace of Fighters is out now." |
Belphegor | Be Careful of Bedheads | — | "Hey." |
Day 360 | |||
Luke | An Unexpected Failure | — | <Sticker sent> |
Barbatos | Dealing with a Drunk | — | "MC, I'm afraid I must ask you for a favor." |
Day 361 | |||
Solomon | Cooking Sorcery | — | "I've developed a new type of magic." |
Simeon | Afterschool Message | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 362 | |||
Mammon | Delivery Service | — | "I'm going to Devilmart to stock up on instant noodles." |
Lucifer | Greetings from afar | — | "MC." |
Day 363 | |||
Leviathan | Levi's Intimacy Level | — | "MC." |
Satan | Making Someone Fall in Love | — | "Is anything troubling you, MC?" |
Day 364 | |||
Asmodeus | Lacking Love | — | "Hey, MC. Have you been getting enough love lately?" |
Beelzebub | After-Club Activities | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 365 | |||
Belphegor | About the Starry Sky | — | "Did you watch the Astral Travel Guide?" |
Diavolo | School in the Human World | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 366 | |||
Luke | Luke's Dream | — | "Listen to this, MC." |
Barbatos | The Fragrance of Tea | — | "Hello, MC." |
Day 367 | |||
345(3) | The Balloon Story 1 | (1) | <Picture sent> |
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | The Balloon Story 2 | — | "Hey, Mammon, didn't you work part-time making balloon art for a while?" |
Day 368 | |||
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Chess Tournament 1 | — | "You guys still at RAD?" |
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Chess Tournament 2 | — | "Now..." |
Day 369 | |||
Asmodeus | Baking with Asmo | — | "Hey, MC!" |
The Angels(3) | Without You | — | "I promise to protect you next time, MC." |
Day 370 | |||
1235(4) | What's That Sound? 1 | — | "What is that noise?" |
25 | What's That Sound? 2 | — | "It was Satan's music box." |
Day 371 | |||
The Demon Brothers(New)(7) | Sticker Rally 1 | — | "Attention, everyone!" |
Satan | Let's Go to the Film Festival | — | "Are you busy this weekend?" |
Day 372 | |||
Mammon | Your Account Has Been Suspended | — | "MC, listen!" |
Leviathan | Who's My Next Partner? | — | "Hey, MC." |
Day 373 | |||
The Royals(3) | The Occasional Reward | — | <Sticker sent> |
Cat(3) | TV Drama Obsessed | — | "I finally saw it." |
Day 374 | |||
Belphegor | Dessert with the Twins 1 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Beelzebub | Dessert with the Twins 2 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 375 | |||
The Demon Brothers(New)(7) | Sticker Rally 2 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Diavolo | Let's Go Shopping | — | "MC, are you busy today?" |
Day 376 | |||
Solomon | How to Beat the House of Sorrow | — | "MC do you have a moment?" |
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Not a Morning Person | — | "Hey, you two." |
Day 377 | |||
Big Brothers(3) | How to Keep a Pure Heart 1 | — | "Professoooor..." |
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | How to Keep a Pure Heart 2 | (1) | "This one is titled "Poor Mammon."" |
Day 378 | |||
34 | A New Target 1 | — | ""I bought the new Devil Lohas Milk Tea." |
345(3) | A New Target 2 | — | "HEY!" |
Day 379 | |||
45 | Quest for Fresh Bread 1 | — | "I reeeaaally want to eat some freshly-baked bread." |
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Quest for Fresh Bread 2 | — | "Hey..." |
Day 380 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Quest for Fresh Bread 3 | — | "I'm exhausted." |
Simeon | Simeon's Thoughtfulness | — | "Hello, MC." |
Day 381 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Satan's Coffee Pot | — | "I'm going to make some coffee. Let me know if anyone wants some as well." |
1235(4) | Demonus Tasting | — | "Heeeey!" |
Day 382 | |||
Mammon | The Day I've Been Waiting For | — | "Today's the day!" |
Lucifer | A Delicious Job | — | "MC." |
Day 383 | |||
Leviathan | Let's Make Manga Food! | — | "There's this voice inside my head telling me to try making recipes found in manga." |
Satan | A Very Scary Story | — | "MC, have you heard this story before?" |
Day 384 | |||
Asmodeus | Morning Routine | — | "Hey, MC." |
Beelzebub | An Inescapable Fate | — | "Hey, MC." |
Day 385 | |||
Belphegor | Something Interesting | — | "I found something interesting." |
Luke | Greenery for the Room | — | "I want to get a new plant for my room." |
Day 386 | |||
Diavolo | Lord Diavolo and the Hair Iron | — | "MC, help me." |
Solomon | Let's Pick a Test Subject | — | "MC, can I ask you something?" |
Day 387 | |||
25 | A Photo of Our Youth 1 | — | "I want to take a photo with everyone!" |
The Fantastic Three(3) | A Photo of Our Youth 2 | (1) | <Picture sent> |
Day 388 | |||
36 | Belphie's Artistic Skills | — | "Hey." |
Purgatory Hall | Tonight's Dinner | — | "Sorry, you two!" |
Day 389 | |||
Barbatos | Foresight 1 | — | "Hello, MC." |
Devildom Prince | Unusual Tastes | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 390 | |||
67 | Foresight 2 | — | "Belphie, how is MC feeling?" |
Solomon the Sorcerer | Beware of Sales | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 391 | |||
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | An Unexpected Prank 1 | — | "I set up a prank in Lucifer's room." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | An Unexpected Prank 2 | — | "A record from my room is missing." |
Day 392 | |||
Lucifer | Intense Craving | — | "MC." |
Mammon | A Special Present | — | "I've got somethin' special for ya, MC!" |
Day 393 | |||
Leviathan | Levi's Code | — | "Let's fight for our hopes and dreams!" |
Satan | Mystery Shopper | — | "MC, are you free on the weekend?" |
Day 394 | |||
Asmodeus | A Tempting Offer | — | "Hey, would you be interested in skipping school with me today?" |
Beelzebub | Class Nuisance | — | "I got detention." |
Day 395 | |||
Belphegor | Belphie and the Tatami Mat | — | "Mammon was laughing at me just now." |
House of Lamentation(new)(8) | An Unusual Fight | (1) | "We got a brawl here." |
Day 396 | |||
Diavolo | Regular Check-in | — | "Hello, MC." |
Barbatos | Junk Food | — | "I have committed a blunder unbecoming of my position." |
Day 397 | |||
Luke | Luke and the Eye Drops | — | <Sticker sent> |
Simeon | Scenery for You | — | "The other day, Luke and I went on a trip to a far-off area and enjoyed ourselves some tea." |
Day 398 | |||
Solomon | Solomon in Trouble | — | "Help!" |
The Demon Brothers(New)(7) | A Handy Fragrance Diffuser 1 | — | "Mammon's hanging upside down from the ceiling, but he sure smells good." |
Day 399 | |||
The Demon Brothers(New)(7) | A Handy Fragrance Diffuser 2 | — | "It's good to be free again." |
67 | Toothache | — | "My tooth hurts." |
Day 400 | |||
Brothers No More | Record Freak | — | "By the way..." |
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | Mysterious Creature | — | "Hey!!" |
Days 401-450[]
401 - 450 | |||
Chatroom Name | Title | CG | Preview |
Day 401 | |||
Cat(3) | The Intellectual Group | — | "Good job today." |
Devildom Prince | Slippery Lord Diavolo | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 402 | |||
Solomon the Sorcerer | Christopher Peugeot's Autograph | — | "Simeon, could I ask a favor of you?" |
Sweet Tooth | Paying Back the Kindness | — | "The other day, I ran into Beelzebub on the way back from Hell's Supermarket." |
Day 403 | |||
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Request for New PCs | — | "Please!" |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | The Twins' Stretch Routine | (1) | "Ta-da!" |
Day 404 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Misleading | — | "Damn that Luke!" |
The Angels(3) | A Threatening Letter? | — | "What am I going to do, MC?" |
Day 405 | |||
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | The Fate of the Abandoned Bicycle | — | "Whoops." |
Purgatory Hall(3) | Magic Soap | — | "What are we going to do? We're all out of soap." |
Day 406 | |||
EMERGENCY!(6) | The Mysterious Plot of Land 1 | — | "Lucifer." |
The Fantastic Three(3) | The Mysterious Plot of Land 2 | — | "Lucifer, did you like my present?" |
Day 407 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Sushi Cravings | — | "I just watched an anime where the characters were eating sushi, and now I'm dying for a few pieces." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Extreme Mornings | — | "I've heard there's a trend in the human world called 'extreme morning activities.'" |
Day 408 | |||
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Identity | — | "That channel you recommended was really interesting." |
Solomon the Sorcerer | Behind the Smile | — | "Barbatos is a wicked demon, isn't he?" |
Day 409 | |||
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | World-Ending Device 1 | — | "I picked up a world-ending device outside the gate." |
The Demon Brothers(New)(7) | World-Ending Device 2 | — | "Has anyone seen a box with a button on it?" |
Day 410 | |||
The Angels(3) | Luke Insists | — | "Can i talk to you guys for a minute?" |
The Fantastic Three(3) | Thoughtful | — | "Lucifer, if you're free now, could you come to the castle?" |
Day 411 | |||
EMERGENCY!(6) | Thumb Wrestling Contest | — | "Lucifer, I have a favor to ask." |
The Demon Brothers(New)(7) | The Culprit | — | "Someone left the kitchen in a filthy state." |
Day 412 | |||
36 | Who Knows What Beel Eats | — | "Hey." |
1235(4) | The Ultimate Sacrifice | (1) | "Solomon's cooking." |
Day 413 | |||
Lucifer | Pretty Please | — | "That program you're appearing in will be airing in a few days, yes?" |
345(3) | Alternative Solution | — | "I found a frosted glass bottle in the common room." |
Day 415 | |||
1235(4) | Russian Roulette Pie | — | "Dammit, Mammon!" |
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Party Jacker | — | "Hey, guys!" |
Day 416 | |||
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Unexplained Dreams 1 | — | "Hey, listen." |
Cat(3) | Unexplained Dreams 2 | — | "Hey, Solomon." |
Day 417 | |||
Big Brothers(3) | Addictive? | — | "So, I accidentally stuck my fingers in the wall socket just now..." |
Asmodeus | Movie Impressions | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 418 | |||
Leviathan | A Novel Punishment | — | "I accidentally broke one of the wax figures in the hallway." |
Cat(3) | Shadow Alpaca | — | "So, get this." |
Day 419 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Belphie's Plan | — | "I've been thinking. We're living in eco-friendly times." |
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Dancing With You | — | "The RAD ball is coming up!" |
Day 420 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Hostile Response 1 | — | "Man, I'm irritated." |
Satan | Hostile Response 2 | — | "Asmo's been using baby talk the whole day." |
Day 421 | |||
25 | Waste of Talent | — | "The Great Mammon is a genius." |
Luke (Chihuahua) | Bumps in the Night | — | "Simeon, help!" |
Day 422 | |||
Solomon | Sweets Fair | — | "Hello, MC." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Mammon and the Salamander | — | "I went to town just now and saw Mammon with a salamander." |
Day 423 | |||
Brothers No More | A Talented Nail Stylist | — | "Guess what, Lucifer." |
Satan | The Sender's Identity | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 424 | |||
Mammon | Rendezvous | — | <Sticker sent> |
Solomon | Riddle Me This | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 425 | |||
Asmodeus | The Game of Love | — | "Hey, MC. Are you feeling lonely yet?" |
Diavolo | Postcard | — | "Hello, MC." |
Day 426 | |||
Beelzebub | On Your Lap | — | "My Pillow isn't very comfy." |
Belphegor | Appetite | — | "Thanks for today, MC." |
Day 427 | |||
Barbatos | A Whim | — | "Good day." |
Leviathan | Prayer to Win | — | "(x_x)" |
Day 428 | |||
Luke | A Present | — | "Listen to this, MC!" |
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | The Latest Prank | — | "We did it, MC." |
Day 429 | |||
The Royals(3) | Begging for Forgiveness | (1) | "Take a look at this." |
Simeon | Light-Headed | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 430 | |||
Devildom Prince | Bandage | — | "Hello, Simeon." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Lotan's Return | — | "I'm sorry, guys." |
Day 431 | |||
Purgatory Hall(3) | Purgatory Hall Dogi✩Maji 2 | — | "We really need to start raising our intimacy levels with the heroine." |
Lucifer | Happy Rumors | — | "Apparently, you impressed everyone in applied magical potions today." |
Day 432 | |||
Sweet Tooth | Too Many Sweets | — | "Hey, Barbatos." |
The Fantastic Three(3) | Behavior in Love | — | "The person you love has lost something important." |
Day 433 | |||
EMERGENCY!(6) | The Modern Art Piece | — | "The modern art piece I bought the other day has disappeared." |
Purgatory Hall(3) | Stormy Night | — | "I heard there's going to be an awful storm tonight." |
Day 434 | |||
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Internet Outage 1 | — | "Hey!" |
36 | Internet Outage 2 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 435 | |||
12 | Fire Hazard | — | "I heard that there was a small fire in your room today." |
The Royals(3) | Riddle Escape Room | — | "Going to that riddle escape room with everyone was so much fun!" |
Day 436 | |||
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Test Subject | — | "Solomon gave me a sleeping potion that's supposed to work on any demon." |
Asmodeus | Eyelash Care | — | "MC, guess what!" |
Day 437 | |||
36 | Worst Punishment Ever | — | "Hey, Levi." |
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Photo Collage | — | "So, I was makin' a photo collage of Lucifer..." |
Day 438 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Bunny Boy | (1) | <Sticker sent> |
45 | Hell Cockatoo 1 | — | "Hey, Satan!" |
Day 439 | |||
Solomon | Anklet | — | "Hello, MC." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Hell Cockatoo 2 | — | "Who is responsible for letting a hell cockatoo into my room?" |
Day 440 | |||
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Next to Me | — | "You'll never believe this, MC." |
Devildom Prince | New Clothes | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 441 | |||
Diavolo | Exhaustion | — | "Hello, MC." |
Cat(3) | Canned Food Development 1 | — | "MC, Satan." |
Day 442 | |||
Beelzebub | Canned Food Development 2 | — | "I heard you guys gave Solomon some suggestions for his canned food." |
Sweet Tooth | Cooking Show | — | "I've been practicing making crushed millefeuille!" |
Day 443 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Movies with Beel | — | "That was horrible!" |
Mammon | Hell Poison Honey Flavor | — | "Hey, hey!" |
Day 444 | |||
Purgatory Hall(3) | Stuffed Toy 1 | — | "Hey." |
Luke | Stuffed Toy 2 | — | "MC, you big meanie!" |
Day 445 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | The Sauce Incident 1 | — | "Hey!" |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | The Sauce Incident 2 | — | "I'm sorry, Belphie." |
Day 446 | |||
The Royals(3) | Demon Lord Cup Cutie | — | "My Lord, I believe 'that item' is going on sale today." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | The Devildom Game Festival | — | "Are you free today?" |
Day 447 | |||
Barbatos | TSL Quiz | — | "Question one:" |
Big Brothers(3) | Picking up Litter | — | "You two." |
Day 448 | |||
The Angels(3) | Memories | (1) | "Hey, MC." |
Leviathan | Gacha Luck | — | "Help me, MC!" |
Day 449 | |||
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Rock Garden | — | "Beelzebub." |
67 | Request | — | "You're making dinner tonight, right?" |
Day 450 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Hairstyle Swap | — | "That hairstyle swap the other day was a barrel of laughs." |
67 | Treatment | — | "Asmo gave me some hair treatment samples." |
Days 451-500[]
451 - 500 | |||
Chatroom Name | Title | CG | Preview |
Day 451 | |||
1235(4) | Hellfire 1 | — | "I'm burning!" |
1235(4) | Hellfire 2 | — | "The Great Mammon is back!" |
Day 452 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Portrait | — | "An artist acquaintance of mine was kind enough to paint MC's picture." |
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | A Special Day | — | "Hey, MC. Want to come to our room tonight?" |
Day 453 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Just Woke Up | (1) | <Picture sent> |
Lucifer | Time With a Special Someone | — | "MC, care to accompany me to the music room?" |
Day 454 | |||
Mammon | Up for Hookie? | — | "Hey." |
Leviathan | Stop the Doldrums | — | "You've heard of rough patches in a relationship, right?" |
Day 455 | |||
Satan | Dream or Reality | — | "Tell me something." |
Asmodeus | Gloss Mark | — | "That was a lovely date, MC." |
Day 456 | |||
Beelzebub | Hide and Seek | — | "MC, where are you?" |
Belphegor | Not Enough | — | "Hey, MC." |
Day 457 | |||
Diavolo | A Picnic Mood | — | "Hello, MC. It's afternoon recess at last." |
Barbatos | Barbatos's Ulterior Motive | — | "I have a favor to ask of you, MC." |
Day 458 | |||
Simeon | Simeon's Invitation | — | "MC, if I recall correctly, today is your turn to collect everyone's notebooks..." |
Luke | Broken Mug | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 459 | |||
Solomon | Before the Rain | — | "Thank you for going shopping with me, MC." |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | The Blunder Years | — | "I unearthed something I'd rather forget while cleaning my room today." |
Day 460 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | Why My Head Aches | — | "My head aches." |
Purgatory Hall(3) | When the Moment Comes | — | "I just don't know." |
Day 461 | |||
Sweet Tooth | The Sweets Exchange | — | "Hey, Barbatos!" |
Brothers No More | The Magic of a Pat on the Head | — | "Listen to this, Lucifer." |
Day 462 | |||
The Royals(3) | Riding a Hot Air Balloon! | — | "The human world is full of wondrous inventions, MC." |
Cat(3) | Boundless Enthusiasm | — | "Oh yes, there's something I forgot to mention about 'The Ins and Outs of..." |
Day 463 | |||
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Until the Last Grain Falls | — | "Listen to this, MC." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Asmo's Poster | (1) | <Picture sent> |
Day 464 | |||
Luke | A Bouquet for You | — | "Guess what, MC?!" |
1235(4) | An Unexpected Twist | — | "Hey, Levi." |
Day 465 | |||
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Let's Go for a Drive! 1 | — | "Hey! Why don't we all go for a drive, just us in this group?" |
Solomon | New Magic | — | "So, MC." |
Day 466 | |||
25 | I Call Dibs! | — | "Guess what!" |
Satan | The Fountain Pen | — | "MC, do you know what happened to my fountain pen? It's not on my desk." |
Day 467 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Scandalous! | — | "Flirt alert!" |
1235(4) | New Hairdo! | — | "Hey, Lucifer!" |
Day 468 | |||
Barbatos | With Gratitude | — | "The most wonderful thing happened today, MC!" |
34 | Endless Recommendations | — | "There's another light novel series I forgot to lend you. My bad." |
Day 469 | |||
36 | Nightmare of Despair | — | <Sticker sent> |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Tip Chart | — | "Oooh, Luuucifer!" |
Day 470 | |||
Leviathan | The Day After the Finale | — | "I'm not going to RAD today." |
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | Asmo on Stage! | — | "Guess what!" |
Day 471 | |||
45 | Fashion Coordination! | — | "Do you have a moment?" |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | The Last One 1 | — | "There's one bottle of Demonus left in the fridge. Who does it belong to?" |
Day 472 | |||
Devildom Prince | The Little Things | — | "You'll never guess what happened!" |
Sweet Tooth | Sweets Exchange Update | — | "Hello, Luke." |
Day 473 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | The Perfect Shot | (1) | <Picture sent> |
12 | Something Useful | — | "Mammon." |
Day 474 | |||
56 | Sexy Muscles | — | "I was chowing down at the Headless Café when I got felt up by a swarm of..." |
The Royals(3) | Be Careful with Experiments | — | "Are you all right, MC?!" |
Day 475 | |||
67 | Body Pillow Specification | — | <Sticker sent> |
Lucifer | Let's Go for a Drive! 2 | — | "MC. It has come to my attention..." |
Day 476 | |||
Simeon | Excited for Tonight | — | <Sticker sent> |
The Fantastic Three(3) | An Old Picture | — | "Hello, Lucifer." |
Day 477 | |||
Diavolo | Couples Discount! | — | "I have news, MC!" |
Purgatory Hall(3) | Where's My Bowl? | — | "I can't find one of the bowls I use for applied magical potions class." |
Day 478 | |||
Belphegor | Movie Night | — | "You're horrible, MC." |
The Angels(3) | A Hypnotic Song 1 | — | "I'd like to record a blacktailed canary singing." |
Day 479 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Jelly Flavoring 1 | — | "Barbatos gave us a bunch of different jelly powders, so we're making them." |
345(3) | Jelly Flavoring 2 | — | "What a disgrace." |
Day 480 | |||
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Recollection of Class | — | "Hey, MC, Satan. Do either of you have notes from class yesterday?" |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | The Last One 2 | — | "You were all arguing over the last bottle of Demonus the other day, right?" |
Day 481 | |||
Asmodeus | Planning the Perfect Date | — | "Tried and tested dates are all very well, but don't you want to spice things up..." |
Beelzebub | Hotdog Flavor | — | "MC, which would you choose: melted cheese or purgatory mustard?" |
Day 482 | |||
Mammon | Gold Axe or Silver Axe? | — | "Ya know that story about the gold and silver axes?" |
Cat(3) | A Hypnotic Song 2 | — | "I heard that the two of you recorded a blacktailed canary's song with Simeon..." |
Day 483 | |||
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Who Will You Choose?! | — | "MC!" |
Purgatory Hall(3) | Handstand | — | "Hey, guys!" |
Day 484 | |||
Beelzebub | A Brother's Gratitude | — | "Hey." |
Leviathan | No Subject | — | "Amazing!" |
Day 485 | |||
Devildom Prince | Just Like a Puppy | (1) | "Look at this, Diavolo." |
Asmodeus | Super Important! | — | "O M G!" |
Day 486 | |||
Mammon | SOS | — | "HELP!" |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Judge Wanted | — | "Somebody!" |
Day 487 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Why Oh Why? | — | "Hey, guys." |
Purgatory Hall(3) | I Did It All by Myself! | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 488 | |||
Satan | An Unfortunate Accident | — | "I'm sorry." |
Satan | Forgive Me | — | "I know that apologizing won't undo the damage." |
Day 489 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | SOS Epilogue | — | "That was close." |
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | Youngest of Them All | — | "Did you all see it?" |
Day 490 | |||
Diavolo | The Best Types of Tea | — | "I'd like your opinion on something." |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | The Missing Makeup Pouch | — | "Has anyone seen my makeup pouch?" |
Day 491 | |||
Belphegor | Can't Have Too Many Pillows | — | <Sticker sent> |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | No Rest for the Otaku | — | "I need heeeelp..." |
Day 492 | |||
Purgatory Hall(3) | Hoop Snake Search 1 | — | "Hey, Solomon." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Tonight's Dinner | — | "I'm about to head home." |
Day 493 | |||
Satan | Cat Grass | — | "I saw something on social media from the human world." |
Big Brothers(3) | The Time Has Come | — | "It's time." |
Day 494 | |||
Belphegor | Pillow Paradise | — | <Sticker sent> |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | After Scary Movie Night | (1) | <Picture sent> |
Day 495 | |||
Lucifer | Suspicious | — | "Mammon has been acting strangely." |
Mammon | Something's Fishy | — | "Hey, so, uh..." |
Day 496 | |||
Big Brothers(3) | Not What I Signed Up For | — | "Where'd Levi go, by the way?" |
Purgatory Hall(3) | The Hoop Snake? | — | "Were you able to find a hoop snake?" |
Day 497 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | The Cats' Favorite Spot | — | <Sticker sent> |
Solomon | The Sorcerer's Record 1 | — | "Do you want a record?" |
Day 498 | |||
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | The Cats' Whereabouts | — | "So, what did you do about the cats?" |
Diavolo | Please Teach Me | — | "I have a favor to ask of you." |
Day 499 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | The Things Humans Come Up With | — | "I found something peculiar on a human social media account just now." |
Leviathan | This is the End | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 500 | |||
Asmodeus | Charm-Enhancing Magic | — | "MC, where are you right now?" |
Barbatos | Care to Join Me? | — | "Hello." |
Days 501-550[]
501 - 550 | |||
Chatroom Name | Title | CG | Preview |
Day 501 | |||
Simeon | Searching for Ideas | — | "Could I talk to you about something? It needs to remain between us..." |
Belphegor | Preventative Measures | — | "I happened to run into Mammon today." |
Day 502 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Cat Island 1 | — | "MC, I have to know." |
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Existential Crisis | — | "Things have been pretty quiet lately..." |
Day 503 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Come and Get Him | — | "Anyone have some free time right now?" |
Tea Demons | Secret Ingredient | — | "Now that tea parties are becoming a regular occurrence at the House of..." |
Day 504 | |||
Lucifer | The Sorcerer's Record 2 | — | "Are you in your room?" |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | What's Going On? | (1) | "I just saw Barbatos walking around with a bunch of cleaning stuff in his arms." |
Day 505 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | What's Going On? 2 | — | "Lucifer." |
67 | I Got Scolded | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 506 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Taking Responsibility | — | <Sticker sent> |
Solomon | A Successful Summon! | — | "I have amazing news!" |
Day 507 | |||
Beelzebub | I'm Hungry | — | "I want a BLT Devil sandwich." |
Barbatos | How to Get Rid of Rats | — | "I am in need of some advice." |
Day 508 | |||
Belphegor | I Can't Sleep | — | "Are you still awake?" |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Cat Island 2 | — | "I did some research on Cat Island." |
Day 509 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | Solving the Rat Problem | — | "We have a problem." |
Luke | I'm Not a Child | — | "You're the only one I can talk to." |
Day 510 | |||
Simeon | I Love You | — | "You cling to my thoughts like a shadow to a body." |
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | The Super Popular Sorcerer | — | "UGH! What am I going to DOOO?" |
Day 511 | |||
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | A Suspicious Package | — | "It's strange." |
Mammon | Unreasonable | — | "Hey, MC!" |
Day 512 | |||
Lucifer | Care for a Drink? | — | "I just got home." |
Purgatory Hall(3) | It Might Make You Taller | — | "I heard the strangest rumor." |
Day 513 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Shampoo | — | "I'm in the middle of taking a shower right now..." |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | You'll Be My Associate | — | "Diavolo and Barbatos will be absent from RAD for a while." |
Day 514 | |||
Cat(3) | Satan the Cat | (1) | "Take a look at this." |
Belphegor | Belphie's Woes | — | "I'm tired." |
Day 515 | |||
The Angels(3) | The Discipline Committee | — | "It seems like you've been working really hard lately, Luke." |
Mammon | Treasure Map | — | "I wanna aska ya something 'cause I know you're dependable." |
Day 516 | |||
Leviathan | An Unexpected Contender | — | "You won't believe this." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | A Hopeless Idiot | — | "Why are you so stupid?" |
Day 517 | |||
Diavolo | Specially for You | — | "I'm sorry, MC." |
345(3) | Quitting While Ahead? | — | "I'm so mad at Barbatos!" |
Day 518 | |||
Purgatory Hall(3) | Show Us How It's Done | — | "Leviathan came over and dropped off some stuff." |
Solomon | An Aptitude for Gaming | — | "I'm surprised." |
Day 519 | |||
Asmodeus | A Beautiful Busy Bee | — | "Remember how Lord Diavolo asked me to model the other day?" |
Diavolorino | One Good Deed a Day | — | "Hey, Lord Diavolo." |
Day 520 | |||
Sweet Tooth | A Suspicious Brew | — | "It's been an awful day. Just AWFUL." |
Leviathan | A Suspicious Brew 2 | — | "What did you put in that coffee you made?" |
Day 521 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | So It's You Again, Mammon | — | "Who did it?" |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Of Course It Was Mammon | — | "I've determined what the substance was that Mammon put into the bathtub." |
Day 522 | |||
Mammon | They Had It Coming | — | "Bath salt, my ass. That bastard." |
Lucifer | Vacation Plans | — | "I finally finished the tasks assigned to me during Barbatos and Diavolo's..." |
Day 523 | |||
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Time to Unite | — | "I heard this through the grapevine." |
Belphegor | It's Sleepy Time | — | "Now, what kind of prank should I pull on Lucifer?" |
Day 524 | |||
Beelzebub | Food Is Scary | — | "It's an emergency." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | He Looks Hot | (1) | "I did it." |
Day 525 | |||
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | How Infuriating | — | "I can't STAND it!" |
Diavolo | Diavolo's Privileges | — | "Have you seen it?" |
Day 526 | |||
Barbatos | A Guilty Secret | — | "Have you heard about that photo, MC?" |
Satan | A Real Treasure Map? | — | "Do you remember what Mammon was talking about the other day?" |
Day 527 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | The Anticipation Grows | — | "I already told MC, but I found an old map." |
Purgatory Hall(3) | A Thirst for Adventure | — | "Did you hear the news?!" |
Day 528 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | Let's Go Exploring | — | "I heard the news, Lucifer!" |
Diavolo | To Each Their Own | — | "You're joining the expedition too, are you, MC?" |
Day 529 | |||
Leviathan | A New Hobby? | — | "Wow." |
Sweet Tooth | Must-Sees in the Devildom | — | "May I ask you something?" |
Day 530 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Good News | — | "I have good news." |
Mammon | Mammon's Scheming | — | "As my trusty faithful servant, I'm givin' ya a task." |
Day 531 | |||
Lucifer | The Aftermath | — | "I want to thank you." |
Asmodeus | Let's Stay Home Together | — | "I heard everyone's going to explore some ruins." |
Day 532 | |||
Purgatory Hall(3) | The Angels' Plans | — | "I can't help feeling jealous." |
Luke | Picnic Food Ideas | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 533 | |||
Satan | Vital Scholarly Research | — | "I find it disgraceful." |
The Royals(3) | Ready for the Big Day | — | "Tomorrow's finally the big day." |
Day 534 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | A Package From Diavolo | — | "Barbatos came over yesterday, didn't he?" |
Belphegor | Lost | — | "Where are you right now?" |
Day 535 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Who's on Breakfast Duty? | — | "Hellooo?!" |
Solomon | Picnic | — | "Yesterday was the day of the expedition, right?" |
Day 536 | |||
Simeon | Home-Cooked Meals | — | "It sounds like you had a rough time." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | I Got a Super-Rare Photo! | (1) | "So, MC and I handed in our completed stamp-collecting game cards today, and..." |
Day 537 | |||
Diavolorino | A Message for Barbatos | — | "That wasn't very nice of you to take my photo in secret." |
Barbatos | A Request | — | "I have a request." |
Day 538 | |||
1235(4) | How to Snap Another Pic | — | <Sticker sent> |
67 | Something's Not Right | — | "I feel like I fall asleep really easily nowadays." |
Day 539 | |||
Devildom Prince | The Devildom Travel Guide | — | "Do you remember the brothers going on an expedition the other day?" |
Beelzebub | A New Bed | — | "I'm thinking of making a new bed for Belphie." |
Day 540 | |||
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | Beel's Favorite Pastime | — | "Satan, you know how your room is full of books?" |
Cat(3) | Who'd Look Best as a Cat? | — | "We're going to have a serious debate today." |
Day 541 | |||
Brothers No More | Brotherly Love No More | — | "Hey, let's go somewhere together, just the two of us." |
Simeon | Open the Door | — | "Do you have a minute?" |
Day 542 | |||
36 | The Perfect Place | — | "Beel, this is a once-in-a-lifetime request!" |
Big Brothers(3) | What's Their Motive? | — | "I've received a strangely amorous message." |
Day 543 | |||
Sweet Tooth | I'm Being Watched | — | "Maybe it was just my imagination, but..." |
Lucifer | Homework | — | "We were assigned homework today, if you recall." |
Day 544 | |||
45 | Teach Me, Satan! | — | "Hey, Satan..." |
Mammon | Accidental Text | — | "Ain't nobody in this world that cares more about you than I do, MC." |
Day 545 | |||
Purgatory Hall(3) | A Promising Future | — | "Luke, your cooking has improved again." |
Leviathan | Let's Harmonize! | — | "Let's go to karaoke." |
Day 546 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | Suspicious Clubs | — | "I've been getting a lot of applications for new clubs lately." |
Satan | The Reason for My Apology | — | "Forgive me." |
Day 547 | |||
The Angels(3) | The Guest Room | — | "Could you help us out?" |
Asmodeus | Calling Home | — | "Aaaaah! I can't take it anymore!" |
Day 548 | |||
Beelzebub | A Flower for You | — | "I have something I want to give you, MC." |
Devildom Prince | Where to Go? | — | "I have an overwhelming urge to take a trip somewhere." |
Day 549 | |||
Where's My Money | Nightmare | — | "This totally sucks." |
Belphegor | Aren't You Proud of Me? | — | "I didn't oversleep today." |
Day 550 | |||
1235(4) | A Grave Concern? | — | "What am I going to do?" |
Diavolo | Envious | — | "You went shopping with Lucifer today, right?" |
Days 551-600[]
551 - 600 | |||
Chatroom Name | Title | CG | Preview |
Day 551 | |||
345(3) | Which Are You? | — | "So, who prefers chunky red bean paste and who prefers smooth?" |
Barbatos | Sticker Challenge | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 552 | |||
67 | Same Old, Same Old | — | "What happened with that thing the other day?" |
Luke | A Missing Item | — | "I'm looking for something." |
Day 553 | |||
Simeon | See You Soon | — | "We're meeting at our regular spot, right?" |
25 | Traitor | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 554 | |||
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | They Never Learn | — | "Update from the league, MC." |
Solomon | What Do You Like About Me? | — | "This is sort of a weird question..." |
Day 555 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Picture Charades | — | "Playing picture charades was so much fun!" |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | A Step Below the Rest | (1) | "OMG this one is even worse than Belphie's!" |
Day 556 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Levi's Pride and Joy | (1) | "I took Satan to see Levi's room." |
Sweets Masters | Negotiation | — | "I have a request." |
Day 557 | |||
EMERGENCY!(6) | Let's Exercise | — | "Let's get out and move!" |
Brothers No More | I Come Bearing Gifts | — | "I want to sleep over at the House of Lamentation again." |
Day 558 | |||
Cat(3) | Solomon the Miracle Worker | — | "I refuse to accept this." |
Diavolorino | Teacher and Student | — | "About that game you recommended, Final Devil Kingdom... |
Day 559 | |||
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Maid Café | — | "I was walking down Dogma Street earlier when I was pulled aside by someone from..." |
56 | An Obsession like No Other | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 560 | |||
Luke (Chihuahua) | Which One? | — | "I'm at Devilmart right now." |
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Urgent! | — | "Help!" |
Day 561 | |||
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Brotherly Love | — | "All those normies should be banished to another dimension!" |
12 | Brotherly Love? | — | "About my inquiry the other day..." |
Day 562 | |||
345(3) | A Scene One Morning | (1) | "Beel asked me to go see if Belphie got up this morning." |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | A Request | — | "Who's in charge of dinner tonight?" |
Day 563 | |||
Big Brothers(3) | First Thing in the Morning | — | "What do you do first thing in the morning?" |
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | Right Before You Go to Bed | — | "What's the last thing you do before going to bed?" |
Day 564 | |||
34 | The Next Volume | — | <Sticker sent> |
Solomon the Sorcerer | Passage of Time | — | "I've been thinking lately..." |
Day 565 | |||
Tea Demons | How to Feed a Picky Eater | — | "I did it, Lucifer." |
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | The Sun and Moon | — | "Simeon gave me some cookies." |
Day 566 | |||
36 | Let's Play TSL | — | "Hey, Lord of Flies." |
Solomon | ABC Word Chain 1 | — | "Let's play the ABC word chain game!" |
Day 567 | |||
Simeon | ABC Word Chain 2 | — | "ABC word chain?" |
Luke | ABC Word Chain 3 | — | "I'm great at word chain! Let me play too!" |
Day 568 | |||
Barbatos | ABC Word Chain 4 | — | "ABC word chain, you say?" |
Diavolo | ABC Word Chain 5 | — | "ABC word chain?" |
Day 569 | |||
Belphegor | ABC Word Chain 6 | — | "Word chain?" |
Beelzebub | ABC Word Chain 7 | — | "Word chain, huh?" |
Day 570 | |||
Asmodeus | ABC Word Chain 8 | — | "It's finally my turn!" |
Satan | ABC Word Chain 9 | — | "So, I'm the ninth player, am I?" |
Day 571 | |||
Leviathan | ABC Word Chain 10 | — | "Hang on lol" |
Mammon | ABC Word Chain 11 | — | "Word chain?" |
Day 572 | |||
Lucifer | ABC Word Chain 12 | — | "Word chain?" |
Cat(3) | ABC Word Chain 13 | — | "I'm glad everyone had fun playing word chain." |
Day 573 | |||
Diavolorino | Down the Rabbit Hole 1 | — | "Hey MC, have you seen the latest episode of 'Now That I've Been Reborn as a..." |
Lucifer | A Thoughtful Meal | — | "You were in charge of dinner tonight, weren't you, MC?" |
Day 574 | |||
Beelzebub | An Enormous Pudding 1 | — | "I'm hungry." |
The Royals(3) | An Enormous Pudding 2 | — | "Barbatos, there is something I would like to make immediately." |
Day 575 | |||
Where's My Money | Give It Back, Now! | — | "Hey, Mammoron! You were supposed to repay the money I lent you a long time ago." |
Satan | What Are Cat Cafés Like? | — | "Hey, MC. Can you tell me about cat cafés in the human world?" |
Day 576 | |||
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | In Sync With Each Other | — | "Beel, you should have something to eat soon." |
The Angels(3) | A Group Call One Day | (1) | "Look, MC!" |
Day 577 | |||
Asmodeus | Bewitching Body Cream | — | "Great news, MC!" |
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Who's Number One? | — | "Hey, MC!" |
Day 578 | |||
Cat(3) | Mission Impawsible | — | "I want to own a cat." |
Tea Demons | Down the Rabbit Hole 2 | — | "The Young Master has been acting rather strange lately." |
Day 579 | |||
Leviathan | How Do You Really Feel?! | — | "I read something on Devilgram just now." |
Purgatory Hall(3) | I Can't Take It Anymore! | — | "I can't take it anymore! I'm SICK of living in the Devildom!" |
Day 580 | |||
Barbatos | A Tea-Tasting Contest | — | "Hello, MC." |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | An Unexpected Sight | — | "Lucifeeer!" |
Day 581 | |||
Cat(3) | Practice What You Learned | — | "Sorry this is rather abrupt, MC, but could you let me give you a massage?" |
Luke (Chihuahua) | Simeon and Dried Flowers | — | "Bad news, Simeon!" |
Day 582 | |||
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Swapping Records 1 | — | "Let us now commence today's Anti-Lucifer League meeting." |
Lucifer | Swapping Records 2 | — | "MC, I want you to come to the music room tonight." |
Day 583 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Show Off That Muscle | (1) | "Check this out, everyone ♡" |
Solomon | A Date at the Library | — | "Guess what, MC?" |
Day 584 | |||
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Let's Have a Crazy Night! | — | "We're hosting a crazy night at our place tonight! Are you guys ready for it? ♡" |
Simeon | How to Read E-Books | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 585 | |||
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Who to Invite? | — | "Hello, my lovelies!" |
36 | The Perfect Gift? 1 | — | "Belphie gave me some pudding from Madam Scream's the other day." |
Day 586 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Open Up 1 | — | "Someone help me!" |
The Fantastic Three(3) | Open Up 2 | — | "I heard you dealt Mammon quite a harsh punishment, Lucifer." |
Day 587 | |||
Luke | Protect Simeon! | — | "You won't believe this, MC!" |
45 | Unexpected Modeling Job | — | "Hey, Satan. What do you say to modeling for a magazine?" |
Day 588 | |||
Belphegor | The Reason I Overslept | — | "Morning, MC." |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Time Tickets for Sale! | — | "Listen up, y'all!" |
Day 589 | |||
Purgatory Hall(3) | Why My Stomach Hurts 1 | — | "OH NO" |
Diavolo | First Supermarket Trip | — | "Do you mind doing me a favor, MC?" |
Day 590 | |||
56 | Slight Weight Gain | — | "Hey, Beel, how do you not put on weight despite eating so much?" |
Mammon | Ways to Spend Extra Cash | — | "HEY!" |
Day 591 | |||
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Satan's Reading Method 1 | — | "You're a weird one, Satan." |
The Angels(3) | A Long-Awaited Big Screen | — | "I'm thinking of setting up a giant screen at Purgatory Hall sometime. What do you..." |
Day 592 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Let's Do Impersonations! | — | "I'm bored, so why don't we play an impersonation game?" |
Diavolorino | Why My Stomach Hurts 2 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 593 | |||
345(3) | Hang Out With Me! | — | "Hey, you two! Why don't we hang out?" |
Belphegor | The Perfect Gift? 2 | — | "So, I got a present from Beel." |
Day 594 | |||
Sweets Masters | The Perfect Accompaniment | — | <Sticker sent> |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Pajama Party, Commence! | — | "Attention, everyone♡ We'll be holding a pajama party tonight ♡" |
Day 595 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | What's in the Box? | — | "Who left that enormous cardboard box in the hallway?" |
The Fantastic Three(3) | After the Party | (1) | <Picture sent> |
Day 596 | |||
Simeon | Satan's Reading Method 2 | — | <Sticker sent> |
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | A Death Fowl in the Dining Room | — | "HEY!" |
Day 597 | |||
Diabolus | Tough-Guy Act | — | "I saw Luke just now, and he was chugging milk at an alarming pace." |
Leviathan | Exciting Weekend Plans | — | "Hey, MC, are you free this weekend?" |
Day 598 | |||
Devildom Prince | Mammon's Good Deed 1 | — | "You'll never guess what happened, Simeon!" |
12 | Mammon's Good Deed 2 | — | "Yo, listen up, MC!" |
Day 599 | |||
The Angels(3) | I'm Not a Chihuahua! | — | "You wouldn't believe this, you two!" |
345(3) | Show Some Interest! | — | "It's finally OUT! The DevilTube gods have blessed us with the latest music video..." |
Day 600 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | Festival Memories 1 | — | "I was going through some documents, and I found a brochure from RAD's school..." |
Big Brothers(3) | Festival Memories 2 | — | "Lord Diavolo was looking at something nostalgic." |
Days 601-650[]
601 - 650 | |||
Chatroom Name | Title | CG | Preview |
Day 601 | |||
Brothers No More | Lucifer's Request 1 | — | "I have a favor to ask of you." |
Beelzebub | What's in the Box? 2 | — | "MC, I want your opinion on which meal kit I should buy next." |
Day 602 | |||
345(3) | Turning Over a New Leaf | — | "It looks like Mammon's been studying real hard recently." |
Sweet Tooth | Lucifer's Request 2 | — | "Thank you for your help at today's party, Luke." |
Day 603 | |||
Sweets Masters | Devildom Delights 1 | — | "I got some Japanese sweets from the human world." |
Diabolus | Devildom Delights 2 | — | "Barbatos made Japanese-style sweets modeled after abyss flowers." |
Day 604 | |||
Leviathan | Worst Possible Situation | — | "Nooooo, what giiiiiives?!" |
Asmodeus | It's Not a Costume! | — | "MC, do you remember..." |
Day 605 | |||
Beelzebub | That Can't Be Right | — | "MC, do you know the Hellish Health app?" |
Diavolo | Diavolo's Tea Party Proposal 1 | — | "MC, do you have a moment?" |
Day 606 | |||
Barbatos | Diavolo's Tea Party Proposal 2 | — | "The Young Master treated me to a blend of tea from the human world today." |
Luke | Luke's Troubles | — | "Sorry for spacing out during our magical science experiment today." |
Day 607 | |||
Simeon | Caught in the Rain | — | "Thank you for sharing your umbrella earlier, MC." |
The Angels(3) | Didn't Mean to Send That | (1) | "I made some new sweets the other day!" |
Day 608 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Mammon Appreciation Day | — | "Yo, everyone listen up!" |
Purgatory Hall(3) | Angels on the Hunt | — | "Solomon, have you seen my D.D.D.? I seem to have misplaced it." |
Day 609 | |||
Diavolorino | Learning a New Tune 1 | — | "There was something I was hoping to ask you." |
Sweet Tooth | Wrong Chat | — | "Man, I'm beat. I'm heading back to the dorm." |
Day 610 | |||
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Learning a New Tune 2 | — | "I noticed Lord Diavolo has been humming the same song lately." |
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Do Dreams Taste Good? | — | "Belphie. MC. I need your help." |
Day 611 | |||
Satan | Satan's Manga Recommendations | — | "MC, I heard that the others have been making all kinds of manga..." |
Lucifer | Listening to Cursed Records Together | — | "I'm listening to a cursed record in the music room right now." |
Day 612 | |||
Asmodeus | In Need of Some TLC | — | <Sticker sent> |
Belphegor | Missing Cake | — | "Do you know what happened to the ocean of clouds cake that was in the fridge?" |
Day 613 | |||
Big Brothers(3) | Loser Says What | — | "Just so you know, that last round doesn't count!" |
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Cat Café Snapshots | (1) | "I'm so flippin' bored!" |
Day 614 | |||
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Hiding Spots | — | "It's been a while since the Anti-Lucifer League has done anything noteworthy." |
Cat(3) | An Unexpected Visitor | — | "Okay, so." |
Day 615 | |||
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | A Moment Alone | — | "Thanks for coming over last night, guys!" |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Missing Collection 1 | — | "Mammon, you had best be ready to repent." |
Day 616 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | Missing Collection 2 | — | "I'm sorry for running off with those records." |
Mammon | Treasure Hunt 1 | — | "Yo, MC! Listen to this!" |
Day 617 | |||
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Treasure Hunt 2 | — | "MC, were you the one who filled in that pitfall?" |
Lucifer | Carrot and Stick | — | "MC, are you ready for the upcoming exams?" |
Day 618 | |||
Mammon | Seriously Serious | — | "It's about time I showed everyone just how serious I can get." |
Beelzebub | The Power of Pudding | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 619 | |||
Diavolo | Made with Love | — | "MC, thank you for the hellfire mushroom rolled cigar cookies!" |
12 | Intruder Alert! | — | "Mammon." |
Day 620 | |||
Where's My Money | Debt Settlement 1 | — | "Hey, stupid Mammon!" |
25 | Debt Settlement 2 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 621 | |||
Luke (Chihuahua) | Unhappy Angel 1 | — | "Simeoooooon!" |
Sweets Masters | Unhappy Angel 2 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 622 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Potential Roles 1 | — | "Okay, so." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Potential Roles 2 | — | "So, rumor has it that they're going to be making a live-action Ruri-chan movie." |
Day 623 | |||
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Aspiring to New Heights | — | "Hey." |
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Let's Get Ready to Ruuuumble! | — | "Mammon, I challenge you to a duel." |
Day 624 | |||
The Royals(3) | Diavolo's Flower Fortune-Telling | — | "I tried the flower fortune-telling method that MC taught me today." |
Purgatory Hall(3) | Asmo's Request | — | "That reminds me, Asmodeus and I made a serum together yesterday." |
Day 625 | |||
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Beel's Desires | — | "I want to take a whipped cream bath." |
1235(4) | Deserted Island Life | — | "I want to go to a deserted island." |
Day 626 | |||
EMERGENCY!(6) | The Allure of Something Custom-Made | — | "Shoes have simply GOT to be custom-made!" |
The Fantastic Three(3) | Mystery Hour | — | "Lucifer, what have you been reading lately?" |
Day 627 | |||
Luke | A Flower by Any Name | — | "MC, guess what!" |
Sweet Tooth | The Lovable Angel | (1) | <Picture sent> |
Day 628 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Camping Plans 1 | — | "This is the age of camping!" |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Belphie's Wake-Up Call | — | "I hereby call the 1567th meeting of the Belphie Wake-up Crew to order!" |
Day 629 | |||
Satan | Recommended Stress Relievers | — | "MC, do you remember telling me about how you found cleaning the kitchen to be a..." |
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | The Search for the Black Phantom Diamond 1 | — | "Guys, let's go on an expedition to find the Black Phantom Diamond!" |
Day 630 | |||
Beelzebub | The Search for the Black Phantom Diamond 2 | — | "I went looking for the Black Phantom Diamond in secret, and I actually did find it." |
The Fantastic Three(3) | A Source of Headaches 1 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 631 | |||
The Royals(3) | A Source of Headaches 2 | — | "MC, I must apologize." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Calling for Appliance Requests! 1 | — | "We'll be replacing the kitchen's appliances." |
Day 632 | |||
The Angels(3) | Camping Plans 2 | — | "MC, you remember the camping trip that everyone was talking about earlier?" |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Calling for Appliance Requests! 2 | — | "I hate to say it, but...the new dishwasher's broken." |
Day 633 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Livening Things Up 1 | — | "Diavolo says he wants to arrange a party at RAD." |
Belphegor | Snoozing to Success? | — | "Hey, there's a test coming up." |
Day 634 | |||
Mammon | Shopping for Who? | — | "Money!!!" |
Leviathan | Delivery! | — | "MC, I'm begging you!" |
Day 635 | |||
Asmodeus | New Hairdo | — | "Say..." |
Solomon | Real History | — | "Say, MC." |
Day 636 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | Livening Things Up 2 | — | "Lucifer, I thoroughly enjoyed the party the other day." |
Diavolo | What's the Rush? | — | "I heard you left class in a hurry today. May I ask why?" |
Day 637 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Foodie Face Off 1 | — | "A chef acquaintance of mine has asked me to rate their full-course meal." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Foodie Face Off 2 | (1) | "Okay, there's a slight possibility that Beel has the most sophisticated sense of taste." |
Day 638 | |||
Devildom Prince | School Survey 1 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Beelzebub | For Dinner | — | "I'm starving." |
Day 639 | |||
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Detective on the Case 1 | — | "Say, MC, have you heard?" |
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Detective on the Case 2 | — | "Yo, Levi. About Asmo's friend getting robbed." |
Day 640 | |||
Devildom Prince | School Survey 2 | — | "About the other students' responses to the school survey..." |
Belphegor | Meddlesome Demon | — | "I got drowsy on the way back from shopping and dozed off in a nearby truck..." |
Day 641 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | An Unusual Find | — | "I happened upon something unusual on my way to fetch Belphie." |
Big Brothers(3) | The Unusual Find Revealed | — | "Hey, Lucifer!" |
Day 642 | |||
Leviathan | What Was Found | — | "So, you know that unusual thing Lucifer was talking about?" |
Mammon | Flower Speculation | — | "Yo, MC, did ya hear?" |
Day 643 | |||
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Flower Viewing Invitation 1 | — | "Hey, MC." |
Lucifer | Flower Viewing Invitation 2 | — | "MC, I'd like you to make time in the evening of next weekend." |
Day 644 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | No Room for Arguments | — | "All of you, make time in the evening next weekend." |
Diavolo | Spirit Week: Planning | — | "Hello there, MC." |
Day 645 | |||
The Royals(3) | What Barbatos Saw | (1) | "I just witnessed an interesting scene." |
Satan | Go-Between | — | "MC, I have a favor to ask." |
Day 646 | |||
Where's My Money | Not My Fault | — | <Sticker sent> |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Look at the Flowers | — | "I was draggin' my feet on the way out, but..." |
Day 647 | |||
Luke | Angry Luke | — | "You'll never believe this, MC!" |
Simeon | Something Good | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 648 | |||
12 | A Daunting Invoice | — | "Mammon, I have something to ask you." |
Simeon | To Another World | — | "I'm in transit and rather bored. Would you entertain me in the meantime?" |
Day 649 | |||
45 | Cats and Casting | — | "Well hello there, Satan!" |
Solomon the Sorcerer | Luke, Home Alone 1 | — | "I was planning on doing some research on demon habitats in the near future." |
Day 650 | |||
Sweet Tooth | Luke, Home Alone 2 | — | "You'll never believe this, Barbatos!" |
Luke | Luke, Home Alone 3 | — | "I had a big surprise today." |
Days 651-700[]
651 - 700 | |||
Chatroom Name | Title | CG | Preview |
Day 651 | |||
Solomon | Luke, Home Alone 4 | — | "I gifted Luke a magic item the other day." |
Asmodeus | Cheering Up Asmo | — | "I don't know what it is, but I've been in a rut these past few days." |
Day 652 | |||
Beelzebub | No More Burgers? | — | "This is weird." |
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Painting Nails | — | "Yo, Asmo!" |
Day 653 | |||
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | An Irresistible Tail 1 | (1) | "A buddy of mine sent me this pic." |
Barbatos | An Irresistible Tail 2 | — | "Is something on your mind? I know you well enough to tell, MC." |
Day 654 | |||
Leviathan | Offline Day 1 | — | "Ughhh!" |
Big Brothers(3) | Offline Day 2 | — | "Yo, Levi! I heard everythin' from MC!" |
Day 655 | |||
Cat(3) | New Face | — | "While at RAD, I happened to overhear that there is a new kitten at the cat café." |
Asmodeus | How About a Dance? | — | "Say, have you heard?" |
Day 656 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | Spirit Week 1 | — | "I would like to hold Spirit Week at RAD." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Spirit Week 2 | — | "We're going to be making matching T-shirts during Spirit Week." |
Day 657 | |||
Big Brothers(3) | The Cause of the Fight | — | "Mammon, Levi. I heard the two of you were at each other's throats at RAD today." |
Diabolus | Curing Fatigue | — | "Diavolo, you didn't seem to be your usual energetic self today." |
Day 658 | |||
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Food Grudge 1 | — | "Hey, how long are you gonna stay mad at me?" |
Beelzebub | Food Grudge 2 | — | "MC, about what happened back there." |
Day 659 | |||
Belphegor | Food Grudge 3 | — | "MC, thanks for telling me." |
The Angels(3) | Factional Dispute | — | "I may need to return to the Celestial Realm to check on things in the near future." |
Day 660 | |||
56 | Beel's Fitness 1 | — | "Gosh, this is unbelievable!" |
Leviathan | Beel's Fitness 2 | — | "So, Beel and Asmo are pumping iron downstairs..." |
Day 661 | |||
Luke | Advice for Luke 1 | — | "MC, can I ask you something?" |
Simeon | Advice for Luke 2 | — | "I received a thank-you present from Luke." |
Day 662 | |||
The Royals(3) | A Special Cat Café | — | "That reminds me." |
Diavolo | Spirit Week 3 | — | "That was quite the Spirit Week." |
Day 663 | |||
Diavolorino | Farming in the Devildom 1 | — | "Lord Diavolo, are you busy right now?" |
The Royals(3) | Farming in the Devildom 2 | — | "It's almost time to feed the chickens." |
Day 664 | |||
Belphegor | Farming in the Devildom 3 | — | "So Lord Diavolo told you about Devil Farmer, huh?" |
Luke (Chihuahua) | Playing with Food | — | "Japanese curry rice." |
Day 665 | |||
12 | No Telepathic Understanding Yet | — | "Mammon, are you still at the house?" |
345(3) | A Test Shoot | — | "Levi, Asmo, I'd like your help if you're available." |
Day 666 | |||
Asmodeus | Thinking of New Content | — | "I haven't been gaining as many views on Devilgram lately..." |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Guess Who? 1 | (1) | <Picture sent> |
Day 667 | |||
Barbatos | Guess Who? 2 | — | "I believe you've seen a certain photo?" |
Tea Demons | The New Flavor | — | "Demoning has come out with a new flavor of tea. Have you tried it?" |
Day 668 | |||
25 | Money, Money, Money! | — | "Heeey, Mammon, you got a sec?" |
Satan | The Secret Dessert | — | "Demon éclairs or bloody Mont Blancs." |
Day 669 | |||
Luke | Tiny Life in the Devildom | — | "I'm researching facts about small animals that live in the Devildom." |
Day 670 | |||
67 | A Special Drink | — | "Beel, when are you training today?" |
Cat(3) | Right-Pawed, Left-Pawed | — | "Fun fact: Cats can favor their left or right forepaw." |
Day 671 | |||
Solomon the Sorcerer | To Smile Once More | — | "Luke's depressed over his test results." |
The Royals(3) | Unidentified Flying Object 1 | — | "I saw a UFO at RAD!" |
Day 672 | |||
Belphegor | Biology Homework | — | "Our homework for Devildom biology is due tomorrow." |
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | A Difficult Mission | — | "I thought up a prank for Lucifer." |
Day 673 | |||
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Unidentified Flying Object 2 | — | "Mammon, you were at the school the other night, weren't you?" |
34 | I Gotta Know! | — | "Hey, Satan, can I ask you something?" |
Day 674 | |||
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Spending the Night | — | "MC, I need a favor." |
Purgatory Hall(3) | New and Improved Baking | — | "I'll bring out the sweets I made after dinner." |
Day 675 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Super Rare Limited-Edition Item | — | "I guess the pen I found in the kitchen this morning was Levi's." |
Lucifer | Suspicious Weather | — | "MC, did you bring an umbrella to RAD today?" |
Day 676 | |||
Solomon | Solomon's Visit 1 | — | "Hello, MC." |
Belphegor | Solomon's Visit 2 | (1) | "I witnessed something horrible last night." |
Day 677 | |||
Simeon | Solomon's Visit 3 | — | "I heard about a picture of Solomon wearing a skincare mask." |
Mammon | Mammon's Proposition 1 | — | "I realized somethin', MC." |
Day 678 | |||
The Royals(3) | Mammon's Proposition 2 | — | "Mammon brought an interesting idea to me." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Yesterday's TV Special | — | "Did any of you watch the TV special yesterday?!" |
Day 679 | |||
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Damage Control | — | "We went to eat at Hell's Kitchen today and Lucifer tipped the manager." |
Sweet Tooth | Beelzebub Bakes a Cake | — | "Hey, Barbatos!" |
Day 680 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | A Wet Kitten | — | "I saved a kitten from drowning at the shadow swamp." |
Purgatory Hall(3) | First Step: Winking? | — | "I'm learning how to wink." |
Day 681 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Adorable Sleep Talk 1 | — | "Belphie's napping in the hallway." |
25 | Adorable Sleep Talk 2 | — | "Belphie's pissed." |
Day 682 | |||
Lucifer | The Beauty of Glasses 1 | — | "By the way, MC..." |
Beelzebub | The Beauty of Glasses 2 | — | "I'm so tired..." |
Day 683 | |||
Purgatory Hall(3) | The Beauty of Glasses 3 | — | "What's the difference between wearing glasses and not wearing them?" |
Asmodeus | The Beauty of Glasses 4 | (1) | "Look! It's not fair!" |
Day 684 | |||
Solomon the Sorcerer | The Ultimate Study Room | — | "What are you doing, Solomon?" |
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | The Asmo Twins | — | "I've been thinking lately of what life would be like if I had a twin brother." |
Day 685 | |||
EMERGENCY!(6) | Lucifer's Trap | — | "Mammon, I spotted you with Beel earlier." |
Big Brothers(3) | Presenting Our Special Menu | — | "Has anyone heard of a café called Déjà Vu?" |
Day 686 | |||
Diabolus | Mind-Reading Magic 1 | — | "How's research coming along on the spell you mentioned the other day?" |
The Fantastic Three(3) | Mind-Reading Magic 2 | — | "Lucifer, you seem tired as of late. Has something happened?" |
Day 687 | |||
36 | Means of Stress Reduction 1 | — | "I overheard a conversation Asmo was having." |
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Means of Stress Reduction 2 | — | "Hey MC, can I get a hug?" |
Day 688 | |||
Asmodeus | If You Were the Demon Lord? (Asmo Edition) | — | "I'm bored." |
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | DIY Shelf | — | "Hey, MC, I noticed you bought a DIY shelf." |
Day 689 | |||
Beelzebub | If You Were the Demon Lord? (Beel Edition) | — | "I'm bored." |
Simeon | An Unexpected Side to Simeon | — | "Sabr mw" |
Day 690 | |||
Belphegor | If You Were the Demon Lord? (Belphie Edition) | — | "I'm bored. Tell me something interesting." |
Luke | Luke's Dream | — | "MC, are you okay?! Are you safe?!" |
Day 691 | |||
Solomon | Bucket List | — | "Tell me, MC..." |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Delivery Day | — | "I want pizza." |
Day 692 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Levi's Farewell Letter 1 | — | "We've got an emergency." |
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Beel's Dream | — | "I had this really weird dream." |
Day 693 | |||
Leviathan | Levi's Farewell Letter 2 | — | <Sticker sent> |
345(3) | Different Colored Bags | — | "Hey. I'm at the boutique now." |
Day 694 | |||
Cat(3) | Cat Movies | — | "Have you seen any of the cat movies showing at the moment?" |
Brothers No More | Almost Like a Diary | — | "Today, I baked an ocean of clouds cake in the kitchen at Purgatory Hall." |
Day 695 | |||
Leviathan | A Hero's Presence 1 | (1) | "Heck yeah!" |
Luke | The Crying Ghost | — | "Have you heard the story of the ghost that appears behind the RAD building?" |
Day 696 | |||
Diabolus | A Summoning Mistake | — | "Diavolo, I'm sorry." |
Asmodeus | How to Pass the Time | — | "Hey, MC! Wanna go into town with me?" |
Day 697 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | The Lost Sock 1 | — | "I was just folding my laundry." |
56 | The Lost Sock 2 | — | "So, about that Louie Vutton sock." |
Day 698 | |||
Mammon | The Lost Sock 3 | — | "You won't believe this!" |
Where's My Money | A Friend for Henry | — | "Hey, Levi. You're free now, right?!" |
Day 699 | |||
Solomon | A Hero's Presence 2 | — | "Could I ask for your advice about something?" |
The Angels(3) | A New Nickname for Luke | — | "You've grown up a lot, Luke. Perhaps you need a nickname other than Chihuahua." |
Day 700 | |||
67 | The Lost Sock 4 | — | "I've finished sewing up your sock." |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | The Lost Sock 5 | — | "I can't believe it!" |
Days 701-750[]
701 - 750 | |||
Chatroom Name | Title | CG | Preview |
Day 701 | |||
34 | Crossword Fanatic | — | "Satan, are you still in town?" |
67 | Unable to Wait | — | "Do you know any interesting games?" |
Day 702 | |||
The Royals(3) | An Adorable Plushie 1 | — | "You know how Leviathan has that little plushie..." |
Diavolorino | An Adorable Plushie 2 | — | "I heard from Barbatos." |
Day 703 | |||
Diavolo | An Adorable Plushie 3 | — | "Leviathan ordered an entire machine's worth of cute plushies..." |
Purgatory Hall(3) | The Lost Sock 6 | — | "Did you two hear?" |
Day 704 | |||
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Mammon's Training 1 | (1) | "Asmo sent me this." |
Sweets Masters | A New Book to Read | — | "I was thinking of doing somee reading for a change of pace." |
Day 705 | |||
Satan | Tonight's Menu | — | "An acquaintance of mine has requested that I make dinner for them." |
Sweet Tooth | Mammon's Training 2 | — | "This morning, I saw Mammon slumped down under a tree." |
Day 706 | |||
Lucifer | Hell Soy Sauce Flavor Cup Ramen | — | "MC, do you have any idea of Mammon's whereabouts?" |
Day 707 | |||
45 | Cosmetics Boys | — | "Asmo, what toner would you recommend?" |
Devildom Prince | Dream Within a Dream | — | "Diavolo, has anything surprised you recently?" |
Day 708 | |||
12 | Mammon's Specialty | — | "Mammon, what is currently the most popular fashion brand?" |
Luke (Chihuahua) | Luke's Day Off | — | "I want to go somewhere on the weekend!" |
Day 709 | |||
Where's My Money | Model Kit Challenge | — | "Hey, Levi. Teach me how to build model kits!" |
Brothers No More | Beel Not Eating 1 | — | "Beel has been acting strangely of late." |
Day 710 | |||
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Beel Not Eating 2 | — | "How's the tree coming along, Beel?" |
Solomon the Sorcerer | Beel Not Eating 3 | — | "So, Beelzebub's been trying to raise a tree of cravings?" |
Day 711 | |||
Beelzebub | Beel Not Eating 4 | — | "I gave up on the tree of cravings." |
Tea Demons | The Magic Record | — | "Lucifer, I'd like to inquire about magic records." |
Day 712 | |||
Lucifer | A Plan For Leisure | — | "I have been stuck inside working for far too long." |
36 | Mammon's Training 3 | — | "Mammon seems to be keeping up his training." |
Day 713 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | The Great Cake Battle 1 | — | "Diavolo mentioned that he would bring us four black cloud cakes as souvenirs." |
Big Brothers(3) | The Great Cake Battle 2 | — | "Time for a strategy meeting to get those black cloud cakes!" |
Day 714 | |||
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | The Great Cake Battle 3 | — | "So, I've started raising some monsters in Monsters of Darkness..." |
Belphegor | The Great Cake Battle 4 | — | "Hey, is your team also practicing that game today?" |
Day 715 | |||
Leviathan | The Great Cake Battle 5 | — | "Well, we managed to win the great cake battle." |
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Mammon's Training 4 | — | "I heard Mammon gave up on his training." |
Day 716 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | Prize at the End of the Line 1 | (1) | "I'm in the human world with Leviathan right now." |
1235(4) | Prize at the End of the Line 2 | — | "The latest game console from the human world is AMAZING!" |
Day 717 | |||
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Prize at the End of the Line 3 | — | "Hey, Mammon, you're going to line up early in the morning for those..." |
Simeon | How to Stop Hiccups | — | "My hiccups won't stop." |
Day 718 | |||
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | The Witches and the Bridge | — | "Beel, aren't you back yet?" |
36 | A World Without the Important Things | — | "Hey, Levi." |
Day 719 | |||
Mammon | Drawing Psychological Test | — | "Hey, MC. Draw my face!" |
The Royals(3) | The RAD Cleanup Plan 1 | — | "I'd like to arrange an activity to clean the entire school." |
Day 720 | |||
Barbatos | The RAD Cleanup Plan 2 | — | "About the project to clean up the entire school." |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | The RAD Cleanup Plan 3 | — | "I can't believe it. No way." |
Day 721 | |||
Belphegor | The RAD Cleanup Plan 4 | — | "I might actually be suited to this temporary cleaning committee stuff." |
Diavolo | Unable to Fall Asleep | — | "Lately, I can't seem to fall asleep." |
Day 722 | |||
Barbatos | The Mysterious Container | — | "I was cleaning out the refrigerator in the Demon Lord's Castle, when..." |
Big Brothers(3) | Recording Anime | — | "Can someone help a guy out??" |
Day 723 | |||
Luke | The RAD Cleanup Plan 5 | — | "Good job on the cleaning today!" |
25 | Asmo's Dress-up Doll | — | "Hey, Mammon. Are you interested in cute clothing?" |
Day 724 | |||
Purgatory Hall(3) | Mystery Lost and Found 1 | — | "I found this super pretty stone in the garden!" |
Leviathan | Mystery Lost and Found 2 | — | "MC, what do you usually do when you're looking for something you've lost?" |
Day 725 | |||
25 | Mystery Lost and Found 3 | — | "Levi was looking really bummed out yesterday." |
Solomon the Sorcerer | Mystery Lost and Found 4 | — | "Did you hear about what happened to that stone Luke found?" |
Day 726 | |||
The Angels(3) | The Battle of Virtues | (1) | "Leviathan's been hanging out in Purgatory Hall almost every day!" |
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | The Mysterious Sticker 1 | — | "I got this mysterious sticker from Levi today." |
Day 727 | |||
Tea Demons | The Mysterious Sticker 2 | — | "I've just witnessed the most curious thing." |
34 | The Mysterious Sticker 3 | — | "So Beel ended up putting the sticker I gave him on his steak." |
Day 728 | |||
Lucifer | The Mysterious Sticker 4 | — | "I was sure that floating steak would be the end of me." |
Asmodeus | Crazy for Nails | — | "The new nail parlor on town has so many cute acrylic nail tips." |
Day 729 | |||
Cat(3) | Mobile Cat Café | — | "There's been a lot of mobile shops popping up lately, like restaurants and libraries." |
Brothers No More | The Magic Pillow | — | "Lucifer, have you been feeling tired as of late?" |
Day 730 | |||
Luke | Sending Flowers | — | "Potted flowers, bouquets, or wreaths of dried flowers." |
Devildom Prince | The Mysterious Sticker 5 | — | "Everyone's talking about those stickers that make things float at RAD." |
Day 731 | |||
Diavolo | Where Are They Now? | — | "I've been reading this book and noticed that one of the characters..." |
Luke (Chihuahua) | Modeling for a Sketch | — | "You're so good at drawing, Simeon!" |
Day 732 | |||
The Angels(3) | Holiday Plans | — | "Are you free at the moment, Luke?" |
Sweets Masters | Sweets and Circles 1 | — | "I'm in the cafeteria at the moment and there's a summoning circle..." |
Day 733 | |||
Satan | Sweets and Circles 2 | — | "You'll never guess what happened." |
Diabolus | Sweets and Circles 3 | — | "Have you heard about the candy that appeared in the cafeteria?" |
Day 734 | |||
Where's My Money | Sweets and Circles 4 | — | "Man, I should've made a copy of that summonin' circle." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Documentaries are Awesome 1 | — | "My life has totally been lacking in the excitement department lately!" |
Day 735 | |||
Mammon | Just Not Into It | — | "Ugh, I don't wanna review for the test!" |
Big Brothers(3) | Celebratory Meal | — | "Now that our student council duties have been taken care of, I propose..." |
Day 736 | |||
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Life With Pets | — | "I think I want a pet. It's all I've been thinking about lately." |
56 | Gaining Followers | — | "Asmo, can you teach me how to gain followers on Devilgram?" |
Day 737 | |||
Cat(3) | Documentaries are Awesome 2 | (1) | "Mammon sent me this." |
Solomon | Documentaries are Awesome 3 | — | "I deleted the photo to preserve Satan's dignity." |
Day 738 | |||
Simeon | Delivery From Simeon | — | "Beelzebub asked me to make BLT sandwiches for him." |
Purgatory Hall(3) | What's up With the TV? 1 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 739 | |||
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | What's up With the TV? 2 | — | "Beel, can you spare some time to help me out?" |
The Fantastic Three(3) | One Hell of a Butler 1 | — | "Barbatos, were you in the hallway just now?" |
Day 740 | |||
Solomon | What's up With the TV? 3 | — | "I got the TV from Satan." |
Diavolorino | What's up With the TV? 4 | — | "I heard you ran into some trouble with a television." |
Day 741 | |||
Asmodeus | What's Trending? | — | "I'm trying to find out what's trending in the human world right now, but..." |
Belphegor | Broomstick Sale | — | "I dropped by Hocus Pocus in the way home today." |
Day 742 | |||
Sweet Tooth | One Hell of a Butler 2 | — | "Where were you, Barbatos?" |
1235(4) | Rent-A-Brand | — | "Guys, I need some Grimm, fast!" |
Day 743 | |||
RAD Newspaper Club | School Festival Day 1 | — | "Today marks the beginning of the RAD School Festival, which will be..." |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Asmo and the Beauty Pageant | — | "I'm joining the beauty pageant at this year's school festival, and..." |
Day 744 | |||
Leviathan | Levi Writes a Play | — | "I'm trying to write the script for the school play, but..." |
Mammon | Mammon Takes the Stage | — | "You're the only one for me!" |
Day 745 | |||
67 | Beel at the Booths | — | <Sticker sent> |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Who's Faster? 1 | — | "I heard that in the human world, you're popular if..." |
Day 746 | |||
Belphegor | Who's Faster? 2 | (1) | "Take a look at this." |
Barbatos | One Hell of a Butler 3 | — | "I've uncovered the truth regarding the appearance of my supposed doppelganger." |
Day 747 | |||
Beelzebub | Call the Exterminator | — | "Headless Café has a new menu item called 'shadow cream stew'." |
The Royals(3) | The Many Forms of Eggs | — | "Simeon brought back some fluffy eggs from the Celestial Realm." |
Day 748 | |||
345(3) | Asmo's Secret to Seduction | — | <Sticker sent> |
36 | Classic Anime Food | — | "I can't stop thinking about how delicious the food looked in this anime..." |
Day 749 | |||
The Royals(3) | Canned Food Party 1 | — | "I've acquired a variety of different canned foods and..." |
Purgatory Hall(3) | Canned Food Party 2 | — | "I heard there's a canned food party happening at the castle." |
Day 750 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Mystery Package 1 | — | "Who owns the large package in the entrance hall?" |
36 | Mystery Package 2 | — | "I heard your new workout machine is a monster." |
Days 751-800[]
751 - 800 | |||
Chatroom Name | Title | CG | Preview |
Day 751 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Just a Holiday | — | "There's nothing to do." |
34 | Same Old, Same Old | — | "I was passing by the entrance hall." |
Day 752 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | If I Had a Castle 1 | — | "Did anyone watch the TV show on castles yesterday?" |
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | If I Had a Castle 2 | — | "Asmo's castle got me thinking..." |
Day 753 | |||
EMERGENCY!(6) | Never Steal Food | — | "Somebody help meeee!" |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Lump in the Throat | — | "I think something's stuck in my throat." |
Day 754 | |||
Luke | Luke's Challenge 1 | — | "Simeon told me something the other day." |
Belphegor | Points for Aesthetics? | — | "The teacher complimented you during the written portion of our magic circle exam..." |
Day 755 | |||
Big Brothers(3) | What's Old Is New Again | — | "I have a feeling that history is about to repeat itself!" |
Beelzebub | Let's go to Devil's Coast | — | "Devilcat" |
Day 756 | |||
345(3) | Luke's Challenge 2 | — | "Have any of you felt like you're being watched lately? Because I have." |
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | United and Committed to the Cause | — | "I have an idea." |
Day 757 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Our Sweet Big Brother | — | "Levi was asleep on the floor of the entrance hall." |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Took a Little Trip to Devil's Coast | (1) | "The other day MC and I went to Devil's Coast to feed Devilcat." |
Day 758 | |||
Purgatory Hall(3) | Luke's Challenge 3 | — | "I was talking to Lucifer, and he mentioned something to me." |
Diavolorino | A Task Meant for Levi | — | "I'd kill for a new piece of technology to mess with." |
Day 759 | |||
Solomon | Looking for Something | — | "MC, remember when you came and hung out at Purgatory Hall the other day?" |
67 | Yum? | — | "Hey, you were sleeping in the RAD garden today, right?" |
Day 760 | |||
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | An Inconceivable Blunder | — | "Have you ever tried to wind some pasta around your fork, but messed it up?" |
Lucifer | Faith in His Brother | — | "Has Mammon told you any strange stories lately?" |
Day 761 | |||
Cat(3) | What Is a Cat? | — | "What is it exactly that makes a cat...a cat?" |
Devildom Prince | Tales of Heroism | — | "Diavolo, do you have any tales of heroism in your past?" |
Day 762 | |||
Asmodeus | The Instrument That Suits Me Best | — | "So, the other day I watched a video of a human world classical music concert with..." |
Simeon | Looking Up at the Stars | — | "The other night, I was on the roof of the RAD school building looking up at the sky..." |
Day 763 | |||
Satan | The Bestseller 1 | — | "There's this book that's recently become a bestseller here in the Devildom." |
Mammon | The Bestseller 2 | — | "You're not gonna believe this!" |
Day 764 | |||
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | The Bestseller 3 | — | "Mammon looked really depressed yesterday." |
The Fantastic Three(3) | Business Matters | — | "Are we running low on any supplies at RAD?" |
Day 765 | |||
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | Such Great Big Brothers | — | "Satan, Asmo. I have a favor to ask." |
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Belphie's Pride | — | "I don't believe this." |
Day 766 | |||
Diavolo | A Novel Tea Party 1 | — | "I was wondering if I could get your input on something." |
Brothers No More | The Right Demon for the Job? | — | "Could I possibly borrow Belphegor sometime in the near future? I could use..." |
Day 767 | |||
The Royals(3) | How Things are Going at RAD | — | "Does it seem to you like we've had more paperwork than usual lately?" |
Sweets Masters | A Bit Too Exciting | — | "You know, I was thinking." |
Day 768 | |||
Solomon | Interesting Book on Sweets | — | "I found an interesting book while doing some cleaning at Purgatory Hall." |
The Angels(3) | Proof of Strength | (1) | "So, Belphegor asked us to come to the House of Lamentation..." |
Day 769 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Who Wants Coffee? | — | "I'm heading to the kitchen to make coffee. Anyone want some?" |
56 | Hoping to Be a Cheerleader | — | "So, how was your team meeting?" |
Day 770 | |||
345(3) | A Novel Tea Party 2 | — | "At our tea party the other day, Lord Diavolo said he wanted ideas for how to spice up..." |
Diavolorino | Ways to Improve my Efficiency | — | "You know, a lot of my work involves reviewing documents and signing them." |
Day 771 | |||
Solomon the Sorcerer | Getting Used to Technology | — | "Apparently Diavolo talked with Leviathan about ways to improve efficiency at work." |
The Angels(3) | The Robotic Pet 1 | — | "Is it OK if we come to the House of Lamentation right now?!" |
Day 772 | |||
Purgatory Hall(3) | About Mammon | — | "I didn't get enough sleep." |
36 | Everyday Training Regimen | — | "Beel, I forget. Do you use the Hellhealth app?" |
Day 773 | |||
Leviathan | Time to Stop Being Anti-Normie? | — | "I was thinking." |
Barbatos | A Novel Sort of Tea Party 3 | — | "The Young Master wishes to hold a battle royale-style tea party." |
Day 774 | |||
1235(4) | The Robotic Pet 2 | — | "Solomon always insists on causing trouble." |
Cat(3) | The Robotic Pet 3 | — | "So, what ended up happening with mini Cerberus?" |
Day 775 | |||
Simeon | Something's Gnawing at Simeon | — | "Today at RAD, Mammon suddenly jumped out at me. He meant to startle me, you see." |
34 | A Trip to the Movies | — | "I got some free movie tickets from an acquaintance of mine who happens to be..." |
Day 776 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Battle for the Banana Muffin | — | "I hear that MC baked banana muffins at Purgatory Hall and brought one back here." |
Asmodeus | Everyone Loves Asmo | — | "I just had the best idea!" |
Day 777 | |||
Luke | Not Sure How to Respond | (1) | "Hey, what do you think I should do about this?" |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | A Garden Should Be Beautiful | — | "Someone needs to weed the garden!" |
Day 778 | |||
Lucifer | What Makes a Beautiful Garden? | — | "Did You see how awful the garden looks?" |
Mammon | Outdoor Stalls | — | "YO YO YO!" |
Day 779 | |||
Barbatos | A Gift From Barbatos | — | "Did the item I sent you arrive today?" |
Sweet Tooth | Searching for the Right Word | — | "See if you can answer this." |
Day 780 | |||
Diabolus | Searching for the Right Souvenir | — | "I've been quite busy lately. I've had to take several business trips..." |
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Let's Play NCF! | — | "Levi and I played a head-to-head match in one of his sports games." |
Day 781 | |||
Leviathan | We Played NCF! | — | "That was insane. And really rough." |
Belphegor | What Music Means | — | "I heard piano music coming from the music room yesterday." |
Day 782 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | An Especially Smelly Gift | — | "I just found something in the refrigerator from the 'Slice of the Human World' event..." |
Where's My Money | Who Would Come Out on Top? | — | "OK, I've got a question. And I'm genuinely curious to know the answer." |
Day 783 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Of Course It Would Be You... | — | "What's going on?! The Devilcari app is down!" |
Beelzebub | What's Gnawing at Beel | — | "I was talking to Simeon today." |
Day 784 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Lifestyle Improvement | — | "Leading unhealthy lifestyles, frittering away your time and money..." |
Brothers No More | Is That Mammon? | (1) | <Picture sent> |
Day 785 | |||
EMERGENCY!(6) | It's a Carbuncle! | — | "It's a carbuncle!" |
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | A Carbuncle's Charm 1 | — | "I heard a carbuncle got lost in the schoolyard." |
Day 786 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | A Carbuncle's Charm 2 | — | "That little carbuncle looked happy when it saw its owner, didn't it?" |
Satan | Our Little Secret 1 | — | "There's talk about wanting to own a carbuncle amongst my brothers." |
Day 787 | |||
Purgatory Hall | Luke's Taste Buds' Day Off | — | "I was thinking about making some pasta today, but..." |
The Fantastic Three(3) | Living in the Countryside | — | "What would you do if I told you that I wanted to live in the countryside?" |
Day 788 | |||
Mammon | Our Little Secret 2 | — | "If ya were to own a pet, what'd be the most important thing?" |
Devildom Prince | The Royal Errand Boy | — | "I'm going to go out to do some shopping, so..." |
Day 789 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | A Room Tour 1 | — | "Guess what? I've got some important news to share with everyone!" |
Barbatos | Devildom-Style Cooking | — | "There are plenty of good recipes you can find on apps nowadays." |
Day 790 | |||
67 | Lights, Camera, Action! 1 | — | "On my way home from RAD, I decided to take a little detour..." |
Leviathan | A Room Tour 2 | — | "Did you hear about the whole thing with Asmo's live stream?" |
Day 791 | |||
345(3) | Lights, Camera, Action! 2 | — | "Did you hear? Belphie was an extra for a movie!" |
Solomon | A Blast From the Past | — | "I could have sworn that I heard a faint singing voice at RAD today." |
Day 792 | |||
Diavolo | Early to Bed, Early to Rise | — | "I've taken up going jogging early in the morning lately." |
34 | Lights, Camera, Action! 3 | — | "I heard that you might have some information on the whereabouts of..." |
Day 793 | |||
Devildom Prince | The Royal Book Club 1 | — | "Hello, Simeon. What kind of books have you been reading lately?" |
Beelzebub | Beel the DevilTuber 1 | — | "One of the underclassmen at my club told me they were looking forward to..." |
Day 794 | |||
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | Beel the DevilTuber 2 | — | "I wonder if I can make a DevilTube video by myself?" |
34 | Something for Your Trouble | (1) | "Take a look at this lol" |
Day 795 | |||
Luke | Shopping List Blues 1 | — | "I went to do some shopping at Devilmart earlier..." |
Brothers No More | Shopping List Blues 2 | — | "I saw a depressed-looking Luke at Devilmart earlier." |
Day 796 | |||
The Royals(3) | The Royal Book Club 2 | — | "I'd like to recommend a book to you today, MC." |
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | A New Event? | — | It looks like Lord Diavolo's looking into planning some weird event." |
Day 797 | |||
67 | Beel the DevilTuber 3 | — | "Have you ever watched my DevilTube channel, Belphie?" |
Lucifer | How to Enjoy Soba | — | "I've been invited by an acquaintance of mine who started making them..." |
Day 798 | |||
45 | Lights, Camera, Action! 4 | — | "How have things been going with the movie Belphie was in?" |
Barbatos | Tea Time with Barbatos | — | "I had the opportunity to travel to the human world and have herbal tea..." |
Day 799 | |||
Belphegor | My Neck Hurts | — | My neck's been hurting every time I wake up lately." |
34 | A Cat Maid Café 1 | — | "Satan, let's go to a maid café." |
Day 800 | |||
Asmodeus/Memory Box | Fan Service 1 | — | "Guess what? There was a shy little cutie in the hallway..." |
Leviathan | Overwhelming Gratitude | — | "MC! The merch arrived!" |
Days 801-850[]
801 - 850 | |||
Chatroom Name | Title | CG | Preview |
Day 801 | |||
Sweets Masters | Barbatos's Herb Garden 1 | — | "I found a traditional recipe for Devildom-style quiche that I wanted to try making." |
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Back to Square One 1 | — | "We've tried a variety of innovative tactics thus far, but..." |
Day 802 | |||
Big Brothers(3) | Fan Service 2 | — | "Yo, did ya hear? Asmo got flat out rejected." |
Barbatos | Barbatos's Herb Garden 2 | — | "I promised to give Simeon some darkness thyme that I have been growing..." |
Day 803 | |||
The Royals(3) | Back to Square One 2 | — | "Have you seen the video where Lucifer loses his composure?" |
Solomon the Sorcerer | Fan Service, the Epilogue | — | "Remember how Mammon was spreading rumors about Asmodeus being rejected?" |
Day 804 | |||
12 | Fate's Many Choices | — | "You've been gambling at illegal underground casinos again, haven't you, Mammon?" |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Back to Square One 3 | — | "Yo!" |
Day 805 | |||
Cat(3) | A Cat Maid Café 2 | — | "I heard Leviathan invited you to a cat maid café, but you turned him down?" |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | The Cursed Eraser | — | "I found an eraser at RAD." |
Day 806 | |||
Luke | A Change of Pace 1 | — | "I haven't really been feeling well lately." |
Simeon | A Change of Pace 2 | — | "Do you know if something happened to Luke, MC?" |
Day 807 | |||
Tea Demons | Good Work Today | — | "While your black tea is always delicious, today's tea was refreshingly different." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | A Cursed Eraser? | — | "Regarding the eraser Beel picked up earlier, I found out that..." |
Day 808 | |||
Where's My Money | Fruitless Labor | (1) | "This is the worst of the worst." |
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | A Foam Party 1 | — | "Yo, let's have a foam party!" |
Day 809 | |||
Beelzebub | Pretty Muscles Contest 1 | — | "I've decided to go see a bodybuilding contest." |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | A Foam Party 2 | — | "The foam party was totally fun!" |
Day 810 | |||
Diabolus | The Eraser Charm | — | "I heard this from Lucifer, but it seems that Mammon..." |
Mammon | An Amazing Perk | — | "Yo, MC. Whaddya think about abyssbreds?" |
Day 811 | |||
Cat(3) | An Amiable Friendship | — | "I found an addicting channel on DevilTube." |
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | No Rain on This Parade | — | "I'd like for the townspeople to have a taste of the cheerful atmosphere..." |
Day 812 | |||
Beelzebub | Pretty Muscles Contest 2 | — | "Sorry about that." |
Purgatory Hall(3) | Secret Code | — | "Why don't we make our own secret code?" |
Day 813 | |||
Leviathan | Sad News! | — | "Sad news!" |
Solomon | Health Care is Self-Care | — | "Recently, I went back home to the human world and wound up catching a cold." |
Day 814 | |||
Cat(3) | An Ancient Text | — | "I got you that ancient book of magic from the human world..." |
34 | A Customized Squirt Gun | — | "Hey, do you know how to customize toys?" |
Day 815 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Changing Rooms | — | "Hey, whaddya say we swap rooms?" |
Gourmet Club | Beautiful but Deadly | — | "I passed by the park today on the way home from RAD and saw this really cute flower." |
Day 816 | |||
Diavolo | Incognito | — | "I heard that there's a strip of food stalls on Scary Street at the moment." |
Purgatory Hall(3) | Drool-Worthy Pics | — | "Hey, Luke." |
Day 817 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | A Wet Accident 1 | (1) | <Sticker sent> |
34 | A Wet Accident 2 | — | "My bad!" |
Day 818 | |||
Where's My Money | Talk Show | — | "Yo, Sucre Frenzy was on a talk show earlier." |
Barbatos | A Special Tea Set | — | "Hello, MC." |
Day 819 | |||
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Bottomless Greed | — | "Know of any profitable schemes?" |
Belphegor | The Reason for Waking up Early | — | "I'm on breakfast duty tomorrow." |
Day 820 | |||
Luke | Come to Mononoke Land! | — | "Have you been playing Mononoke Land, MC?" |
Diabolus | Naughty, Naughty | — | "Let me ask you something." |
Day 821 | |||
Asmodeus | The Black Diamond Creator Award | — | "Get ready to have your mind blown, MC!" |
Lucifer | A Day of Laughter | — | "MC, I want you to keep your schedule open this weekend." |
Day 822 | |||
Sweet Tooth | Cute Barbatos | — | "Hey, Barbatos, have you ever been called cute?" |
56 | First Impressions Are Key | — | "I believe first impressions are important." |
Day 823 | |||
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | A Hell-Raising Energy Drink | — | "So, I'm at the library now." |
Big Brothers(3) | A Big Brother's Dignity | — | "You're lucky, Lucifer." |
Day 824 | |||
Devildom Prince | Cleaning 1 | — | "The House of Lamentation is always spotless. I wonder how they clean the place?" |
The Royals(3) | Cleaning 2 | — | "Something occurred to me when I was chatting with Simeon." |
Day 825 | |||
Gourmet Club | Attempting Trick Photography 1 | — | "I'd like to take a tasty-looking trick photo." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Attempting Trick Photography 2 | — | "I'd like to take some trick photos together and upload them to Devilgram." |
Day 826 | |||
Solomon the Sorcerer | A Fountain Pen from Long Ago | — | "I found a fountain pen while I was cleaning my room." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Cooldown Period | — | "I heard it's snowing on Dogma Street! Let's all hang out." |
Day 827 | |||
Luke | Sparkly Stickers | — | <Sticker sent> |
Satan | Model for Me | — | "I'm considering taking up drawing seriously." |
Day 828 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | My Account! | — | "What should I do?!" |
The Fantastic Three(3) | Attempting Trick Photography 3 | (1) | <Picture sent> |
Day 829 | |||
Belphegor | A Charm for Sweet Dreams | — | "You haven't appeared in my dreams lately. Why?" |
1235(4) | Avoiding the Repo Man | — | "I'm gonna become a magician." |
Day 830 | |||
Beelzebub | Demon Stadium | — | "I don't have club practice tomorrow, so what do you say we..." |
345(3) | Black Cyber Sale | — | "The rarely held black cyber sale has finally begun!" |
Day 831 | |||
Tea Demons | Kitchen Tools | — | <Sticker sent> |
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Difficulty Level Z | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 832 | |||
Belphegor | Apprenticeship? 1 | — | "I need your help with something." |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Apprenticeship? 2 | — | "Attention!" |
Day 833 | |||
EMERGENCY!(6) | Team Work | — | "My nails are begging to be painted with a unique design." |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Solomon the Medic? | — | "I hurt myself during club practice today." |
Day 834 | |||
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Apprenticeship? 3 | — | "So, tell us. What made you want to become Solomon's apprentice?" |
Asmodeus | When Our Eyes Meet | — | "Our eyes met during class today" |
Day 835 | |||
Mammon | Eyes on Me Only | — | "Hey. Clear your schedule for this weekend." |
Purgatory Hall(3) | Rabbit, Bear, Cat, or Dog? | — | "I saw a photo of the brothers with bunny ears at RAD today." |
Day 836 | |||
Diavolo | Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder | — | "Why is it that the busier I am, the more I miss you?" |
Solomon | Measurements | (1) | "I went to the Demon Lord's Castle the other day." |
Day 837 | |||
The Angels(3) | Speech to Text | — | "Testing, 1, 2, 3." |
12 | Get Some Rest | — | "You haven't taken any time off recently, have ya?" |
Day 838 | |||
67 | Superfast Revolving Sushi | — | "Hey, where are you?" |
Simeon | With Love, Peugeot 1 | — | "I'd like to send Leviathan a gift since he's always..." |
Day 839 | |||
Leviathan | With Love, Peugeot 2 | — | "OMG OMG OMG OMG!" |
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Cat and Mouse | — | "Levi and Mammon are like cat and mouse." |
Day 840 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Assignment 1 | — | "I need some help with something, so can someone please come?" |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Assignment 2 | — | "They oughta be done with their assignments by now, doncha think?" |
Day 841 | |||
Simeon | Art Enthusiast | — | "By the way, didn't Diavolo recommend you an..." |
Belphegor | Karaoke | — | "Do you want to go sing karaoke together?" |
Day 842 | |||
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Teamwork 1 | — | "I want us to be better united." |
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | Teamwork 2 | — | "I want a rival, but I can't find anyone suitable." |
Day 843 | |||
Cat(3) | Teamwork 3 | — | "Solomon, do you know anything about the group of..." |
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Fishing Competition | — | "I'll be wrapping up a large project this week, so why don't we..." |
Day 844 | |||
56 | Let Me Borrow Belphie! | — | "Be a doll and let me borrow Belphie for a little bit ♡ Pretty please?" |
36 | Manicure of Your Dreams | (1) | "Is this good?" |
Day 845 | |||
1235(4) | Noise Complaint | — | "Who is making all that noise upstairs? It's so loud I can't listen to my records." |
Shameless Slander | Lucifer's Paparazzi | — | "What's with the articles in the RAD newspaper lately?" |
Day 846 | |||
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | B-Rank Gourmet Contest 1 | — | "I've decided to hold a large-scale B-rank gourmet contest in the Devildom." |
Gourmet Club | B-Rank Gourmet Contest 2 | — | "It looks like there's going to be a B-rank gourmet contest soon." |
Day 847 | |||
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Raphael's Initiation 1 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Tea Demons | A Late-Night Visitor | — | "You seemed a bit nervous today, Barbatos. Did something happen?" |
Day 848 | |||
Asmodeus | DIY 1 | — | "Heey, could you give me some advice?" |
Thirteen | DIY 2 | — | "Ughhh, Solomon managed to escape my trap today too." |
Day 849 | |||
Barbatos | Claying Around With Pottery | — | "I apologize for the sudden message, but would you happen to be..." |
Luke | Winner Winner, Diavolo Dinner? | — | "Listen, MC." |
Day 850 | |||
Mammon | Mammon's One-of-a-Kind Perspective | — | "I was walking around town earlier and I heard the coolest metal ever." |
Simeon | You Dropped Something | — | "When I went to the staff room to do an errand before heading home..." |
Days 851-900[]
851 - 900 | |||
Chatroom Name | Title | CG | Preview |
Day 851 | |||
Diabolus | The Cat's Out of the Bag | — | "I heard some concerning news from the human world. |
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Who Let the Flies Out? | — | "We have just received a notification that jet-black fireflies..." |
Day 852 | |||
Thirteen | Let Me See Your Notes! | — | "Hey, could you lend me today's notes for curses and hexes?" |
1235(4) | The Jet-Black Firefly - Epilogue | — | "Whatever happened with the jet-black firefly incident?" |
Day 853 | |||
Mammon | After-School Soap Opera | — | "Yo, I'll be waitin' for ya at the gate after class." |
Solomon | Effects of the Climate | — | "Did you check the weather forecast, MC?" |
Day 854 | |||
Sweet Tooth | The Three Musketeers | — | "I've found another delicious-looking snack recipe!" |
Lucifer | Meow-Staken for Someone Else | — | "I had a bit of an awkward encounter." |
Day 855 | |||
Big Brothers(3) | The Sketchbook 1 | — | "Hey, did anyone see the sketchbook I left in the common room?" |
Belphegor | The Sketchbook 2 | — | "I found this sketchbook, so I tried drawing a picture of a cat in it." |
Day 856 | |||
Shameless Slander | Down With Lucifer! | — | "Bad news!" |
Belphegor | I Can't Miss It! | — | "There's only 30 more minutes until Beel's appearance on TV, but..." |
Day 857 | |||
Luke | Toys From the Human World | — | <Sticker sent> |
Barbatos | The Big Secret | (1) | "Allow me to ask you a question, MC." |
Day 858 | |||
Devildom Prince | Easy to Get Into, Hard to Get Out 1 | — | "What's something that's easy to get into, but difficult to get out of?" |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Easy to Get Into, Hard to Get Out 2 | — | "I've been searching for a place that you can..." |
Day 859 | |||
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | The Voice of an Angel | — | "The sound of children singing warms your heart, doesn't it?" |
Satan | Satan's Ride | — | "I was thinking of buying my own car like Mammon." |
Day 860 | |||
Leviathan | Cleaning the Fish Tank | — | "Henry's currently communicating with me telepathically." |
Belphegor | The Telescope | — | "I was thinking of buying a new telescope." |
Day 861 | |||
The Angels(3) | A New Attraction | — | "There's a new attraction at the human world's Amazing World called 'Devil's Destruction'!" |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Beel's Worries | — | "The owner at Ninurta was worried after Beel barely touched anything on his plate." |
Day 862 | |||
Diabolus | A Long Time | — | "Solomon." |
Raph | Raphael's Initiation 2 | — | "About the raffle I entered for the concert tickets..." |
Day 863 | |||
Solomon the Sorcerer | Asmo Is All the Rage 1 | — | "Is it me, or has Asmodeus become rather popular lately?" |
Diavolorino | Asmo Is All the Rage 2 | — | "I heard something interesting from Solomon." |
Day 864 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Let's Go to the Movies! 1 | — | "We're going to the movies!" |
Sweet Tooth | The Microscope | — | "Microscopes sure are interesting, huh?" |
Day 865 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Let's Go to the Movies! 2 | (1) | "Time to share our opinions on the new TSL movie!" |
Solomon the Sorcerer | A Good Reason to Get Out of Bed | — | "I'll be holed up in my room for a while researching some new potions." |
Day 866 | |||
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Asmo Is All the Rage 3 | — | "Don't you think it'd be funny if there were a bunch of Lucifers..." |
The Fantastic Three(3) | Punishment Game? | — | "Remember that card game we played the other day?" |
Day 867 | |||
Cat(3) | Three's a Crowd | — | "Remember when Mammon and Leviathan did that comedy sketch?" |
Beelzebub | Lend Me Your Textbook | — | "I have to start my homework, so could you lend me your textbook?" |
Day 868 | |||
Asmodeus | Caricature Model | — | "I was stopped by a street artist when was walking around town." |
The Royals(3) | New Thrills | — | "It looks like a new kind of chili pepper has been discovered in the human world." |
Day 869 | |||
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | An Endless Quest for Food | — | "Did you hear? A great King Yama squid washed up ashore at the beach." |
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | The Meet-Up | — | "We're supposed to meet up today, right?" |
Day 870 | |||
Belphegor | The Supermarket Raffle | — | "I got a raffle ticket at the supermarket just now." |
The Royals(3) | Gotta Dream Big | — | "Is there anything you're striving for, MC?" |
Day 871 | |||
25 | Trust Me | — | "Hey Mammon, are you still able to make it to the photoshoot for that magazine?" |
The Angels(3) | Making Friends | — | "I was thinking we should try something to get Raphael more accustomed to life in the Devildom." |
Day 872 | |||
Shameless Slander | The High-Society Duo | — | "I went to a party with some of the best in the business world the other day." |
Where's My Money | Picking Favorites 1 | — | "Hey, did you buy a ticket for the upcoming shadow race?" |
Day 873 | |||
Diavolo | Tea Ceremony Workshop | — | "I've heard that Devildom-style tea ceremony has gained popularity among the Night Lantern people." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Picking Favorites 2 | — | "It's rather quiet today, wouldn't you say?" |
Day 874 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Taste Testing Party | — | "The wonder of Café Lament asked me to taste test their limited-time drinks." |
345(3) | The Intellectuals | — | "Hey, can I ask for your advice on something?" |
Day 875 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | Beel's Problematic Behavior | — | "Beelzebub was caught behaving violently on RAD campus grounds." |
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | The Laundry Machine 1 | — | "Bad news, guys! The laundry machine broke!" |
Day 876 | |||
Luke | The Laundry Machine 2 | — | "So, the laundry machine at Purgatory Hall broke down the other day." |
12 | Survival Rock, Paper, Scissors 1 | — | "Calm down and listen up." |
Day 877 | |||
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Survival Rock, Paper, Scissors 2 | — | "Have you guys heard of survival rock, paper, scissors?" |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Survival Rock, Paper, Scissors 3 | (1) | "Guess who got their hands on the latest scoop?!" |
Day 878 | |||
Gourmet Club | Shadow Croffles 1 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Diavolo | Snacks on Standby | — | "I was in the mood for some hellfire mushroom rolled cigar cookies..." |
Day 879 | |||
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Devildom Rare and Ancient Book Society | — | "Did you tell Satan that Raphael and I want to go to the..." |
Solomon | Upgraded Lover's Powder | — | "I've finished putting the finishing touches on my new and improved Lover's Powder." |
Day 880 | |||
Shameless Slander | Fed Up With Lucifer | — | <Sticker sent> |
Simeon | Changing a Light Bulb | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 881 | |||
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Devilpedia | — | "News flash!" |
Thirteen | Shadow Croffles 2 | — | "Luke gave me some of that new dessert he made and oh my god!" |
Day 882 | |||
The Angels(3) | A Culinary Catastrophe | — | <Sticker sent> |
Barbatos | The Necktie | — | "I received many compliments on the tie you selected for me..." |
Day 883 | |||
Belphegor | Comedy Act | — | "I heard Lord Diavolo made a request for the Devil Bros to..." |
The Fantastic Three(3) | You've Got Mail! | — | "There's been a large number of fan letters addressed to Asmo in the Bloody Box lately." |
Day 884 | |||
Belphegor | A New Product | — | "Did you know they came out with a Quetzalcoatl brains flavored cup ramen?" |
Beelzebub | A Secret Admirer? | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 885 | |||
Solomon the Sorcerer | Hide-And-Seek Tournament 1 | — | "I told Diavolo that Luke seems to be a little bored lately." |
Asmodeus | In Pursuit of Beauty | — | "Right now, I'm totally hooked on this exercise where I..." |
Day 886 | |||
Satan | Quiz Results | — | <Sticker sent> |
Belphegor | Satan's Whereabouts | — | "Do you know where Satan is?" |
Day 887 | |||
The Royals(3) | Hide-And-Seek Tournament 2 | — | "I suggested that we do a hide-and-seek tournament at the castle, but..." |
Leviathan | Not My Scene | — | "It's time for Levi News!" |
Day 888 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Disaster Alert! | — | "Disaster alert!" |
Mammon | Devitton | — | "The Great Mammon wants the new watch by his beloved brand, Evil Devitton!" |
Day 889 | |||
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | An Ode to Devilcats | — | "I heard that Satan and Beelzebub got into a fight." |
Lucifer | My Phone's Wallpaper | — | "I saw that you used a picture of me for your D.D.D. wallpaper." |
Day 890 | |||
Big Brothers(3) | Portrait Rights | — | "LOL! So Cup Cuties are doing a seven rulers of the Devildom collaboration?" |
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | What a Sourpuss! | — | "There are cat print shoes available for sale on Devilior." |
Day 891 | |||
Sweet Tooth | Gift-Wrapping | — | <Sticker sent> |
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Care For Some Tea? 1 | — | "Would anyone like some bottled tea?" |
Day 892 | |||
The Angels(3) | Mr. Popular | — | "Listen to this, Yuki! It was the coolest thing!" |
The Royals(3) | A Pudding's Tale | — | "The Young Master is currently searching for a story featuring a pudding character." |
Day 893 | |||
Solomon | Photogenic Foods | — | "I'm in the human world right now, and Asmodeus asked me to..." |
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | The PDA Police | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 894 | |||
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Lucifer's Just Deserts 1 | — | <Sticker sent> |
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Lucifer's Just Deserts 2 | — | "Why are Satan and Belphie cleanin' with rags?" |
Day 895 | |||
Cat(3) | Special Delivery! | — | "Serun was looking for you, Solomon." |
EMERGENCY!(6) | Mini-Beel | — | "Beel accidentally ate a shrinking candy!" |
Day 896 | |||
Where's My Money | You Never Forget Your First | — | "Yo, Levi!" |
45 | Come Again? | — | "I just received a text from Beel." |
Day 897 | |||
Solomon | Watch Your Step! | — | "I heard Leviathan took a tumble down the stairs at RAD." |
Gourmet Club | Any Recommendations? | — | "We've decided to order dinner from Akuber tonight." |
Day 898 | |||
Tea Demons | Self-Experimentation | — | "When I called Diavolo, he kept laughing to the point where we..." |
Belphegor | Tough Decisions | — | "'Out of Taichi-senpai, Miyabi-senpai, and Hiro-kun...'" |
Day 899 | |||
Luke (Chihuahua) | An Appreciated Gift | — | "Did you give Raphael a Zombie Iguna keychain?" |
67 | The Missing Pillow | — | "Do you know what happened to my pillow?" |
Day 900 | |||
25 | Extra Lessons 1 | (1) | "Any luck with those ingredients?" |
Devildom Prince | It's Party Time! | — | <Sticker sent> |
Days 901-950[]
901 - 950 | |||
Chatroom Name | Title | CG | Preview |
Day 901 | |||
Shameless Slander | Lucifer's Just Deserts 3 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Solomon | Care For Some Tea? 2 | — | "We're finally close to finishing all that bottles of tea..." |
Day 902 | |||
36 | Zombie Iguana Calisthenics | — | <Sticker sent> |
Diabolus | Extra Lessons 2 | — | "I heard that the make-up classes for those two wound up being..." |
Day 903 | |||
Diavolorino | Your Help Is Greatly Appreciated! 1 | — | "Lord Diavolo, I have a favor to ask of you!" |
Sweets Masters | Your Help Is Greatly Appreciated! 2 | — | "Did Leviathan also ask you to win the top prize in a raffle, Barbatos?" |
Day 904 | |||
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Lunch Offer | — | "I've hit a road bump in my research, so I'm going to take a break..." |
Shameless Slander | A Trueborn Cat Enthusiast | — | "I saw you on the Devildom Cat Blog, Mephistopheles." |
Day 905 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Ticket Stubs 1 | — | "Question, guys." |
67 | Omelets | — | "I'm cooking omelets for dinner." |
Day 906 | |||
Brothers No More | Ticket Stubs 2 | — | "I have a question." |
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Terrifying When Angry | — | "Man, Belphie really lost it just now!" |
Day 907 | |||
Tea Demons | Giant Levi | — | "Lucifer, have you ever heard of hell milk?" |
Belphegor | A Contest of Tricks | — | "There's a weird contest going down at the park." |
Day 908 | |||
The Royals(3) | Watch Those Winds! | — | "Are you all right after that gale, MC?" |
Solomon the Sorcerer | Recycle Bin | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 909 | |||
Sweet Tooth | Missing Barbatos | — | "Today of all days, we don't have our usual class together, Barbatos." |
Diabolus | Too Much Information? | — | "'Do Seven Brothers Hold the Key to Harmony between the Three Worlds?'" |
Day 910 | |||
Raph | A Regular Thing? | — | "What did I just go through?" |
Diavolorino | The Source of the Smell | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 911 | |||
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | The Final Piece | — | "Hey, MC. Remember that jigsaw puzzle..." |
Luke (Chihuahua) | Nicely Done | (1) | "Luke!" |
Day 912 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Catastrophic | — | "Lucifer, we have an emergency!" |
Mammon | Who Left the Hickey? | — | "Yo, listen up!" |
Day 913 | |||
Leviathan | Sketchbooks and Master Artists 1 | — | "You wouldn't happen to have a sketchbook, would you?" |
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Sketchbooks and Master Artists 2 | — | "I showed my drawing to Mammon, and he thought..." |
Day 914 | |||
Asmodeus | Massage Invitation | — | "MC" |
Thirteen | My Darling Traps 1 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 915 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Where's Mammon? | — | "Start looking for Mammon, guys." |
Solomon | My Darling Traps 2 | — | "You know Thirteen's iron-ball-trap-thingamajig?" |
Day 916 | |||
25 | School Trip 1 | — | "That school trip tomorrow is such a draaag." |
Gourmet Club | School Trip 2 | — | "The school trip's tomorrow!" |
Day 917 | |||
The Royals(3) | School Trip 3 | — | "I've been told we can choose which lecture to attend..." |
Cat(3) | School Trip 4 | — | "Per the student council's orders, I've been tasked with giving you a survey..." |
Day 918 | |||
Diavolo | Only One Truth! | (1) | "There is always only one truth!" |
The Angels(3) | Dog Patch | — | "Raphael's so mean!" |
Day 919 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Asmo's Treasure 1 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Barbatos | Asmo's Treasure 2 | — | "Asmodeus happened to show me a photo of a perfume bottle filled with cracks." |
Day 920 | |||
EMERGENCY!(6) | Lost and Found | — | "I found some Grimm stuck between the pages of a magazine in the living room." |
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Proper Meals | — | "Solomon, Raphael. You two have some explaining to do." |
Day 921 | |||
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Diable Laurent | — | "Hey, anyone interested in the latest from Diable Laurent?" |
Thirteen | A Sudden Visitor | — | "I just happened to be passing by the House of Lamentation..." |
Day 922 | |||
Where's My Money | With My Big Bro | — | <Sticker sent> |
Solomon | The Rare Vinyl Record 1 | — | "I once gifted Lucifer a record of which only a single copy exists in all three worlds." |
Day 923 | |||
12 | The Rare Vinyl Record 2 | — | "I said I'm sorry!" |
Simeon | A Late Hour | — | "Sorry for contacting you so late." |
Day 924 | |||
Solomon | Free Drink | — | "I was getting some juice from a vending machine, and it came with a bonus." |
Luke | The Great Feline Detective | — | "Satan recommended me a book." |
Day 925 | |||
Shameless Slander | The Wrong Demon | — | "Your brothers are all useless, aren't they?" |
Barbatos | Demonus Sabers | — | "At our next party, I shall be demonstrating Demonus sabers." |
Day 926 | |||
Gourmet Club | Don't Eat Him! | (1) | "Ta-daa!" |
Diavolo | Invitation to Moryo Town | — | "Have you heard, MC?" |
Day 927 | |||
1235(4) | Reincarnations | — | "I've been really into reincarnation novels lately." |
Belphegor | Rats! | — | "Satan and I tried to put a curse on Lucifer that would..." |
Day 928 | |||
Sweets Masters | The Organized and the Disorganized | — | "No matter how many times I tidy up Solomon's and Raphael's rooms, they..." |
Beelzebub | Thanks for Earlier | — | "Thanks for earlier, MC." |
Day 929 | |||
Diavolorino | Get Those Bonuses | — | "Hello, Leviathan." |
Asmodeus | New Lipstick | — | "Death K2's new lipstick is so fabulous!" |
Day 930 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Hand Me the Book | — | "I'm busy working in the library." |
Satan | Messy Room | — | "Ugh." |
Day 931 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | Free Keychain | — | "I saw something adorable today." |
Leviathan | A Gift from Ruri-Chan | — | "Wowza." |
Day 932 | |||
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | I Can't Sleep! | — | "Hey, guys?" |
Mammon | Just Missed You | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 933 | |||
Shameless Slander | Spot the Difference | — | "I finally completed the spot the difference puzzle..." |
Lucifer | Balance is Important | — | "These days, there are parts of the human world that take..." |
Day 934 | |||
Lucifer | About Dinner | — | <Sticker sent> |
Diavolorino | The Seven Lords Quiz Tournament 1 | — | "I've heard rumors, Leviathan." |
Day 935 | |||
Mammon | Poor Great Mammon | — | <Sticker sent> |
Sweets Masters | What Should I Do?! | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 936 | |||
Leviathan | Phantom Lyric 1 | — | "Have you downloaded Phantom Lyric?" |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Missing Glasses 1 | — | "Has anyone seen my glasses?" |
Day 937 | |||
Satan | Missing Glasses 2 | — | "Now this is getting interesting." |
Tea Demons | Unnoticeable Curse | — | "You must have been quite tired today, Lucifer." |
Day 938 | |||
Asmodeus | What is a Demon? | — | "So I got this book from the human world about..." |
Shameless Slander | Livestream 1 | — | "Consider this your warning." |
Day 939 | |||
Beelzebub | Cleaning the Bath | — | <Sticker sent> |
Big Brothers(3) | Livestream 2 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 940 | |||
Belphegor | Green Tea | — | "Hey, Barbatos gave me some green tea from the human world." |
25 | The Bargain | — | "Hey, you wanted a necklace from Majolish, right?" |
Day 941 | |||
Diavolo | A New Game 1 | — | "I saw Simeon and Luke after school." |
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | A New Game 2 | — | "Are you running late, Solomon?" |
Day 942 | |||
Barbatos | I Wish You Luck | — | "Earlier, at Madame Devian's, I purchased some..." |
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | I'm Broke! | — | "I'm dead broke!" |
Day 943 | |||
Luke | Cheddar | — | "Mammon was harassing some lower class demons at RAD by demanding they..." |
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | The Seven Lords Quiz Tournament 2 | (1) | "I've lost." |
Day 944 | |||
Simeon | The Seven Lords Quiz Tournament 3 | — | "You were watching the Seven Lords Quiz Tournament yesterday, right?" |
Belphegor | Mr. Duck | — | "You're taking a bath soon, right?" |
Day 945 | |||
Solomon | The Seven Lords Quiz Tournament 4 | — | "I lost to Leviathan." |
Belphegor | Terrible Treatment | — | "This suuucks." |
Day 946 | |||
Thirteen | Rise to Fame 1 | — | "I saw Mammon and Levi whispering about something earlier..." |
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Arcade | — | "I'm glad we finally got to stop by an arcade." |
Day 947 | |||
Lucifer | Asmo Night Location | — | "You've been invited to Asmo night, right?" |
Diabolus | Pneumatic Tube | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 948 | |||
Mammon | Mammon's New Look | — | <Sticker sent> |
67 | A New Trash Can? | — | "You know that new trash can someone left outside of the..." |
Day 949 | |||
Leviathan | Kiss the Cook | — | "Everyone's in the living room, right?" |
Luke | Pay It Forward | — | "So today I stopped by Hell's Burger..." |
Day 950 | |||
Satan | Trying Something New | — | "Have you ever heard of chocolate facials?" |
Belphegor | An Invitation from Levi | — | "Are you free rn?" |
Days 951-1000[]
951 - 1000 | |||
Chatroom Name | Title | CG | Preview |
Day 951 | |||
Asmodeus | Rise to Fame 2 | — | "Hey, have you heard?" |
Brothers No More | Obstacle | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 952 | |||
Beelzebub | Twin Things | — | <Sticker sent> |
Cat(3) | Sleepyhead | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 953 | |||
Sweet Tooth | Tea Time 1 | — | "I made scones!" |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Where's Dinner? | — | "Man, I'm starving." |
Day 954 | |||
Diavolo | Tea Time 2 | — | <Sticker sent> |
1235(4) | Corporate Lucifer | — | "Now that I think about it..." |
Day 955 | |||
Barbatos | Tea Time 3 | (1) | "My sincere gratitude for accompanying the Young Master..." |
12 | Mammon's Kindness | — | "You just stopped by the kitchen, didn't ya?" |
Day 956 | |||
Luke | Mishap at the Picnic | — | "I made it to the hill where we're having our picnic." |
Diavolorino | Phantom Lyric 2 | — | "She's heeeeere!" |
Day 957 | |||
Simeon | Impluse Buying | — | "When I went to the supermarket, they were having a big sale and I..." |
Belphegor | Monthly Bulletin | — | "Can I ask a favor?" |
Day 958 | |||
Solomon | It Happens | — | "I have something silly to tell you." |
45 | Big Baby | — | "I finally managed to get Belphie into his room." |
Day 959 | |||
Thirteen | Volunteer Work 1 | — | "Looks like I'll be lending my skills as part of the volunteer staff..." |
Diabolus | Mammon's Talent | — | "I saw something remarkable at the student council office today." |
Day 960 | |||
Where's My Money | Hear My Cry | — | "The Sucre Frenzy merch withered before my very eyes..." |
Gourmet Club | Thanks for Before | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 961 | |||
Raph | Care to Explain? | — | "Simeon, you had lunch with Satan, right?" |
The Royals(3) | Gluttony 1 | — | "MC, can you come to the castle right now?" |
Day 962 | |||
Shameless Slander | Volunteer Work 2 | — | "Thanks for your help with the Devil Color Run." |
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Gluttony 2 | — | "Everyone was talking about this at the student council meeting today." |
Day 963 | |||
EMERGENCY!(6) | Gluttony 3 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Gluttony 4 | (1) | "Take a look at this picture Asmodeus sent me." |
Day 964 | |||
Shameless Slander | You-Know-What 1 | — | "I've detected some suspicious behavior in Lucifer's..." |
Tea Demons | You-Know-What 2 | — | "I've been thoroughly enjoying that thing we talked about." |
Day 965 | |||
Luke (Chihuahua) | Late-Night Snack Guilt | — | "You looked a bit pale during class today." |
Belphegor | Under the Same Sky | — | "MC, take a look outside." |
Day 966 | |||
Diavolorino | Can't Log In | — | <Sticker sent> |
Gourmet Club | Signs That You're a Regular | — | "Did you know about the campaign they're doing at Hell's Kitchen now?" |
Day 967 | |||
The Royals(3) | A New Trend? 1 | — | "I've been seeing a lot of students with stickers on their D.D.D.s recently." |
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | A New Menu Item | (1) | "Guys, check this out!" |
Day 968 | |||
Diabolus | Attention, Please | — | "Imagine my surprise when I heard your voice over the loudspeaker..." |
Barbatos | Picture Postcard | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 969 | |||
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Who Did It? 1 | — | "Who carried me to bed when I fell asleep..." |
Luke | Who Did It? 2 | — | "This is going to sound strange, but..." |
Day 970 | |||
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Portable Pillow | — | <Sticker sent> |
Solomon | Recent Purchases | — | "Can I ask you something?" |
Day 971 | |||
Where's My Money | A Provocative Outfit 1 | — | "YO, DUDE!" |
The Fantastic Three(3) | A New Trend? 2 | — | "I find your taste questionable, Diavolo." |
Day 972 | |||
Asmodeus | A Provocative Outfit 2 | — | "You won't believe this, MC!" |
Sweets Masters | High in Demand | — | "I got the surprise of my life when I saw you on TV..." |
Day 973 | |||
345(3) | Asmo Stan | — | "A friend of mine mentioned there was an "interesting" café..." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Hell Soda Gummies 1 | — | "For some reason, I can't find hell soda gummies anywhere." |
Day 974 | |||
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Returning the Favor | — | "I found some fruit outside the door." |
25 | Flower Meanings 1 | — | "Guess what I saw!" |
Day 975 | |||
Beelzebub | Hell Soda Gummies 2 | — | "My brothers bought me a ton of hell soda gummies." |
Mammon | Flower Meanings 2 | — | "So, there's this florist that makes neat bouquets..." |
Day 976 | |||
Thirteen | Bad Dreams | — | "Last night, I dreamt that you all became giant and nearly..." |
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Get Some Rest | (1) | "I'm terribly sorry for falling asleep halfway through the..." |
Day 977 | |||
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | A Mysterious Plant 1 | — | "This is an emergency." |
Brothers No More | A Mysterious Plant 2 | — | "Is what Diavolo told me true?" |
Day 978 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | A Mysterious Plant 3 | — | "D'ya reckon there's some weird stuff buried under our floorboards too?" |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | A Ghostly Image | — | "So get this. I was taking a selfie with a cute..." |
Day 979 | |||
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Can't Stop Humming 1 | — | "Did you see Mammon start humming to himself..." |
Lucifer | Message on a Cup | — | "I saw a customer have a barista write something..." |
Day 980 | |||
Big Brothers(3) | About That Pen | — | "Lucifer." |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Cravings | — | "I have a serious craving for this specific food right now." |
Day 981 | |||
Diabolus | A Mysterious Plant 4 | — | "We've all settled back into Purgatory Hall." |
34 | A New Plan | — | "Do you know what sounds Lucifer detests?" |
Day 982 | |||
Simeon | What-I-Love-About-You Journal | — | "Do you know what a 'what I love about you' journal is?" |
Cat(3) | Pancakes | — | "I stumbled upon a cat-shaped frying pan, so I decided to buy it." |
Day 983 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | Lucky Stick | — | "You seemed to be in an unusually good mood today, Diavolo." |
Solomon | Can't Stop Humming 2 | — | "Someone at RAD told me I've been humming a lot lately." |
Day 984 | |||
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Who's up for a Jigsaw Puzzle? | — | "Hey, you two. I got another jigsaw puzzle..." |
Luke | Which to Choose? | — | "I'm at Uncle Demon right now." |
Day 985 | |||
Leviathan | Online Shopping Fail | — | "You know how when you buy stuff online, you sometimes..." |
Sweets Masters | Architectural Desserts | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 986 | |||
Raph | What's Inside the Fridge? | — | "Are you at home right now?" |
Diavolo | Photos Everywhere | — | "I had all the photos we've taken together on my D.D.D. up until now printed out." |
Day 987 | |||
Sweet Tooth | Dessert Connoisseurs | — | "I feel like I'm stuck in a baking rut, so I'd like to..." |
Mammon | The Cursed Room 1 | — | "I need ya to come to my room, NOW!" |
Day 988 | |||
345(3) | The Cursed Room 2 | — | "I heard Mammon scream bloody murder yesterday." |
Shameless Slander | Piggyback | — | "I only saw it from a distance, so it might just have been my imagination, but..." |
Day 989 | |||
Luke (Chihuahua) | Miscommunication | — | "I just arrived at our meeting place." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Fitness Club | — | "I found a fitness club that seems really fun." |
Day 990 | |||
Diavolo | Weeding Is Therapeutic 1 | — | "I enjoy weeding and taking care of the RAD garden." |
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Tiying Up | — | "Your room is becoming full of magical items, Solomon." |
Day 991 | |||
Cat(3) | An Unexpected Switcheroo | — | "About that collection of cat videos I borrowed from you..." |
1235(4) | A Rare Punishment | (1) | "LMAO how could I NOT take a photo of this?" |
Day 992 | |||
The Royals(3) | Weeding Is Therapeutic 2 | — | "Never in a million years did I imagine we would hold a..." |
Gourmet Club | Building Muscle 1 | — | "Hey, what kind of easy exercises would you recommend for beginners?" |
Day 993 | |||
345(3) | That's Not What I Asked Forǃ | — | <Sticker sent> |
Brothers No More | Building Muscle 2 | — | "Luke's movements seemed rather stiff today." |
Day 994 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Slumber Exchange 1 | — | "Made it to Purgatory Hallǃ" |
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Slumber Exchange 2 | — | "We're at the House of Lamentationǃ" |
Day 995 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Slumber Exchange 3 | — | "How are things over there?" |
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Slumber Exchange 4 | — | "I've had it up to here with these demonsǃ" |
Day 996 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Slumber Exchange 5 | — | "Lucifer has decided Luke's now in charge of doling out all the chores." |
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Slumber Exchange 6 | — | "I was startled to see Luke back at Purgatory Hall with so little warning." |
Day 997 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Slumber Exchange 7 | — | "So, Luke and Solomon have been sleepin' in the guest room, but..." |
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Slumber Exchange 8 | — | "Belphegor seemed to be nodding off a lot more..." |
Day 998 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Slumber Exchange 9 | — | "Belphie unlocked a new achievementǃ" |
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Slumber Exchange 10 | — | "I wonder if anyone else would like some company?" |
Day 999 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Slumber Exchange 11 | — | "Press F for Solomon and Satan." |
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Slumber Exchange 12 | — | "Luke, I heard that you gave Mammon guidance on proper dental hygiene?" |
Day 1,000 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Slumber Exchange 13 | — | "With Beel over at the Hall, we've been setting all kinds of cooking recordsǃ" |
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Slumber Exchange 14 | (1) | <Picture sent> |
Days 1001-1050[]
1001 - 1050 | |||
Chatroom Name | Title | CG | Preview |
Day 1,001 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | Slumber Exchange (Castle Edition) 1 | — | "Lucifer, I heard all about it!" |
The Royals(3) | Slumber Exchange (Castle Edition) 2 | — | "MC, did you hear?" |
Day 1,002 | |||
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Slumber Exchange (Castle Edition) 3 | — | "The main topic of today's student council meeting..." |
Shameless Slander | Slumber Exchange (Castle Edition) 4 | — | "So. I hear that Lord Diavolo's going to be..." |
Day 1,003 | |||
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Slumber Exchange (Castle Edition) 5 | — | "My Lord, is anything at all amiss?" |
Thirteen | Slumber Exchange (Castle Edition) 6 | — | "Hey! I heard that you guys are doing some..." |
Day 1,004 | |||
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Slumber Exchange (Castle Edition) 7 | — | "I am afraid to say that Mammon has..." |
Shameless Slander | Slumber Exchange (Castle Edition) 8 | — | "I had to drop off some paperwork today..." |
Day 1,005 | |||
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Slumber Exchange (Castle Edition) 9 | — | "Guys, ya gotta help me!" |
Thirteen | Slumber Exchange (Castle Edition) 10 | — | "Soooo, Cerberus is hanging around the school gates today." |
Day 1,006 | |||
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Slumber Exchange (Castle Edition) 11 | — | "Yo! What's all this I'm hearin' about..." |
Shameless Slander | Slumber Exchange (Castle Edition) 12 | — | "Mind telling me what was going on with Lord Diavolo at lunch today?" |
Day 1,007 | |||
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Slumber Exchange (Castle Edition) 13 | — | "I feel like I haven't seen Belphie napping in class for a while." |
Thirteen | Slumber Exchange (Castle Edition) 14 | — | "So, I just heard something fun." |
Day 1,008 | |||
The Brothers and the Demon Lord(10) | Slumber Exchange (Castle Edition) 15 | — | "It has come to my attention that the Young Master made a meal..." |
Shameless Slander | Slumber Exchange (Castle Edition) 16 | — | "So, how was your week-long sojourn at the Demon Lord's Castle?" |
Day 1,009 | |||
Where's My Money | Slumber Exchange (Castle Edition) 17 | — | "Man, there ain't no place like home!" |
56 | Group Stretches | (1) | "You've got to check this out!" |
Day 1,010 | |||
Lucifer | Who Is It? 1 | — | "OMG!" |
Mammon | Who Is It? 2 | — | "This is like, the worst thing to have ever happened..." |
Day 1,011 | |||
Leviathan | Who Is It? 3 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Satan | Who Is It? 4 | — | "MC, are you all right?" |
Day 1,012 | |||
Asmodeus | Who Is It? 5 | — | "Ugh, this whole thing is driving me up the freakin' wall!" |
Beelzebub | Who Is It? 6 | — | "MC, I heard you had a run-in with Solomon's most recent experiment?" |
Day 1,013 | |||
Belphegor | Who Is It? 7 | — | "This has been such a meowsy week." |
Diavolo | Who Is It? 8 | — | "Yaaaar, this be a fine flight of fancy!" |
Day 1,014 | |||
Barbatos | Who Is It? 9 | — | "Thanks to Solomon, we didn't get a lick of work done..." |
Luke | Who Is It? 10 | — | "The effects of that speech-altering magic should be wearing off soon, right?" |
Day 1,015 | |||
Simeon | Who Is It? 11 | — | "Hiya! ☆" |
Solomon | Who Is It? 12 | — | "Well, the claws are out meow." |
Day 1,016 | |||
Thirteen | Who Is It? 13 | — | "What gives?!" |
Belphegor | Who Is It? 14 | — | "Thank goodness, things are finally back to normal." |
Day 1,017 | |||
Thirteen | To Mt. Imminent Death 1 | — | "Man, am I glad that you guys are back to normal." |
Solomon | To Mt. Imminent Death 2 | — | "So, I heard you're going to Mt. Imminent Death?" |
Day 1,018 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | To Mt. Imminent Death 3 | — | "MC, where are you now?" |
Shameless Slander | To Mt. Imminent Death 4 | — | "So. I hear that MC and the others are making their way..." |
Day 1,019 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | To Mt. Imminent Death 5 | — | "Lucifer, you're the worst!" |
The Fantastic Three(3) | To Mt. Imminent Death 6 | — | "I heard that your brothers caused some trouble last night..." |
Day 1,020 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | To Mt. Imminent Death 7 | — | "Yo, dudes! I sent a crow..." |
Luke (Chihuahua) | To Mt. Imminent Death 8 | — | "Do you think MC is doing okay?" |
Day 1,021 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | To Mt. Imminent Death 9 | — | "Beel, ya went and set a place at the table for..." |
The Fantastic Three(3) | To Mt. Imminent Death 10 | — | "Lucifer, you're going to want to take a seat before reading any further." |
Day 1,022 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | To Mt. Imminent Death 11 | (1) | "The affixing of cats to official documents must cease." |
Luke (Chihuahua) | To Mt. Imminent Death 12 | — | "I just received a message from Solomon!" |
Day 1,023 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | To Mt. Imminent Death 13 | — | "Come oooon, MC..." |
Solomon | To Mt. Imminent Death 14 | — | "Thanks for all your hard work back there." |
Day 1,024 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | The Errand Boy | — | "It's my turn to buy groceries the day after tomorrow." |
Simeon | Tea Time Practice | — | "Barbatos invited me over to the Demon Lord's Castle." |
Day 1,025 | |||
Cat(3) | Cat Grass Got Your Tongue? | — | "I came up with a brilliant idea." |
Luke (Chihuahua) | Sharing Is Caring | — | "I just noticed that I'm running low on some baking ingredients." |
Day 1,026 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | The Disappearance of Lucifer | (1) | "Where did Lucifer go?" |
Luke | A Secret Favor | — | "I need some help with my homework..." |
Day 1,027 | |||
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | The Party Planning Committee | — | "Is it just me or is everyone getting bored of crazy, wild parties lately?" |
Diavolorino | Hook, Line, and Sinker! | — | "Let's play a game of chess, Leviathan!" |
Day 1,028 | |||
Solomon the Sorcerer | I Challenge You to a Duel! | — | "It sounds like Diavolo and Barbatos had an all-or-nothing game of chess." |
1235(4) | Levi's Rise to Popularity | — | "So I was thinking about upgrading my mic." |
Day 1,029 | |||
Luke (Chihuahua) | The Angel That Can't Fly | — | "I'm terrible at jumping rope." |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Mammon's Dog Days | — | "Good work, Mammon." |
Day 1,030 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | A Suave Transformation | — | "Listen with your heart." |
Sweets Masters | Plant Dad Troubles | — | "The recent lack of rain is troubling." |
Day 1,031 | |||
Barbatos | A Thank You for Earlier | — | "Thank you again for earlier." |
Leviathan | A Postcard Chock-Full of Love | — | "Listen up!" |
Day 1,032 | |||
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Black Fluff Everywhere | — | "What should I do?" |
The Royals(3) | One More Game! | — | "As you know, I've been humoring your sudden interest in chess recently, My Lord." |
Day 1,033 | |||
Gourmet Club | Everyone's a Food Critic | — | "I have a question." |
Solomon | Solomon's Penance | — | "Do you have a second?" |
Day 1,034 | |||
Asmodeus | Asmo's Got a Plan | — | "Ugh, I cannot BELIEVE Solomon!" |
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | A Friendly Wager | — | "I went to Hocus Pocus yesterday." |
Day 1,035 | |||
Sweet Tooth | Luke's Good Deed | — | "Thanks for today." |
1235(4) | Help Wanted | — | "I'm looking for some personnel to join me." |
Day 1,036 | |||
Tea Demons | Tea Demons Spilling the Tea | — | "The latest trend seems to be using tea leaves made by..." |
Belphegor | Help Wanted: The Aftermath | (1) | "Did you hear?" |
Day 1,037 | |||
Solomon | Sorcerer's Chocolate | — | "I hear there's a collection of chocolate for sorcerers." |
Shameless Slander | Partners in Crime | — | "Why'd you get in my way?!" |
Day 1,038 | |||
Diavolo | Diavolo the Guest Judge | — | "Satan and Belphegor invited me over." |
Satan | Let's Play a Game | — | "There's a railroad game that I found and it's..." |
Day 1,039 | |||
Beelzebub | Beel's Hidden Charm | — | "I was looking like a wreck by the end of my match today." |
Brothers No More | Into the Thick of It | — | "Luke received a model kit from Leviathan the other day." |
Day 1,040 | |||
Mammon | Mammon Goes Viral 1 | — | "Listen to this, MC!" |
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Rock-A-Bye Belphie | — | "I've been sleeping like a baby in class lately." |
Day 1,041 | |||
Solomon the Sorcerer | Mephisto's Sweet Side | — | "I saw Serun the other day." |
12 | Just This Once | — | "Yooo." |
Day 1,042 | |||
Raphael | Tiny Devil Sighting 1 | — | "I saw a tiny demon flying about in RAD." |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Tiny Devil Sighting 2 | — | "I heard Raphael encountered some sweet devils at RAD the other day." |
Day 1,043 | |||
Luke | Mammon Goes Viral 2 | — | "Did you hear about Mammon's video?" |
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Beel's Terri-Frying Breakfast | — | "This morning's scrambled eggs had quite a bite to them." |
Day 1,044 | |||
Diabolus | Mammon Goes Viral 3 | — | "Did you hear about what was seen in Asmodeus's new video?" |
Thirteen | Thirteen's on the Hunt | — | "Ugh, I'm so over everything!" |
Day 1,045 | |||
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Incident in the Garden 1 | — | "I have a question for you, Raphael." |
The Royals(3) | Incident in the Garden 2 | — | "Is Barbatos at the House of Lamentation?" |
Day 1,046 | |||
Raphael | The World's Most Delicious Food | — | "Coming to the Devildom has made me realize something." |
Lucifer | The Serenate Seeds | — | "You have an assignment for today's Devildom botany class to plant and grow seeds, correct?" |
Day 1,047 | |||
Luke | Character Bento | (1) | "Take a look at this, MC!" |
Satan | Mammon Goes Viral: The Epilogue | — | "I have an acquaintance who is a member of the Devildom Supernatural Society." |
Day 1,048 | |||
36 | Levi's Earnest Desire 1 | — | "The time has come..." |
Where's My Money | Levi's Earnest Desire 2 | — | "Yo, I just heard from Beel!" |
Day 1,049 | |||
Diabolus | Tiny Pillows, Big Dreams | — | "I found a bunch of pillows in an empty classroom." |
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | Beel's New Car-Dio Workout | — | "I found a really nice car." |
Day 1,050 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | A Group Meeting | — | "If I may, I would like to discuss the present that was..." |
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Your Bed Is Your Best Friend | — | "Did you see Shadow News 999?" |
Days 1051-1100[]
1051 - 1100 | |||
Chatroom Name | Title | CG | Preview |
Day 1,051 | |||
Diavolorino | The Concert Ticket | — | "I have an extra ticket to the Devildom Symphony Orchestra's latest concert." |
45 | The Search for Inspiration | — | "About that thing you asked about..." |
Day 1,052 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Levi's Earnest Desire 3 | — | "Everyone, come to my room ASAP!" |
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | What Makes a Party Chic? | — | "I've been thinking about how to host a chic party." |
Day 1,053 | |||
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Solomon's Done It Again | — | "Why don't we remodel Purgatory Hall?" |
Sweets Masters | Solomon's Done It Again: The Aftermath | — | "Thanks for your help earlier, Barbatos." |
Day 1,054 | |||
Solomon | Voodoo-Chan 1 | — | "You remember us making cursed dolls in class the other day, right?" |
Diavolo | Popcorn | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 1,055 | |||
345(3) | A What Stand? | — | "I saw the jewelry stand in your room, Levi." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Voodoo-Chan 2 | — | "Did someone drop a miniature dress in the kitchen?" |
Day 1,056 | |||
Diabolus | Close Call | (1) | "You know, Diavolo, you can be surprisingly clumsy sometimes." |
Diavolorino | Voodoo-Chan 3 | — | "I saw your cursed doll, Leviathan." |
Day 1,057 | |||
Leviathan | Voodoo-Chan 4 | — | "There's so much more to the world of fashion than I thought." |
Mammon | Atrocious Chocolate Pudding | — | "Dammit!" |
Day 1,058 | |||
56 | Chocolate Bath 1 | — | "You smelled really nice just now, Asmo." |
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Voodoo-Chan 5 | — | "I love your cursed doll's outfit, Raphael!" |
Day 1,059 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Chocolate Bath 2 | — | "Yo, what's causin' that crazy sweet smell?" |
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Chocolate Bath 3 | — | "I was looking forward to soaking in a tub full of chocolate." |
Day 1,060 | |||
Thirteen | A Casual Oversight | — | "Thanks for lending me your textbook!" |
Gourmet Club | Chocolate Bath 4 | — | "Thanks for inviting me to your chocolate fondue party!" |
Day 1,061 | |||
The Royals(3) | Voodoo-Chan 6 | — | "I have a rather peculiar story to share with you two." |
Where's My Money | Voodoo-Chan 7 | — | "Yo, is it me, or have more demons been..." |
Day 1,062 | |||
Shameless Slander | Voodoo-Chan 8 | — | "Regarding the trend of dressing up cursed dolls that has been all the rage lately.." |
12 | Now You Tell Me! | — | "I received a pair of Devilior shoes that I believe would be more to your taste." |
Day 1,063 | |||
Luke (Chihuahua) | Voodoo-Chan 9 | — | "Did you see Leviathan's Devilgram post from yesterday?" |
Shameless Slander | Voodoo-Chan 10 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 1,064 | |||
Barbatos | Before I Drift Off | — | <Sticker sent> |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Where's My Salt? | — | "I can't find the bath salts I just bought." |
Day 1,065 | |||
TEAM PARTYYYYY(3) | Voodoo-Chan 11 | — | "Hey." |
Solomon | The Least I Can Do | — | "Apparently, Simeon left me a snack while I was conducting some experiments." |
Day 1,066 | |||
Sweet Tooth | Simeon's Urgent Business | — | "I received a message from Simeon asking if I knew anything of your whereabouts." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | What Did It Taste Like? | — | "The takeout we had for last night's dinner was amazing." |
Day 1,067 | |||
345(3) | The Anger-Melting Eye Mask | (1) | "Check this out." |
The Royals(3) | Voodoo-Chan 12 | — | "Barbatos made something quite impressive." |
Day 1,068 | |||
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | Voodoo-Chan 13 | — | "Didn't Levi and the others say they were going on a picnic today?" |
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Pajama Twins 1 | — | "I just saw Beelzebub and Belphegor wandering around town in pajamas." |
Day 1,069 | |||
Barbatos | Matcha Fad | — | "Did you know that matcha seems to be all the rage in town right now?" |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Pajama Twins 2 | — | "Is it true that Beel and Belphie went into town in their pajamas?" |
Day 1,070 | |||
Luke | Moe Moe Café 1 | — | "I found a café with some super tasty-looking desserts." |
The Royals(3) | The Travel Lottery | — | "The other day, I watched an interesting television program when I visited Purgatory Hall." |
Day 1,071 | |||
56 | The Quest for a Burger 1 | — | "Didn't you say you wanted to go to that new burger joint?" |
Beelzebub | The Quest for a Burger 2 | — | "I went to that new burger joint that opened recently." |
Day 1,072 | |||
Solomon | Don't Press Those Buttons 1 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Simeon | Don't Press Those Buttons 2 | — | "I found something unusual in one of the RAD hallways." |
Day 1,073 | |||
Tea Demons | Don't Press Those Buttons 3 | — | "I've dealt Satan and Belphie a suitable punishment." |
Devildom Prince | Don't Press Those Buttons 4 | — | "I'm so sorry." |
Day 1,074 | |||
Diabolus | Is This Your Pen? | — | "You wouldn't happen to have lost a pen, would you?" |
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | A Productive Walk 1 | — | "You seem to be going on a lot of walks lately, Satan." |
Day 1,075 | |||
Sweets Masters | Cooking Class 1 | — | "Can I ask you something?" |
Gourmet Club | Hell's Kitchen's New Promotion | — | "Have you seen Hell's Kitchen's newest promotion?!" |
Day 1,076 | |||
Big Brothers(3) | The Way I Look at My Idols | (1) | "Levi's been frozen like this for about an hour now." |
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | A Productive Walk 2 | — | "Have you been using the app Satan recommended?" |
Day 1,077 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | The Ghost Train of My Dreams 1 | — | "Are any of you an expert on the so-called ghost train?" |
Belphegor | The Ghost Train of My Dreams 2 | — | "So, about the ghost train..." |
Day 1,078 | |||
Belphegor | The Ghost Train of My Dreams 3 | — | "The ghost train really did travel across the night sky." |
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Moe Moe Café 2 | — | "Simeon!" |
Day 1,079 | |||
Solomon | I Wish I Hadn't Seen That | — | <Sticker sent> |
Diavolo | Cooking Class 2 | — | "Have you heard?" |
Day 1,080 | |||
Sweets Masters | An Impromptu Improvisation | — | "I heard you had a rather uncomfortable experience due to Solomon summoning you..." |
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Watch Out for the Fizz | — | "Which one of you imbeciles spilled juice all over the hallway..." |
Day 1,081 | |||
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Where Have I Heard That Before? | — | "As much as I like playing cards with everyone, sometimes feel like playing..." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | A Hearty Appetite | — | "Is it me, or have we been getting a lot of food deliveries lately?" |
Day 1,082 | |||
Simeon | The Downside of Online Promos | — | "There's something I'd like help with." |
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Keychain Collector | — | "Have you all received your gifts from Diavolo already?" |
Day 1,083 | |||
Belphegor | Thriving on Praise | — | "Lucifer complained that I'm late too often to RAD." |
Raph | Let's Make Some Memories | — | "Did I ever show you that album?" |
Day 1,084 | |||
Beelzebub | Training Photos | (1) | "I'd like your opinion on something." |
Asmodeus | A Whole New Look | — | "You know how you get all sorts of trial services these days?" |
Day 1,085 | |||
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | The Paper Plane Tournament 1 | — | "How do you make a paper plane fly farther?" |
The Fantastic Three(3) | The Paper Plane Tournament 2 | — | "Could I ask you something?" |
Day 1,086 | |||
Mammon | The Paper Plane Tournament 3 | — | "Yo!" |
Satan | The Paper Plane Tournament 4 | — | "Wouldn't cats look cute if they could fly?" |
Day 1,087 | |||
1235(4) | The Paper Plane Tournament 5 | — | "Hey, did you see Satan's cat-plane?" |
67 | The Paper Plane Tournament 6 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 1,088 | |||
Thirteen/Memory Box | The Paper Plane Tournament 7 | — | "Quick question, are traps allowed in this paper plane tournament?" |
The Royals(3) | The Paper Plane Tournament 8 | — | "Tomorrow's finally the day of the paper plane tournament!" |
Day 1,089 | |||
Invocatio(3) | The Paper Plane Tournament 9 | — | "Congrats on winning!" |
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | The Paper Plane Tournament 10 | — | "The tournament was so much fun!" |
Day 1,090 | |||
Shameless Slander | The Paper Plane Tournament 11 | — | "You came to cover the paper plane tournament, didn't you?" |
Simeon | The Appeal of Sunglasses | — | "The other day, when we were waiting for you at the House of Lamentation..." |
Day 1,091 | |||
The Demon Brothers (New)(7) | Custom Cake 1 | — | "Urgent!" |
Big Brothers(3) | Custom Cake 2 | — | "These extra classes are boring as all hell." |
Day 1,092 | |||
Luke (Chihuahua) | Where Did They Go?! 1 | — | "Have you seen Solomon?" |
Brothers No More | Where Did They Go?! 2 | — | "Hey, is Solomon with you right now?" |
Day 1,093 | |||
Gourmet Club | Where Did They Go?! 3 | — | "Hey, has Satan come back yet?" |
Thirteen | Extra Spoon? | — | "Hey, do you have an extra spoon?" |
Day 1,094 | |||
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Where Did They Go?! 4 | — | "You know, I just remembered." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Where Did They Go?! 5 | — | "Who'd have thought they were at a cat café for an event?" |
Day 1,095 | |||
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Where Did They Go?! 6 | — | "I'm sorry, everyone." |
Cat(3) | Where Did They Go?! 7 | — | "Well, a lot happened, but the cat café event was utter bliss." |
Day 1,096 | |||
Diavolorino | Cheer Screening 1 | — | "You seemed to be in high spirits when I saw you at RAD." |
Where's My Money | Cheer Screening 2 | — | "What am I going to do?" |
Day 1,097 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | Cheer Screening 3 | — | "Levi invited me to a movie screening where the audience is encouraged to participate." |
Satan | Bewitching Cat Stickers 1 | — | "You've seen those new Bewitching Paw Candies, right?" |
Day 1,098 | |||
Diabolus | What's in the box?! 1 | (1) | "Take a look at this, Diavolo." |
The Fantastic Three(3) | What's in the box?! 2 | — | "I heard from Solomon." |
Day 1,099 | |||
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | What's in the box?! 3 | — | "That was careless of me." |
Asmodeus | Love Recharge | — | "Hey, MC!" |
Day 1,100 | |||
Luke | Regular Customer | — | "The other day, I lost my loyalty card for Hell's Kitchen." |
Cat(3) | Bewitching Cat Stickers 2 | — | "How's your collection coming along, Solomon?" |
Days 1101-1150[]
1101 - 1150 | |||
Chatroom Name | Title | CG | Preview |
Day 1,101 | |||
Brothers No More | The Same Old Issue 1 | — | "Do you have a minute?" |
Simeon | The Same Old Issue 2 | — | "Has Lucifer come home yet?" |
Day 1,102 | |||
Lucifer | The Same Old Issue 3 | — | "After you told me to get some sleep, I..." |
Luke | A Very Angry Luke | — | "Solomon's being such a meanie!" |
Day 1,103 | |||
Lucifer, you S*CK!(3) | Our Daily Fun | — | "Lucifer didn't notice today either." |
345(3) | Bedheads | — | "Today, our twins had exactly the same bedhead look." |
Day 1,104 | |||
Beelzebub | Growing Paellas 1 | — | "I bought some rare seeds." |
Belphegor | Growing Paellas 2 | — | "About those seeds that Beel planted..." |
Day 1,105 | |||
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Growing Paellas 3 | — | "You heard from Belphie, right?" |
Diavolorino | Cheer Screening 4 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 1,106 | |||
Mammon | Power Spot | — | "So, I'm at this famous spot that's s'posed to have lots of spiritual energy." |
Invocatio(3) | Irresistible to All 1 | (1) | "I was visiting Purgatory Hall, when I..." |
Day 1,107 | |||
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | Misunderstanding | — | "Satan, did you place that order for me?" |
Tea Demons | There Are Limits | — | "Please help me!" |
Day 1,108 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Irresistible to All 2 | — | "Ohmygosh..." |
Belphegor | Irresistible to All 3 | — | "Do you want to try that famous sofa, MC?" |
Day 1,109 | |||
Sweet Tooth | Irresistible to All 4 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Irresistible to All 5 | — | "Solomon, regarding that sofa of yours..." |
Day 1,110 | |||
Diabolus | Irresistible to All 6 | — | "Solomon, I heard that you've acquired a good sofa." |
Leviathan | Back Pains | — | "Did you see the new art for the Ruri-chan collab café?!" |
Day 1,111 | |||
Barbatos | Nature Cameras | — | "Have you heard of DevilTube's nature cameras?" |
Beelzebub | A Frustrating Event | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 1,112 | |||
Raphael | Unavoidable 1 | — | "I need to ask you a favor." |
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Unavoidable 2 | — | "I just saw your messages!" |
Day 1,113 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Unavoidable 3 | — | "I'm still nauseous from eating Solomon's cooking last night." |
Solomon | A Rival Appears | — | "Leviathan lent me a manga involving a poisonous jelly that..." |
Day 1,114 | |||
Leviathan | Second Thoughts Are Best | — | "You know how some apps don't let you change your username..." |
Tea Demons | Cursed Record 1 | (1) | "I'll bring it tomorrow." |
Day 1,115 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | Cursed Record 2 | — | "I apologize for the commotion during the tea party..." |
Sweets Masters | Cursed Record 3 | — | "Simeon, Luke, how are you feeling?" |
Day 1,116 | |||
Luke | Anime Adaptation 1 | — | "Hey! Big news!" |
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Roar of the Beast 1 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 1,117 | |||
Thirteen | Any Ideas? | — | "Ever heard of the man-eating vase?" |
Brothers Under a Pact(4) | Roar of the Beast 2 | — | "Help! Save me!" |
Day 1,118 | |||
Shameless Slander | Reading Habits 1 | — | "Don't you think students should be using RAD's library more often?" |
Diavolo | Reading Habits 2 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Day 1,119 | |||
Thirteen | Reading Habits 3 | — | "Hey! Is it true that we exchange students..." |
12 | Reading Habits 4 | — | "Are you in your room at the moment?" |
Day 1,120 | |||
67 | Reading Habits 5 | — | "So, I got a book from the library." |
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Reading Habits 6 | — | "We've got a problem." |
Day 1,121 | |||
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Reading Habits 7 | — | "Does everyone have a book for RAD Reading Week?" |
Luke (Chihuahua) | Reading Habits 8 | — | "Simeon! The novel you told me about is..." |
Day 1,122 | |||
Diabolus | Reading Habits 9 | — | "Solomon!" |
Raph | Reading Habits 10 | — | "How's the book Solomon chose for you?" |
Day 1,123 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | Reading Habits 11 | — | <Sticker sent> |
45 | Reading Habits 12 | — | "Absolutely amazing!" |
Day 1,124 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Reading Habits 13 | — | "The deadline for submitting our reviews is tomorrow." |
Leviathan | Reading Habits 14 | — | "Hey!" |
Day 1,125 | |||
Diavolorino | Reading Habits 15 | — | "Thank you so much, Lord Diavolo!" |
Angel Luke | Reading Habits 16 | — | "I'm sorry." |
Day 1,126 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Mary's Plaza 1 | — | "Today, I made a discovery." |
The Fantastic Three(3) | Mary's Plaza 2 | — | "Lucifer, thank you for reporting that irregularity at Mary's Plaza." |
Day 1,127 | |||
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Pretty Amazing, Right? | (1) | "Check out this latte art!" |
Satan | Anime Adaptation 2 | — | "The first episode of the Case Files of Feline Inspector Tama was spectacular." |
Day 1,128 | |||
Brothers No More | Good Grief | — | "Thank you for listening to me vent." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Room Switch 1 | — | "I saw this series on DevilTube where friends swap rooms." |
Day 1,129 | |||
Beelzebub | Room Switch 2 | — | "It feels weird being in your room when you aren't in it, MC." |
Asmodeus | Room Switch 3 | — | "You're so lucky, MC!" |
Day 1,130 | |||
34 | Room Switch 4 | — | "Are you in my room right now?" |
Mammon | Room Switch 5 | — | "Ugh, this is boooorin'." |
Day 1,131 | |||
Cat(3) | Room Switch 6 | — | "I heard everyone at the House of Lamentation switched rooms." |
Invocatio(3) | Room Switch 7 | — | "I saw your livestream, Asmodeus." |
Day 1,132 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Room Switch 8 | — | "Switching rooms was so much fun!" |
The Fantastic Three(3) | Room Switch 9 | — | "I heard that your brothers had fun swapping rooms for a while." |
Day 1,133 | |||
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Room Switch 10 | — | "The room switch thing they did at the House of Lamentation..." |
Invocatio(3) | See, That's Love | — | "Hey, listen to this!" |
Day 1,134 | |||
Sweet Tooth | Room Switch 11 | — | <Sticker sent> |
Raph | Room Switch 12 | — | "Does Luke enjoy picture books?" |
Day 1,135 | |||
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Room Switch 13 | — | "You know..." |
Diavolo | Ketchup Art | — | "The other day, I dropped in at the House of Lamentation." |
Day 1,136 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Noise Complaint 1 | (1) | "Which one of you was behind the buffoonery during recess?" |
Diabolus | Noise Complaint 2 | — | "Everyone seemed to have a great time during recess today." |
Day 1,137 | |||
Big Brothers(3) | Daily Gratitude 1 | — | "Thanks for everything, Lucifer." |
Solomon | Overworked? | — | "I made some tea during a research break, but when I drank it..." |
Day 1,138 | |||
34 | Daily Gratitude 2 | — | "Thanks for today, Levi." |
Where's My Money | Daily Gratitude 3 | — | "YOU said you'd pay me back if I made someone cry." |
Day 1,139 | |||
Belphegor | Hide Me! 1 | — | "Quick! Hide me in your room, MC!" |
34 | Daily Gratitude 4 | — | "I read your letter." |
Day 1,140 | |||
Luke (Chihuahua) | Parental Love 1 | — | "Luke, I know you love baking, but don't you think you should..." |
Angel Luke | Parental Love 2 | — | "Sorry!" |
Day 1,141 | |||
Simeon | Parental Love 3 | — | "I wonder if I'm too strict." |
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | Reading Habits 17 | — | "You seem to be in an awfully good mood lately, Satan." |
Day 1,142 | |||
Raph | Cold Treatment | — | "I heard that a student was looking for you at RAD earlier." |
Belphegor | Hide Me! 2 | — | "Hey, thanks for letting me hide in your room the other day." |
Day 1,143 | |||
The Angels(3) | An Egg With Eyes | — | "Can eggs have faces?" |
Sweets Masters | Lavishing Praise | — | "Why don't you come over to Purgatory Hall?" |
Day 1,144 | |||
Belphegor | A Careless Older Brother | — | "So..." |
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | All-New Cup Cuties Capsule Toys 1 | — | "We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming..." |
Day 1,145 | |||
12 | Learning Through Comics 1 | — | "Are you at all confident that you'll pass the upcoming curses and hexes exam?" |
Devildom Prince | All-New Cup Cuties Capsule Toys 2 | — | "Those new Cup Cuties of yours are all anyone on campus can talk about." |
Day 1,146 | |||
Raph | A Special Recipe 1 | — | "I wanted to try recreating Solomon's dishes myself..." |
Solomon | A Special Recipe 2 | — | "I need your honest opinion on something..." |
Day 1,147 | |||
Barbatos | All-New Cup Cuties Capsule Toys 3 | (1) | "Behold." |
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | All-New Cup Cuties Capsule Toys 4 | — | "Which one did you guys get?" |
Day 1,148 | |||
Shameless Slander | All-New Cup Cuties Capsule Toys 5 | — | "Rejoice." |
Gourmet Club | Kids' Meals 1 | — | "Luke, I have a question for you." |
Day 1,149 | |||
The Royals(3) | All-New Cup Cuties Capsule Toys 6 | — | "Would you be interested in a set of Barbatos Cup Cuties?" |
The Royals(3) | All-New Cup Cuties Capsule Toys 7 | — | "I'm putting in a special order for those Barbatos Cup Cuties..." |
Day 1,150 | |||
Asmodeus | Karaoke Aficionados 1 | — | "Okay, so! Levi just sent me a selfie..." |
Satan | Wildest Fantasies | — | "Imagine, if you will." |
Days 1151-1200[]
1151 - 1200 | |||
Chatroom Name | Title | CG | Preview |
Day 1,151 | |||
Diavolorino | Difficulty Level | — | "The last game that you lent me really is rather difficult." |
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Kids' Meals 2 | — | "Luke, are you packed and ready for your trip to the human world?" |
Day 1,152 | |||
House of Lamentation (New)(8) | Kids' Meals 3 | — | "Hey, Lucifer! Beel!" |
Luke | Kids' Meals 4 | — | "The human world sure has changed." |
Day 1,153 | |||
Invocatio(3) | Kids' Meals 5 | — | "Purgatory Hall seems like it'd be pretty quiet without Luke around." |
The Attic Club "Sandwich" (3) | Kids' Meals 6 | — | "You're not supposed to eat cream puffs that have been..." |
Day 1,154 | |||
The Fantastic Three(3) | Kids' Meals 7 | — | "Have you gotten back to the Devildom yet?" |
Purgatory Hall (New)(4) | Kids' Meals 8 | — | "I was so glad that you'd gotten home safe and sound that I..." |
Day 1,155 | |||
No Big Brothers Allowed(3) | Kids' Meals 9 | — | "So, Lucifer's busy chewing out the usual suspects." |
Cat(3) | Kids' Meals 10 | — | "Solomon, did you get any souvenirs from the human world?" |
Day 1,156 | |||
Mammon | All-New Cup Cuties Capsule Toys 8 | — | "Okay, what gives?!" |
Diavolo | Wakeup Shakeup 1 | — | "If you were going to startle someone awake, would it be..." |
Day 1,157 | |||
TBA | |||