Obey Me! Wiki

Animal Chaos Devilgram
Animal Chaos
monSOLO Intimacy: Beelzebub Lv. 5
Card(s): Animal Chaos
ButlerBarb Story Key x3
Lucifer Story Key x5
Angeluke Story Key x8
#Lion #Foodcravings

Story Summary[]

monSOLO Better to keep your distance.[]

Mammon comes into the living room, saying he found the coolest toy at Hocus Pocus today: a ball that, when thrown on the floor, turns everybody who is close to it temporarily into an animal. Mammon then demonstrates it without asking, turning himself into a tiger, Beel into a lion, Belphie into a fox and Levi into a giraffe. MC isn't transformed however, which Levi thinks is boring: he wanted to see cat ears on MC. Beel suddenly feels very hungry and he thinks MC smells extra delicious today, which worries the others, saying that Beel can't eat people now that he is a lion.

ButlerBarb Since when did this turn in...[]

Levi comments that carnivores are such beasts, so Mammon threatens to eat him. Belphie says that Levi probably tastes bad and that if he's going to eat someone, he'd rather be it MC. Then Mammon also thinks that MC looks appetizing. However, even though they were half-joking, Beel gets angry and says nobody can eat MC. Mammon tells him they weren't serious when he and Belphie notice that Beel is really struggling to control himself not to eat MC, himself. Beel runs off and MC follows him.

Lucifer Beel's dangerous even when...[]

Beel tells MC to not follow him since he is afraid he can't control himself, but MC doesn't give up. Beel is really worried he might hurt MC like this, being a lion. However, he is happy that MC is not willing to just give up on him.

Angeluke Good thing he didn't eat yo...[]

Beel is feeling really wild, but MC calms him down with either a hug or a kiss. Even after calming down, he remains worried, but MC tells Beel that they trust him, which makes him feel a little better. MC keeps him company and distracts him from his hunger until the effect wears off. Beel is relieved that he is back to normal and gives MC a hug. That's when Levi, Mammon and Belphie show up. They were looking for them, but after seeing Beel and MC hugging each other, they decide that they were worried for nothing.
